I was here thinking: is the dark side of the moon really a thing? I mean, imagine you are there, walking around the moon then you suddenly see a monster or other Dark things like...
...The Top 15 Best Dark-type Pokémons! (Blink)
Sableye is both Ghost and Dark-type. It reaches a 1476 max CP. Sableye's best Moves are Shadow Claw and Foul Play. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against Fairy-types.
What Sableye Excels In
- Sableye is a useful Pokémon against the types: Fighting, Psychic, Normal and Poison.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Sableye
Catch Sableye!
- You can get it in the Wild or as a reward, after concluding a Special Research;
- Also in 2-Stars Raids.
A Dark-type/Poison-type Pokémon, Drapion reaches a max CP(2453) at level 40, and its best Moves are Bite and Sludge Bomb. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against a Ground-type.
What Drapion Excels In
- Good choice against the types: Dark, Ghost, Grass, Poison and Psychic. Drapion is a relevant Pokémon for your PVP, especially for the Great League.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Drapion
Catch Drapion!
- Wild Catch, in the form of Skorupi
A Dark-type/Poison-type, Alolan Muk is the Muk version found in Alola. It reaches a max CP(2757) at level 40, and its best Moves are Snarl and Gunk Shot. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against a Ground-type.
What Alolan Muk Excels In
- If I were you, I'd absolutely use this Pokémon for Ultra League. A very smart option against the types: Dark, Ghost, Grass, Poison and Psychic.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Muk
Catch Alolan Muk!
- Wild Catch
Water-type/Dark-type Pokémon, Sharpedo max CP is 2466, and its best Moves are Hydro Pump and Crunch. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Bug, Electric, Fairy, Fighting and Grass.
What Sharpedo Excels In
- Against the types: Dark, Ice, Fire, Ghost, Psychic, Water and Steel
Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Sharpedo
Catch Sharpedo!
- Wild Catch
- From hatching Eggs
Krookodile is a Ground-type/Dark-type Pokémon with a 3048 max CP. Its best Move is Earthquake. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Bug, Fairy, Ice, Grass and Fighting.
What Krookodile Excels In
- Against the types: Dark, Electric, Ghost, Poison, Psychic and Rock.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Krookodile
Catch Krookodile!
- In the form of Sandile, as a reward for defeating a Team Rocket leader
- Wild Catch
A Water-type/Dark-type Pokémon, Greninja's max CP is 2654. This Pokémon's best Moves are Hydro Pump, Surf and Feint Attack. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Bug, Electric, Fairy, Fighting and Grass.
What Greninja Excels In
- Against the types: Dark, Ice, Fire, Ghost, Psychic, Steel and Water.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Greninja
Catch Greninja!
- From hatching Eggs, in the Froakie's form
- In the Wild, in the form of Froakie.
A Dark-type/Ice-type Pokémon, Weavile max CP is 3005, and its best Moves are Foul Play, Avalanche, Focus Blast and Snarl. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Bug, Fairy, Fire, Fighting, Rock and Steel.
What Weavile Excels In
- A good choice against the types: Dark, Ice, Ghost and Psychic.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Weavile
Catch Weavile!
- In the Wild
Zarude is a Dark-type/Grass-type Pokémon, its max CP is 3833, and its best Moves are Power Whip, Energy Ball and Vine Whip. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Bug, Ice, Fairy, Fire, Fighting, Flying and Poison.
What Zarude Excels In
- A smart pick against the types: Dark, Electric, Ghost, Grass, Ground, Psychic and Water.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Zarude
Catch Zarude!
- Completing a Special Research
A Dark-type Pokémon, Umbreon max CP is 2137. Its best Moves are Foul Play and Dark Pulse. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Bug, Fairy and Fighting.
What Umbreon Excels In
- This is a Pokémon strong against the types: Dark, Ghost and Psychic.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Umbreon
Catch Umbreon!
- Renaming your Eevee to "Tamao"(it can't be used more than one time)
- In the form of Eevee, in the Wild
Absol is a Dark-type Pokémon. It has a 2526 max CP, and its best Moves are Payback, Thunder, Dark Pulse and Snarl. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Bug, Fairy and Fighting.
What Absol Excels In
- A good choice against the types: Dark, Ghost and Psychic.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Absol
Catch Absol!
- 4-Star Raids
- 5km Distance Eggs
- 7km Distance Eggs
- 10km Distance Eggs
Hydreigon is a Dragon-type/Dark-type Pokémon with a 3625 CP. Its best Moves are Dragon Pulse and Flash Cannon. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Bug, Dragon, Ice, Fairy and Fighting.
What Hydreigon Excels In
- Excellent against the types: Dark, Electric, Fire, Ghost, Grass, Psychic and Water.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Hydreigon
Catch Hydreigon!
- In the Wild, in the form of Deino or Hydreigon(But it's rare to find them, tho)
- 10km Distance Eggs
Tyranitar is Dark-type Pokémon. It reaches a max CP(3834) at level 40, and its best Moves are Smach Down and Crunch. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Bug, Fairy and Fighting.
What Tyranitar Excels In
- A Pokémon strong against Psychic-types/Ghost-types, and a good choice for Raids.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Tyranitar
Catch Tyranitar!
- Wild Catch, in the form of Larvitar or pupitar;
- 10km Distance Eggs, in the form of Larvitar
Honchkrow is a Dark-type/Flying-type Pokémon with a fancy hat(right?). It reaches a 2711 max CP at level 40, and its best Moves are Snarl and Dark Pulse
What Honchkrow Excels In
- An expert against Ghost-Type Pokémons, Honchkrow is a good idea for Raids.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Honchkrow
Catch Honchkrow!
- After concluding a Field Research;
- In Murkrow's form, as a reward for defeating the Team Go Rocket;
- Wild Catch
Mega Gyarados is Gyarados' form after mega evolving, turning it into a Dark-type. This Pokémon is very strong and resistant, and reaches a max CP(4717) at level 40. Its best Moves are Waterfall and Crunch. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon for your PVP nor against the types Plant and and Electric.
What Mega Gyarados Excels In
- It's a strong Pokémon against the types Fire, Steel, Ice and Water.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Gyarados
Catch Gyarados!
- Wild Catch, in Gyarados or Magikarp's form;
- 1-Star Raids, in the form of Magikarp;
- As a reward for fighting the Go Rocket Team, in Magikarp's form
Darkrai is a mythical Pokémon, which means this is a rare Dark-type one. It reaches the max CP(3739) at level 40 and its better Moves are Snarl and Shadow Ball.
What Darkrai Excels In
Very useful for PVP and PVE
Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Darkrai
Catch Darkrai!
- Get Darkrai in Raids;
- Or in the Battle GO League