Retro bowl has one little known feature - its achievements. The game doesn’t advertise them, but you can find them by going to the Hall of Fame tab and clicking on the Achievements tab within that. After you’ve mastered the basics of the game, this is a fantastic way to add challenge into your game.
Here are this author’s picks for the most difficult, rewarding, and challenging picks for achievements within Retro Bowl. Some will be easier, some will be harder, but all are worthwhile for experienced players to go after.
1) Perfect regular season
To get this achievement, you must win every single game in the regular season. Although winning an individual game won’t be too difficult, this is a real challenge on the higher difficulties. If you want to do your best impression of the ‘07 Patriots (or better yet, the ‘72 Dolphins), then here are some tips for achieving perfection.
- Construct your team wisely - have a great quarterback and a great defense. If it works for the Chiefs, it’ll be good enough for you.
- Control the ball - you want to have as much control over the clock as possible, so don’t go for big plays down the field. Instead, go for chunk runs and short passes. This makes it easier to avoid your opponent scoring and running up the score.
- If you’re truly up against the wall and are fine with cheating - just close the app to restart any game you’re about to lose! Who’s counting?
2) Pass for 500 yards in a game
This achievement is the standard for excellence in offensive achievement in a game. How can you achieve the excellence that Norm Van Brocklin pioneered? For those of you too young to remember Norm Van Brocklin, get a ouija board and ask the ghost of your great-grandparent.
- Get a five star quarterback, two five star wide receivers, and two five star tight ends.
- Set the difficulty to easy - it makes getting big air yards very easy.
- Air it out over and over, try to get a touchdown on every play!
- Have a five star defense - the more turnovers you get, the more yards you can get!
3) Score a 60 yard field goal
In order to get this achievement, you just need to score a 60 yard field goal. However, this is more difficult than it may seem. In order to get this achievement, make sure you’re meeting a few specific criteria.
- Firstly, have a kicker with maxed out kick power. This is the only way your kicker will have the distance to make the kick.
- Next, make sure that your kick is coming from your opponent’s 43 yard line. This will be exactly 60 yards, putting you in the best possible position to make a 60 yard field goal.
- Finally, try to practice the kicking minigame, and get a kicker with high kick accuracy to help you make the kick. Remember, the perspective will make your kick slightly off if you’re towards the edge of the cone, so try to hit it dead in the middle!
4) Achieve 100% team morale
This is surprisingly difficult to achieve. In order to achieve this one, you simply need to achieve 100% team morale. However, achieving that in game will be difficult. In order to increase your team’s morale, follow these tips.
- Put your training regimen on offense and defense on “light”. This will passively increase morale.
- Always have your player’s backs, whether that’s defending them after a bad game or praising them for playing retro bowl during meetings.
- Try to feed the ball to players with low morale - great performances increase morale.
5) 100% pass completion in a game
This achievement is very difficult - completing every single pass in a game is a difficult task, especially for a game which encourages you to pass early and often. However, there are a few tricks you can use to increase your chances.
- Try dump-off passes to the running back - your running back will catch any throw to him almost all the time.
- If all else fails, you don’t actually need to win the game. All you need to do is make one screen pass to a running back and then pound the rock for the rest of the game. 1/1 is still 100%!
6) Rush for 150 yards in a game
Rushing is often neglected entirely by Retro Bowl players. However, this one is simple to get if you make a conscious effort to get it.
- Get a five star running back. Why make your life harder than it needs to be?
- Run the ball on every play. Do your best Nick Saban impression.
- Master the stiff arm! If you can get 5-10 yards per run by stiff arming the first defender, you’ll get 150 yards in no time.
7) Win a game without a star player
This is the most difficult achievement in Retro Bowl that only requires you to play a single game. The only way to win this is by playing smart, conservative football. Here’s some tips to maximize your odds.
- Go for short passes over and over. You’re playing a game of possession, you’re not going to get any passes over ten yards.
- Do not run the ball. The running back is too slow and you’ll be tackled every single run in the backfield.
- Make smart choices, and go for it on every fourth down. Your opponent will be scoring every single drive more likely than not - you need the absolute maximum offensive output to stand a chance.
8) Win a retro bowl without a star player
This is the most difficult season length achievement in the game. The same advice for winning a game without a star player applies here, but doubly so.
- Go for short passes over and over. You’re playing a game of possession, you’re not going to get any passes over ten yards.
- Do not run the ball. The running back is too slow and you’ll be tackled every single run in the backfield.
- Make smart choices, and go for it on every fourth down. You opponent will be scoring every single drive more likely than not - you need the absolute maximum offensive output to stand a chance.
- You only need to win a Retro Bowl without a star player, not the whole season! Just bench your starters before the game to try to win.
9) Doink a field goal
Chris Collinsworth has permanently altered sports vocabulary by making us all call a ball hitting the uprights a “doink”. How can you recreate the suffering of the Bears? By following these directions!
- Try to get close to the goal - you don’t want to miss entirely, just hit the uprights.
- Aim for the top edge of the kicker’s cone - this should line it up nicely with the right upright.
- Have a kicker with high accuracy. You don’t just need to miss, you need to miss in the right way.
10) Score a touchdown return
This is likely the single most difficult achievement in Retro Bowl. It’s not easy at all, and will likely take a lot of trial and error. Here’s how to maximize your chances.
- Select a maxed out running back with great power as your returner - that one stiff arm will make a huge difference.
- Try this on easy - this is genuinely, literally impossible on Hard and Extreme.
- Try to lead the kicking team to one side of the field, then reverse field. Anything to leave them in your dust.
Try to win these challenges, and test your skill at Retro Bowl! It’s the ultimate test of a skilled player to get all the achievements in Retro Bowl. Soon, you’ll be one of the world’s best at this addictive arcade football game!
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