Being normal doesn’t mean being basic, especially when we are talking about...
...The Top 15 Best Normal-type Pokémons!
Buffalant is a Normal-type Pokémon that reaches a 2797 max CP. Buffalant's best Moves are Skull Bash and Stomp. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against Fighting-types.
What Buffalant Excels In
- Buffalant is an excellent Pokémon against Ghost-types.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Bouffalant
Catch Buffalant!
- Buffalant is a rare regional Pokémon. You can only find it in the Wild, in the Northern Eastern area, in the US, specially in New York.
A Normal-type Pokémon, Slaking reaches a max CP(4431) at level 40, and its best Move is Hyper Beam. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against a Fighting-type.
What Slaking Excels In
- Good choice against the type Ghost.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Slaking
Catch Slaking!
- Wild Catch, in the form of Slakoth, Vigoroth or Slaking(not so often)
- 10km Distance Eggs
Dodrio is a Natural Flying-type that reaches a max CP(2670) at level 40. Its best Moves are Brave Bird and Drill Pack. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Rock, Electric and Ice.
What Dodrio Excels In
- A very smart option against the types: Bug, Ghost, Grass and Ground.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Dodrio
- Wild Catch, in the form of Doduo
A Normal type Pokémon, Chansey max CP is 1255, and its best Moves are Hyper Beam and Pound. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against any Fighting-type.
What Chansey Excels In
- Against the type Ghost
Pokémon Details: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Chansey
Catch Chansey!
- Wild Catch
ambipom is a pure Normal-type Pokémon with a 1348 max CP. Its best Moves are Swift and Scratch. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the type Fighting.
What ambipom Excels In
- Against the type Ghost
Pokémon Details: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Ambipom
Catch Aipom!
- Wild Catch, in the form of Aipom
- 2km Distance Eggs, in the form of Aipom
A Normal-type Pokémon, zangoose 's max CP is 2418. This Pokémon's best Moves are Close Combat and Night Slash. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the Fighting-type.
What zangoose Excels In
- Against the type Ghost.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Zangoose
Catch zangoose!
- In the Wild;
- 3-Star Raids;
- 5km Distance Eggs;
- Completing a Field Research.
A Normal-Type Pokémon, Tauros' max CP is 2620, and its best Moves are Earthquake, Horn Attack, Iron Head and Tackle. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against Fighting-types.
What Tauros Excels In
- A good choice against Ghost-types.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Tauros
Catch Tauros!
- In the Wild, in North America only. Tauros is a regional Pokémon.
Ditto is a Normal-type Pokémon who can transform into any other Pokémons and also use their Moves, its max CP is 832, and its best Moves are Struggle and Transform. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against Fighting-types.
What Ditto Excels In
- A smart pick against the Ghost-types.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Ditto
Catch Ditto!
- You'll need luck, since Ditto hides its own original form. You'll find it in the form of other Pokémons.
A Normal-type/Flying-type Pokémon, Pidgeot max CP is 1194. Its best Moves are Air Cutter, Aerial Ace and Wing Attack. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Electric, Ice and Rock.
What Pidgeot Excels In
- This is a Pokémon strong against the types: Bug, Ghost, Grass and Ground.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Pidgeot
Catch Pidgeot!
- In the form of Pidgey, in the Wild
Porygon-Z is a Normal-type Pokémon. It has a 3266 max CP, and its best Moves are Hyper Beam and Hidden Power. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against Fighting-types.
What Porygon-Z Excels In
- A good choice against Ghost-types.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Porygon-Z
Catch Porygon-z!
- In the Wild
Ursaring is a Normal-type Pokémon with a 2945 CP. Its best Moves are Hyper Beam and Count. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types Fighting.
What Ursaring Excels In
- Excellent against the type Ghost
Pokémon Details: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Ursaring
Catch Ursaring!
- In the Wild, in the form of Teddiursa.
Staraptor is a Flying-type/Normal-type Pokémon. It reaches a max CP(2825) at level 40, and Staraptor's best Moves are Brave Bird and Quick Attack. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against the types: Electric, Ice and Rock.
What Staraptor Excels In
- A Pokémon strong the types: Bug, Ghost, Grass and Ground.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Staraptor
Catch Staraptor!
- In the Wild.
Kangaskhan is a Normal-type Pokémon with a 2586 max CP, and its best Moves are Mudslap and Outrage. I wouldn't recommend Kangaskhan against Fighting-types.
What Kangaskhan Excels In
- An expert against Ghost-types.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Kangaskhan
Catch Kangaskhan!
- 5km Distance Eggs;
- In the Wild, in Australia
Regigigas is one of the most powerful Normal-type Legendary Pokemon. This Pokémon is very strong and resistant, and reaches a max CP(4346) at level 40. Regigigas better Moves are Giga Impact and Hidden Power. I wouldn't recommend this Pokémon against Fighting-types.
What Regigigas Excels In
- It's a strong Pokémon against Ghost-types.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Regigigas
Catch Regigigas!
- Raids
Snorlax is a Normal-type Pokémon. It reaches the max CP(3225) at level 40 and its best Moves are Skull Bash, Hyper Beam and Zean Headbutt.
What Snorlax Excels In
Very useful against Ghost-types.
Pokémon Details: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Snorlax
Catch Snorlax!
- Get Snorlax in the Wild;