Gargantuar is a recurring character in the Plants vs. Zombies franchise. He is mighty and some might even say indestructible, but allow me to let you in on 5 of the best ways to kill this massive plant-hungry beast!
5. Electric Blueberry

The Electric Blueberry is a premium plant in the Plants vs. Zombies franchise. If you intend to beat Gargantuar, you will need this powerful berry! Every 12 seconds the Electric Blueberry generates a thundercloud with about a 5% chance of targeting Gargantuar. This might not seem like the odds are in your favor, but believe me, when this plant sets her mind on Gargantuar, it is more than over for him! The fun thing about the Electric Blueberry is that her chance of targeting Gargantuar increases with each upgrade. I would highly suggest implementing the Electric Blueberry in your gameplay when facing Gargantuar.
4. Caulipower

The Caulipower is a vital plant that you need to incorporate into your gameplay if you want to take on Gargantuar. This is a premium plant in the Plants vs. Zombies franchise that hypnotizes zombies and uses the same strategy as the Electric Blueberry when targeting zombies. This plant hypnotizes a zombie approximately every 12 seconds, causing the zombies to change their route and walk right back to where they came from. This plant also hypnotizes zombies to cause less damage to the rest of your plants. If you ask me, Gargantuar does not stand a chance with this plant as a warrior in your plant army
3. Heath Seeker

The Heath Seeker is an instant-use plant that sets off a powerful explosion at about 0.65 seconds. The explosion sets off darts that can penetrate through several targets, including Gargantuar. It can kill this massive beast instantly! It only takes 20 seconds to recharge and is extremely useful for fighting the ultimate battle against Gargantuar. Trust me on this one, you won’t regret it!
2. Grapeshot

The Grapeshot is a premium plant in the Plants vs. Zombies franchise. It is similar to the Cherry Bomb, causing a powerful explosion in a 3x3 area. This causes about 1800 damage per shot to any target or enemy in its range. This plant is a tool that I would highly recommend implementing in your gameplay when you are up against Gargantuar. After the explosion where the Grapeshot is placed, 8 grapes will shoot out in different directions, causing another 200 damage per grape. The Grapeshot might seem sweet and harmless, but this plant alone is more than enough to defeat the mighty Gargantuar!
1. Cherry Bomb

One of my all-time favorite plants in the Plants vs. Zombies franchise will always be the Cherry Bomb. This plant is a recurring character that is loved by many, if not all, Plants vs. Zombies fans. This plant might seem simple and ordinary, but trust me when I say that Gargantuar does not stand a single chance against this powerful weapon! It causes a massive explosion over a 3x3 area, causing heavy damage to anything unlucky enough to be in its way. The Cherry Bomb is a must-have if you even consider taking on Gargantuar.
These strategies were inspired by the following YouTube video where you can go check out some more powerful strategies to fight Gargantuar: