3. Parabolic Microphone
Tier 3 Parabolic Mic: Detecting the D.O.T.S ambient sound and 2 objects thrown by the ghost in the dining room.
The parabolic microphone, for those who are unaware, is a long range audio detection device that allows you to listen in on whispers, footsteps, and other audio cues from the ghost. This will be your most reliable method of finding the ghost room for large maps. Every single ghost can be detected on the parabolic mic and while this won’t necessarily identify the ghost’s favorite room, it will significantly narrow down your choices..
Using the Parabolic Mic
- Add it to your loadout from the loadout menu before starting an investigation.
- Turn the mic on and scan various directions/locations by looking around.
- Listen for whispers, footsteps, or objects thrown by the ghost. The direction the sounds come from is the direction the ghost’s favorite room will be in.
- Pay attention to sounds of the ghost interacting with the environment, such as when it throws objects, these can be easily missed or misinterpreted.
- Two ghosts have special interactions with the parabolic microphone
- Moroi: If you hear the Moroi through the parabolic mic it will place a curse on you. While cursed, your sanity drain is significantly increased and will likely catch you off guard. Using a sanity restoration item will cleanse the curse.
- Banshee: The banshee is the only ghost in the game with a unique sound from the parabolic microphone. It has a 30% chance to produce a noise that sounds like a ghostly scream lost in the wind.
2. EMF Reader
Tier 3 EMF reader: Detecting a dinner plate thrown by the ghost.
The EMF reader is an excellent way to search for the ghost room. It specifically detects the magnitude of ghost interactions, which every ghost will produce, and oftentimes this is produced within the ghost room. It’s also useful for distinguishing ambient noises from ghost activity, especially when you aren’t familiar with the ambient sounds which can easily be mistaken for ghost activity. Remember, the EMF reader will only buzz on interactions from the ghost.
Using the EMF Reader
- Walk around carrying the EMF reader, be sure that it’s turned on.
- If you think you heard ghost activity, go towards the direction it came from. When you get close enough, the EMF reader will buzz or stay silent. This is how you’ll know if the ghost is here or not.
- The EMF reader is a default item and will always be included in your loadout.
- The EMF reader will always read at level 1, be careful not to confuse its idle reading with ghost activity.
- Some ghosts like to roam away from their favorite room. If you get EMF activity in one room, be sure to confirm it’s the favorite room by using another method of detection.
1. Thermometer
For small or medium maps, the thermometer is going to be your most reliable method of discovering the ghost’s favorite room as the ghosts room is the only room capable of freezing temperatures. While its true that each ghost doesn’t have freezing temperatures for evidence, the ghosts room will still be the coldest room on the map.
If you don’t have freezing temperatures, I would recommend using another method in tandem with the thermometer to confirm your suspicions. This is because the ghost can change its favorite room, leaving its old room deceptively cold.
Using the Thermometer
- If using the tier one thermometer, simply hold it in your inventory and walk from room to room. Pay attention to when the thermometer begins to drop. This will be the ghost's favorite room.
- If using the tier 2 or 3 thermometer, hold it in your inventory and scan each room as you enter them. Compare your readings to other areas of the house, or to the outdoor temperatures.
- The ghost room will be the coldest room, likely close to or less than 0 degrees celsius.
- The thermometer is a default item and will always be included in your loadout.
- Tier 1: The temperature shown on the tier 1 thermometer only lowers once you’re in the ghost room. It rises or stays constant elsewhere.
- Tier 2 & 3: Before entering the investigation site, scan the outdoor temperature to get a baseline temp. The avg. temp. of each room will be within a few degrees of the outdoor temps with the ghost’s favorite room at less than half of it.
- If the temperature rises above half the outdoor reading, its likely that the ghost has switched rooms even though the room may still be colder than other areas of the house.
Below are images with descriptions detailing how I used the thermometer to discover the ghost’s favorite room and detected when it changed. The method shown uses the tier 3 thermometer, but also works at tier 2 and tier 1.
Tier 3 Thermometer: Scanning outdoor temperatures before entering the house, the ghost room will be colder than half this temp--less than 7.
The temperature of the living room is nearly the same temperature as outside. This is not the ghost room.
The temperature of the dining room is consistently less than 7 degrees. This is the ghost room.
The video camera can identify the ghost room, but it’s dependent on which ghost is present so it was excluded from the list. Here, I was lucky enough to have a ghost with orbs evidence, the spec of dust circled in the video camera, which confirms the dining room is the ghost room.
While collecting evidence, I noticed the ghost room has risen above half the outdoor temperature. This indicates the ghost has changed favorite rooms even though the thermometer would give occasional readings at, or just under, 7 degrees.
Temperatures in the kitchen have significantly fallen below half the outdoor temperature. This is the new ghost room.
After switching some equipment, I noticed the temperature of the kitchen has risen above 7 degrees. This Indicates the ghost has changed rooms again.
Temperatures in the basement are consistently below half the temperature outside. This is the new ghost room.
Using the video camera I re-discovered orbs evidence, now located in the basement where I detected the low temps.
Freezing temperatures evidence was later detected which would have solidified suspicions had orbs not been previously detected.