[Top 15] Pokemon GO Best Dark Type (2022 Edition)

11 Dec 2021
Hi, Trainers

I was here thinking: is the dark side of the moon really a thing? I mean, imagine you are there, walking around the moon then you suddenly see a monster or other Dark things like...

...The Top 15 Best Dark-type Pokémons! (Blink)



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Sableye is both Ghost and Dark-type. It reaches a 1476 max CP. Sableye's best Moves are Shadow Claw and Foul Play. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against Fairy-types.

What Sableye Excels In

  • Sableye is a useful Pokémon against the types: Fighting, Psychic, Normal and Poison.

Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Sableye

Catch Sableye!

  • You can get it in the Wild or as a reward, after concluding a Special Research;
  • Also in 2-Stars Raids.



A Dark-type/Poison-type Pokémon, Drapion reaches a max CP(2453) at level 40, and its best Moves are Bite and Sludge Bomb. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against a Ground-type.

What Drapion Excels In

  • Good choice against the types: Dark, Ghost, Grass, Poison and Psychic. Drapion is a relevant Pokémon for your PVP, especially for the Great League.

Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Drapion

Catch Drapion!

  • Wild Catch, in the form of Skorupi



A Dark-type/Poison-type, Alolan Muk is the Muk version found in Alola. It reaches a max CP(2757) at level 40, and its best Moves are Snarl and Gunk Shot. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against a Ground-type.

What Alolan Muk Excels In

  • If I were you, I'd absolutely use this Pokémon for Ultra League. A very smart option against the types: Dark, Ghost, Grass, Poison and Psychic.

Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Muk

Catch Alolan Muk!

  • Wild Catch



Water-type/Dark-type Pokémon, Sharpedo max CP is 2466, and its best Moves are Hydro Pump and Crunch. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Bug, Electric, Fairy, Fighting and Grass.

What Sharpedo Excels In

  • Against the types: Dark, Ice, Fire, Ghost, Psychic, Water and Steel

Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Sharpedo

Catch Sharpedo!

  • Wild Catch
  • From hatching Eggs



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Krookodile is a Ground-type/Dark-type Pokémon with a 3048 max CP. Its best Move is Earthquake. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Bug, Fairy, Ice, Grass and Fighting.

What Krookodile Excels In

  • Against the types: Dark, Electric, Ghost, Poison, Psychic and Rock.

Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Krookodile

Catch Krookodile!

  • In the form of Sandile, as a reward for defeating a Team Rocket leader
  • Wild Catch



A Water-type/Dark-type Pokémon, Greninja's max CP is 2654. This Pokémon's best Moves are Hydro Pump, Surf and Feint Attack. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Bug, Electric, Fairy, Fighting and Grass.

What Greninja Excels In

  • Against the types: Dark, Ice, Fire, Ghost, Psychic, Steel and Water.

Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Greninja

Catch Greninja!

  • From hatching Eggs, in the Froakie's form
  • In the Wild, in the form of Froakie.



A Dark-type/Ice-type Pokémon, Weavile max CP is 3005, and its best Moves are Foul Play, Avalanche, Focus Blast and Snarl. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Bug, Fairy, Fire, Fighting, Rock and Steel.

What Weavile Excels In

  • A good choice against the types: Dark, Ice, Ghost and Psychic.

Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Weavile

Catch Weavile!

  • In the Wild



Zarude is a Dark-type/Grass-type Pokémon, its max CP is 3833, and its best Moves are Power Whip, Energy Ball and Vine Whip. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Bug, Ice, Fairy, Fire, Fighting, Flying and Poison.

What Zarude Excels In

  • A smart pick against the types: Dark, Electric, Ghost, Grass, Ground, Psychic and Water.

Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Zarude

Catch Zarude!

  • Completing a Special Research



A Dark-type Pokémon, Umbreon max CP is 2137. Its best Moves are Foul Play and Dark Pulse. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Bug, Fairy and Fighting.

What Umbreon Excels In

  • This is a Pokémon strong against the types: Dark, Ghost and Psychic.

Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Umbreon

Catch Umbreon!

  • Renaming your Eevee to "Tamao"(it can't be used more than one time)
  • In the form of Eevee, in the Wild



Absol is a Dark-type Pokémon. It has a 2526 max CP, and its best Moves are Payback, Thunder, Dark Pulse and Snarl. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Bug, Fairy and Fighting.

What Absol Excels In

  • A good choice against the types: Dark, Ghost and Psychic.

Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Absol

Catch Absol!

  • 4-Star Raids
  • 5km Distance Eggs
  • 7km Distance Eggs
  • 10km Distance Eggs



Hydreigon is a Dragon-type/Dark-type Pokémon with a 3625 CP. Its best Moves are Dragon Pulse and Flash Cannon. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Bug, Dragon, Ice, Fairy and Fighting.

What Hydreigon Excels In

  • Excellent against the types: Dark, Electric, Fire, Ghost, Grass, Psychic and Water.

Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Hydreigon

Catch Hydreigon!

  • In the Wild, in the form of Deino or Hydreigon(But it's rare to find them, tho)
  • 10km Distance Eggs



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Tyranitar is Dark-type Pokémon. It reaches a max CP(3834) at level 40, and its best Moves are Smach Down and Crunch. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Bug, Fairy and Fighting.

What Tyranitar Excels In

  • A Pokémon strong against Psychic-types/Ghost-types, and a good choice for Raids.

Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Tyranitar

Catch Tyranitar!

  • Wild Catch, in the form of Larvitar or pupitar;
  • 10km Distance Eggs, in the form of Larvitar



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Honchkrow is a Dark-type/Flying-type Pokémon with a fancy hat(right?). It reaches a 2711 max CP at level 40, and its best Moves are Snarl and Dark Pulse

What Honchkrow Excels In

  • An expert against Ghost-Type Pokémons, Honchkrow is a good idea for Raids.

Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Honchkrow

Catch Honchkrow!

  • After concluding a Field Research;
  • In Murkrow's form, as a reward for defeating the Team Go Rocket;
  • Wild Catch



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Mega Gyarados is Gyarados' form after mega evolving, turning it into a Dark-type. This Pokémon is very strong and resistant, and reaches a max CP(4717) at level 40. Its best Moves are Waterfall and Crunch. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon for your PVP nor against the types Plant and and Electric.

What Mega Gyarados Excels In

  • It's a strong Pokémon against the types Fire, Steel, Ice and Water.

Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Gyarados

Catch Gyarados!

  • Wild Catch, in Gyarados or Magikarp's form;
  • 1-Star Raids, in the form of Magikarp;
  • As a reward for fighting the Go Rocket Team, in Magikarp's form



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Darkrai is a mythical Pokémon, which means this is a rare Dark-type one. It reaches the max CP(3739) at level 40 and its better Moves are Snarl and Shadow Ball.

What Darkrai Excels In

  • Very useful for PVP and PVE

Pokémon Details: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Darkrai

Catch Darkrai!

  • Get Darkrai in Raids;
  • Or in the Battle GO League


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