The ultimate battle between the plant kingdom and the plant-hungry zombies can be extremely challenging. Luckily for you, I know about 10 amazing setup strategies that can be used to guarantee victory in this battle. Keep reading to find out more!
10. Let’s get farming
This setup uses the Cob Cannon, Pumpkin Pult, and a couple of Fume Shrooms. It is reasonably simple to set this up and it is very effective. Let me tell you more:
- Spread about 4 Cob Cannons at the back of your defensive line.
- Spread Pumpkin Pults throughout the rest of your lawn. Make sure that you add enough of these warriors to your gameplay.
- Lastly, add a couple of Fume Shrooms to the front of your yard. Make sure that they are spread across the first 2 or 3 columns of your defense line as they attack at a closer range.
This setup will guarantee victory against the plant-hungry undead, trust me!
9. Shroomin’ Pumpkins
This setup contains 2 very interesting characters that aren’t given enough credit in Plants vs. Zombies, namely the Gloom Shroom and the Pumpkin Pult. I am going to let you in on the secret of this amazing strategy:
- Plant a couple of Twin Sunflowers at the very back of your yard. For this setup, you are going to need some extra Sun!
- Place as many Pumpkin Pults in your gameplay as possible.
- The next step is vital for your attack. Add Gloom Shrooms EVERYWHERE! They will be your main source of attack and you will be required to utilize them to their full potential.
- You can add some Electric Blueberries as you like, but they are not required for this setup.
This setup can be quite challenging if you don't manage it well enough, but for an experienced Plants vs. Zombies player, this one will be a breeze!
8. Did someone say Corn?
The next setup is as simple as they come! It only makes use of the Corn Cob.
- Fill your entire yard with as many Corn Cobs as you can. They will be your main and only source of attack and will withhold any damage caused by zombies.
Although this setup only makes use of the Corn Cob, I would suggest adding an entire backline of Sunflowers. This will ensure that you have enough Sun to purchase as many Corn Cobs as you wish.
7. Shroom Trip

This setup will be used at night. The equivalent of The Sunflower is The Sun-Shroom. This plant is extremely important for the night gameplay. You will not be receiving any free Sun, therefore the Sun-Shroom will be vital. You will also be utilizing The Puff-Shroom and The Fume-Shroom in this setup.
It will work as follows:
- Place at least two rows of The Sun-Shroom at the very back of your lawn. This is a vital step in this setup.
- The Fume-Shroom will cause damage to zombies that are at least four spaces in front of him. Place The Fume-Shroom over an entire column more or less two spaces in front of The Sun-Shroom.
- Fill up every single space in front of The Fume-Shroom with The Puff-Shroom. These plants do not cost any Sun and will cause damage to a zombie when planted in masses.
It is very important to stay attentive to your Puff-Shrooms during your gameplay. They should be replaced frequently. You can also utilize the Fume-Shroom by planting more of them towards the front of your lawn. They will cause more damage than The Puff-Shroom and should therefore be utilized.
6. It’s all Sun and Peas

This strategy is extremely simple, yet potent. It only makes use of two simple plants: The Sunflower and The Peashooter. This might not seem like much, but believe me, this strategy will surprise you and your opponent! It works as follows:
- Start by covering your entire back row with Sunflowers. This is an essential step to this setup, as you will need plenty of Sun to purchase enough Peashooters.
- The next step should be done as fast as possible. Start with the next row and cover it completely with Peashooters. As you receive more Sun from your backline of Sunflowers, purchase more and more Peashooters and cover each row as you go.
You must cover as much ground with Peashooters as you can. They are your only line of attack and should be placed in bulk. This setup will guarantee victory. You are welcome to thank me later.
5. Let’s get healthy

This setup uses peas and nuts! It mainly uses the Peashooter, The Wall-Nut, and the Snow Pea. It is very effective as it uses elements of attack and defense. Let me tell you more:
- It is suggested to plant an entire row of Sunflowers at the very back of your yard to ensure that you have enough Sun to purchase the rest of your attacking plants.
- Fill the rest of your yard with a mixture of Peashooters and Snow Peas. You can place them as you please, as long as you make sure that they are placed evenly. You should not leave gaps for zombies to reach your house.
- Lastly, fill the front row with Wall-Nuts! Make sure that each row has at least one Wall-Nut. This will slow down the zombies at the very front of your yard and allow the attacking plants to cause hella damage to the zombies as they are stalled.
This setup is an oldie, but a goodie. It is trusted by many experienced Plants vs. Zombies players. That should tell you everything you need to know about this setup.
4. I’m walking on sunshine!

This setup is very similar to the previous one. It mainly uses the Snow Pea but substitutes the Peashooter for the Split Pea. You are also required to make use of the powerful Wall-Nut again. Let’s find out some more about this potent setup.
- Start by planting an entire row of the Snow Pea at the very back of your yard.
- Now we get to the fun part. Place as many Sunflowers as possible across your yard. This will ensure that you have enough Sun for the Split Pea, considering that it is quite pricey!
- Now that you have enough Sun, go ham with the Split Pea. You can place as many Split Peas around your yard as your finances allow.
- Top this setup off with the well-known Wall-Nut. You should place this at the very front of your yard to stall the zombies as they get demolished by your attacking plants.
This setup is one of my personal favorites and one that I will recommend to anyone who enjoys Plants vs. Zombies!
3. You just got served… some peas!

This setup is one of the most simple setups that will require almost no effort from your side. All you will need for this setup is some Sunflowers, The Gatling Pea, and The Peashooter. It sounds like a recipe for success if you ask me!
Let me explain how you will be victorious with this simple setup:
- As usual, plant a row of Sunflowers at the very back of your lawn.
- As soon as you have a solid row of Sunflowers, start purchasing Peashooter and place them all over your lawn.
- The next step is optional, but I do highly recommend it. Plant another row of Sunflowers at the back of your lawn to optimize the amount of Sun you will receive.
- The next step is the fun part: start placing The Gatling Pea in every column to start attacking!
- You can add some Snow Peas to the very front of your yard if your finances allow this move. Note that it is optional, but it will definitely provide that extra edge to this setup.
If you follow all of these steps thoroughly, I can guarantee that those zombies do not stand a single chance when they are served a sunny Pea dinner!
2. Cabbage, anyone?

This setup only uses the Sunflower, the Cabbage Pult, and the Wall-Nut. It is pretty simple but astonishingly effective! Let me tell you more:
- Place about 2 rows of Sunflowers in your yard to ensure that you have enough Sun to purchase the Cabbage Pult. You will need quite a lot of Sun, as the Cabbage Pult will be your main source of attack.
- Now the fun starts! Fill your lawn with Cabbage Pults. It is as simple as that.
- Lastly, place some Wall-Nuts at the very front of your lawn to stall the zombies and allow the Cabbage Pults to work their magic.
This is one of the most low-effort setups that will guarantee victory. Trust me, I know!
1. Throw some corn on ‘em!

This setup follows the exact same structure as the setup mentioned previously, but it substitutes the Cabbage Pult for the Kernel-Pult. If the previous setup sounded promising, I guarantee that you will love this one:
- Place about 2 rows of Sunflowers in your yard to ensure that you have enough Sun to purchase the Kernel-Pult. Once again, the Kernel-Pult will be your only line of attack, therefore you need to be equipped with enough Sun to purchase them.
- The next step is the simplest, but the most important. Fill your lawn with as many Kernel-Pults as possible.
- Lastly, place some Wall-Nuts at the very front of your lawn to stall the zombies and allow the Kernel-Pults to demolish the plant-hungry zombies.
This setup is a lot of fun and requires very little effort. It is an absolute recipe for success!