Let’s discuss boomsticks! Resident Evil Village is an all-out brawl from start to finish. Fighting through werewolf creatures and bloodless baddies, will require more than just a pistol. Let’s go over the most efficient shotguns and where to find them, from first available to last.
3) M1897
The first shotgun Ethan discovers is the M1897. It can be found after Ethan's first Lycan battle and the discovery of survivors in the village. When leaving the house, follow the blood trail. The shotgun is inside a house with two Lycans perched on the roof. They will not attack unless you attack them. The gun will be on the table in the middle of the room inside the house. If you forget to pick up the M1897, you can get it from The Duke.
The M1897 gives Ethan some breathing room. This shotgun is great for knocking enemies back so you can run past them; headshots are effective,but shots to the dome are easily missed due to everyone shambling along. The Hair Trigger is the only upgrade for this weapon which increases the Rate of Fire.
Weapon Stats
- Power: 560 (Fully Upgraded 800)
- Reload Speed: 2.8s (2.2s)
- Capacity: 5 rounds (11)
- Rate of Fire: 1.7s (1.5s)
2) W870
The W870 TAC shotgun is modeled after the Winchester 870. This tactical shotgun is discovered later in the game after leaving House Beneviento inside a house nearby that was previously blocked by vines.
The W870 is a pump-action combat shotgun with a wide spread of fire, ideal for dealing with groups of enemies up close and personal. There are two attachments and upgrades for this weapon. The Foregrip increases the rate of fire, while the Improved Gunstock reduces the weapon's recoil.
While saving up for the next shotgun, the SYG-12, this weapon will suffice. This weapon begins as something to knock enemies back, but after upgrading, enemies fall and stay down. The fully upgraded W870 would out perform the basic SYG-12 until it, too, is upgraded.
Weapon Stats
- Power-760 (Fully Upgraded 1280)
- Reload speed-2.7s (1.9s)
- Capacity- 4 rounds (12)
- Rate of Fire- 1.6s (1.4s)
W870 TAC
1) SYG-12
The SYG-12 is a semi-automatic shotgun inspired by the Saiga 12. After reaching Heisenberg's factory, the weapon can be purchased from The Duke.
The SYG-12 is a highly concentrated shotgun. The SYG-12 shotgun is considered the best shotgun in the game. The weapon has three attachments.The attachments include;The Red Sighted Dot that upgrades Fire Power and Rate of Fire, while the Long Barrel increases fire power as well, and the Drum Magazine increases the magazine capacity.
All other shotguns become obsolete once players obtain this shotgun. You'll want to just hold down the trigger and let the gun do the work with its large magazine capacity. Furthermore, once fully upgraded, the weapon's power annihilates enemies.
Weapon Stats
- Power: 1160 (Fully Upgraded 1770)
- Reload Speed: 3.5s (2s)
- Capacity: 10 rounds (40)
- Rate of Fire: 1.4s (1.35s)
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