Congratulations, you are on your journey to ascend to godhood! It’s going to take a miracle for you to make it to the top in one piece. Luckily for you, you have several miracles to pick from.
You need to get some glory so that you can acquire them. Just keep your eyes peeled for some Miman and destroy a few Abscesses. Maybe eat a glory crystal or two.
You’ll find there are a lot of different miracles that you can choose from as you progress throughout the game. Ideally, you’d want to collect them all but can that be difficult to do on your first playthrough.
You might be wondering what miracles are worth it and if you should hoard your glory to get the good ones. So here’s a list of the must-have miracles that will make you more godlike!
10. Race Transcendence
Freshly fused with Aogami, we're practically glowing.
Who said you just want to land critical hits? What if you could do more?
Well with this miracle you can! Race Transcendence allows you to use Magatsuhi skills that were race-exclusive to the demons in your party. Having this miracle can be helpful when managing you and your party on the battlefield and turning the odds in your favor.
You may find it more useful to use another demon’s Magatsuhi skill on your turn. The Nahobino always goes first when the player's turn starts, which is a great advantage.
What makes Race Transcendence useful:
- You could use a Magatsuhi skill that buffs your party, such as Omagatoki: Pierce or Omagatoki: Free, then you could. That way they could do more damage.
- Even though Omagatoki: Critical can do a good amount of damage, there are better skills you could use. Skills like Big Bang and Twilight Wave can do a lot of damage. Your party can either clean up the mess afterward or get you closer to victory by knocking down an enemy’s health further.
- With this miracle, you could also keep the battlefield balanced. For example, you wouldn’t have to worry about using MP/a turn to debuff foes. Instead, you could use a Magatsuhi skill like Dekajaon or Shield of God.
Race Transcendence:
- The Nahobino will become able to use race-specific Magatsuhi Skills held by other party members.
- Category: Supremacy
- Cost: 100 glory
9. Magatsuhi Dispersion
Fionn snuck up on us but we were thankfully able to block his sword. It would have been real bad if we didn't.
Do you dread when your enemies use Omagatoki: Critical? With this miracle, guarding does more than simply reducing the damage you and your demons take.
Magatsuhi Dispersion could seriously save your party’s life. Usually, enemies activate Omagatoki: Critical at the end of their turn and wait to use it on the next one. This gives you time to prepare for your next move.
If you have a demon in your stock that nullifies or drains certain attacks that your enemy uses, you could use them to your advantage beyond their immunities.
What makes Magatsuhi Dispersion useful:
- Since you have a turn to prepare before they attack with Omagatoki: Critical activated, you could have your whole party guard. That way no matter who your enemy attacks, this Magatsuhi skill ends and they would just do regular damage.
- Your enemies will no longer get the extra turns they normally would when landing a critical hit. So the damage they can do to your party would decrease by a lot.
- Depending on who you have in your party, having a demon that drains certain skills would be helpful. Not only would they end your enemy’s Omagatoki: Critical, but they would gain HP.
Magatsuhi Dispersion:
- The enemy Omagatoki: Critical effect will end when an ally guards, evades, Nulls, Repels, or Drains an enemy attack.
- Category: Supremacy
- Cost: 80 glory
8. Dread
There's no way the Hydra could have had the jump on us. It's huge and probably has bad breath from spitting poison everywhere.
This miracle will give you an advantage right when the battle starts. While it still leaves some things up to chance, any way to debuff your enemy is better than none. At the start of battle, your enemy will have a random stat lowered by one.
Just like other abilities that would debuff an enemy, it lasts for three turns. Lowering a stat by one may not sound like much, but it can make all the difference. You might be becoming a god, but you still need all the advantages you can get.
What makes Dread useful:
- This miracle doesn’t just apply to one enemy, all enemies will get a stat lowered.
- If you debuff your enemy more with an ability while this is in effect, that stat will then lower by two. That means your enemy will be that much weaker and you could use that to your advantage.
- It doesn’t matter that the stat being lowered is picked at random. Any hit to their defense, strength, or speed will still help you regardless.
- All enemies will have a random stat lowered by one rank at the start of a battle.
- Category: Supremacy
- Cost: 100 glory
7. Divine Proficiency
Tao is a real one for saving our life. Without her, the game would have been over very quickly.
All levels of this miracle are helpful and you should acquire them as quickly as you can. Divine Proficiency increases the amount of skill slots you have. The more slots you have, the more you can do.
Sure, you can have variety in the demons you have in your party and stock. But it’s also a good idea to be prepared for anything. This makes things stress-free for you after all. Now you don’t have to worry as much about figuring out which moves you should have for every single battle.
What makes Divine Proficiency useful:
- Skill slots can include passive abilities like Great Mana Spring or High Restore. You can afford to use these now that you have plenty of slots. You don’t have to sacrifice having less offensive abilities unless you want to.
- You have more room to include all the Nahobino exclusive abilities. While the Nahobino can be built any way you desire and changed at any time, most of the skills exclusive to him are powerful.
- You could be a jack of all trades and have different moves that an enemy might potentially be weak to. This means that no matter what, you have the potential to hit their weakness.
Divine Proficiency (I-IV):
- Increases the Nahobino’s skill slots by 1.
- Category: Awakening
- Cost: I- 30 glory, II- 60 glory, III- 100 glory, IV- 150 glory
6. Embolden
We're always ready to fight with flash and flare.
Magatsuhi skills can really help turn the tide of the battle. What isn’t helpful is when you have to wait for the gauge to slowly fill back up. There are several miracles that can assist with making the gauge fill quicker but this is the best one.
The reason this miracle as opposed to the other gauge related miracles is better is because you don’t have to do anything. You’re already doing a lot as it is so it’d be nice to have. It raises the base amount of Magatsuhi added to the gauge each turn. While the others help you fill it even faster, those would be best suited after this miracle is acquired.
What makes Embolden useful:
- If you gain other miracles like Fell Swoop or Forestall after getting this one, you can make the gauge fill even faster.
- This allows for the potential to gain more turns. If you use Omagatoki: Critical, you will gain extra turns. So the faster the gauge fills, the more turns you’ll get.
- This is particularly helpful in boss fights because you will definitely need Magatsuhi skills to help you win. Some of those battles are long, so take advantage of the gauge filling more quickly.
- Raises the amount added to the Magatsuhi gauge each turn.
- Category: Supremacy
- Cost: 150 glory
5. Enhanced Summon
It's our duty to protect the little Jack Frost at all costs. Hee-ho!
This miracle is similar to Dread, except your demons don’t get this buff collectively or at the start of a battle. But that doesn’t matter! It’s meant to be a means of keeping your party strong throughout those longer and more intense battles.
For example, if one of your party members dies or is running low on MP, you could summon a different demon from your stock. One of their stats will rise and give them a slight advantage when they’re thrown into the thick of it.
What makes Enhanced Summon Useful:
- If you’re out of healing items or items that recover MP, this miracle will be helpful if you have demons in your stock that can help you. Not only will they have full HP/MP, they will be buffed.
- This miracle is especially great for support demons. If they are using skills like Debilitate or Luster Candy in addition to healing, their MP will decrease quickly. Having a backup demon in your stock to replace them when that happens will be more beneficial now.
- Having this miracle in effect is also a blessing for boss fights, especially the long ones. You don’t have to worry about your party losing steam when you’re so close to victory.
Enhanced Summon:
- Demon allies summoned in battle will have a random stat raised by one rank.
- Category: Supremacy
- Cost: 80 glory
4. Divine Amalgamation
One has to wonder where we put all the stuff we find in our travels. Our suit doesn't seem to have pockets.
Besides learning different abilities through essences, this is what makes the Nahobino so powerful. This miracle allows you to change your affinities as you need to, provided you have the essences you need.
The last thing you want is an enemy hitting your weakness because they’ll seriously hurt you and get an extra turn. Also, if you go down it’s game over.
What makes Divine Amalgamation useful:
- You can change your affinities to give you the advantage in battles. For example, if you have a boss fight coming up and you know they have ice abilities… use an essence that makes you immune to ice.
- Because you can change your weaknesses any time you like, it really makes you weak to nothing.
- Not giving your enemy the chance to hit your weakness means they won’t get an extra turn from it.
Divine Amalgamation
- Allows the Nahobino to acquire affinity resistances from essences during Essence Fusion.
- Category: Doctrine
- Cost: 20 glory
3. Divine Garrison IX
The post-battle animation makes our squad look so strong and imposing. We are.
It can be a pain to either remove demons from your stock just to make room for another. That, or constantly backtrack to a leyline font just to register them before making room.
This series of miracles increases how many demons you can have in your stock at a time. This is helpful for many reasons beyond just recruiting demons and filling the compendium. The higher level versions of this miracle increase your stock by three.
What makes Divine Garrison useful:
- You can keep a variety of different demons with you and be prepared for any situation or battle.
- It will save you time from having to backtrack or remove demons from your stock.
- As your demons level up in your travels, you can register them to the compendium. So if you ever need to summon them again, they will be just as powerful as they were when they left your party.
Divine Garrison IX
- Increases demon stock by 3.
- Category: Awakening
- Cost: 200 glory
2. Knowledge of Tools
Still wondering how our hands can turn into swords and where our fingers go.
It can be annoying being the only one who knows how to use items. Not anymore! Your party members can also use items with this miracle in effect.
You will no longer have to sacrifice your turn to use an item. If the Nahobino has the potential to use more damage than a different party member, they can let that demon use an item instead. It can make the flow of battle run smoother for you.
What makes Knowledge of Tools useful:
- If an enemy hits you hard and you’re at low health, you don’t have to worry. You can still use your strongest attack and know you’ll be in good hands. Or at least, if you have healing items like Medicine and Beads in your inventory.
- If your party is running low on MP and you have shards or crystals, they can still hit an enemy's weakness with those. That way you get an extra turn to do even more damage.
- Didn’t figure out your enemy’s weakness on your turn? Doesn’t matter. If you have a Spyglass in your inventory, another party member can use that. That will prevent further bad luck from guessing what your enemy is weak or immune to.
Knowledge of Tools:
- Allows your demons to use items during battle
- Category: Supremacy
- Cost: 85
1. Warrior’s Conception
It's good to know that we don't have to play the piano well to fuse demons.
As you fuse demons to create new and powerful ones, why not make them even more powerful? This miracle will make it so that a newly fused demon gets a stat bonus based on the stats of the demons used for fusion.
You’ll want to pay attention to the stats of the demons you use to fuse because you could be getting better results with different pairings.
What makes Warrior’s Conception useful:
- These bonuses will give your demons a better advantage in battle.
- This miracle could also help make up where demons were lacking originally, putting them in a better position to help you.
- If you are fusing a higher level demon, this bonus will make them even stronger. You could potentially even max out some of their stats.
Warrior’s Conception:
- Newly-fused demons will gain a stat bonus based on the stats of the demons fused.
- Category: Doctrine
- Cost: 50 glory