The attachments that we can find in PUBG all have various effects and benefits for our gameplay. Certain attachments such as grips, help decrease the recoil of the weapons they’re applied to. Other attachments such as cheek pads and tactical stocks help the stability of the weapon while spraying, and lower the weapon sway when you’re lining up a shot. Here are some of the best attachments you can use on your weapons when playing PUBG.
For this article I will only be referencing weapon attachments that aren’t Sights or Scopes in the game. Sights and Scopes in PUBG tend to be more of a personal preference, whereas attachments such as the compensator on your muzzle, have actual effects on the weapon itself.
I will also be placing an emphasis on Console PUBG, as there are some differences in the gameplay when using a controller, compared to on PC using a mouse and keyboard. (Also note that using any third party software to use a mouse and keyboard on Console is strictly prohibited in the Terms of Service and is a bannable offense)
Best Attachments for the M416
The M416 has been a staple in PUBG players arsenal since the early days of the game, and even after some tweaks in performance and nerfs, the gun is still very applicable and reliable in the game to this day.
Best attachment: Vertical Foregrip
The Vertical Foregrip decreases the vertical recoil of the weapons it’s attached to. The Vertical Foregrip also reduces the recoil pattern of the weapon it’s applied to as well. This basically shrinks the pattern down. Imagine if you shoot a gun, without pulling down at all, then take note of where the last bullet in the spray is in the pattern. If you put a Vertical Foregrip on the gun, you can then shrink that recoil pattern down by 20%.
This allows you to spray with more control, and fire on single-fire with much more precision. The 5.56 AR’s have lower recoil than the 7.62 AR’s in PUBG. Adding on the Vertical foregrip to the M4 will lower that recoil even more, and ultimately allow you to spray with much more accuracy during your gunfights.
2nd Best attachment: Tactical Stock
The Tactical Stock or, Tac Stock for short, is overall one of the best attachments you can put on the M4. Only certain weapons take the addition of the Tac Stock, and the M4 benefits from it tremendously. By increasing the overall stability of the weapon, the Tac Stock allows you to control your sprays much more efficiently, especially when spraying at a longer range. If you want to spray at a longer range, the Tac Stock is going to be your best friend.
3rd Best attachment: Flash Hider
The Flash hider conceals your weapons muzzle flash, and provides a small decrease in recoil as well. The addition of the Flash hider will make it harder for your enemies to locate where you’re spraying from. The Flash hider doesn’t decrease recoil as much as the other popular muzzle attachment, the Compensator. In fact, choosing between the Compensator or the Flash hider was a mental discussion I had to put some time into myself.
However after some thought and reflection on my own gameplay, I decided to go with the Flash Hider. The additional benefit of hiding your flash, while also having a small decrease in recoil proves it to often be a better “bang for your buck” so to speak when in game, in many situations.
Best Attachments for the BerylM762

The Beryl M762 is another AR in PUBG that is popular among many players as well. Up until the recent 23.1 patch where the AUG was removed from care package drops and turned into a world spawn gun, the M4 and Beryl were the two of the most highly used AR’s in the game. The Beryl is a 7.62 AR and does have higher recoil than the M4, however, it does deal a higher amount of damage and overall has a higher damage per second.
Best Attachment: Compensator
The Compensator is going to help overall with the recoil of the gun. The Beryl has a high enough fire rate and damage per bullet that your main priority when shooting this gun is simply getting the shots on the target. That is obviously important when you’re shooting your gun any time in this game. However with guns like the Beryl that deal such a high amount of damage, shot placement doesn’t always need to be perfect headshots all of the time, you just gotta hit the target.
The Compensator helping with both vertical and horizontal recoil is going to increase your chances of getting those shots on target. A Compensator, with an additional grip will make the Beryl a much more viable option over a Beryl without any attachments to help you out.
2nd Best Attachment: Angled Foregrip
The Angled foregrip helps out by decreasing the horizontal recoil of the weapons it’s put on. On a controller, it's generally considered easier to control vertical recoil, than horizontal recoil. And the Beryl, when uncontrolled, is a very jumpy gun. Decreasing the horizontal recoil and the amount that it bounces around or drifts off to the side will help you in gunfights as it allows you to keep your spray from spreading as far to the sides of where you’re shooting at.
3rd Best Attachment: Extended Quickdraw Magazine
The Extended quickdraw magazine offers the best of both worlds in magazine attachments in PUBG. This magazine gives you the benefit of the extended magazine with more bullets, and the increased reload speed of the quickdraw magazine. Ultimately, this helps out when you have those 10 extra bullets in your mag and you have to think to yourself “Do I need to reload?” If you have an extended quickdraw mag, in some scenarios, you may not have to reload.
Best Attachment for the Kar98 -
The Kar98 is a classic bolt-action sniper in PUBG. At one point, a long time ago when the M24 was still a crate weapon it was the only world spawn Bolt-Action Sniper. Many of us PUBG players know that good feeling of hitting a nice Kar98 headshot. Here’s a few of the best attachments you can put on your Kar98.
Best Attachment: Suppressor
I know myself and many PUBG players don’t often use Suppressors as much nowadays in PUBG. The advantages of the other muzzle attachments on many other guns like AR’s and DMR’s often outweigh the benefit of your gunshot sound being more concealed to other players.
However in the case of the Kar98 or any of the bolt action snipers in PUBG, the Suppressor is an incredible option.
With a sniper that is equipped with a suppressor, you can be far enough away that your opponent won’t even be able to know where you’re shooting from. The Suppressor decreases your range of audible sounds throughout the whole area. Having that ability to conceal your sounds and maintain a level of stealth will help you out on the battlegrounds in many scenarios.
2nd Best Attachments: Bullet Loops
Bullet Loops increase the speed at which you reload the Kar98. The Kar98 does have a slower reload time in comparison to the M24 and the crate only, bolty king, the AWM. So, this benefit of speeding the reload process up is very helpful as you can fire shots off slightly quicker at your opponents, and you’ll be able to reload your gun quicker mid-gunfight as well.
3rd Best Attachment: Cheek Pad
The Cheek pad on the Kar98 helps the overall stability of the gun. It’ll reduce your weapon sway, when you’re lining up a shot. The cheek pad does also have an effect on your recovery after a shot as well, making it a smoother process to follow up after a missed shot, or maybe a body shot where you haven’t knocked your opponent yet. These two benefits help overall with the precision of your shots. And when you’re using a bolt-action gun in PUBG, precision is ultimately what you’re aiming for.