The Nahobino is a very flexible character and you can build him any way you want! Whenever you level up, you can allot a point to one of five stats: Magic, Vitality, Strength, Agility, and Luck. These stats will determine how the Nahobino fairs in battle.
Having all that flexibility can be overwhelming because you may not know which stats to prioritize or what will really help you. This guide will help give you some pointers on which stats are the best ones to invest your points into and why.
1. Agility
Whenever the Nahobino dodges an attack, he floats and his hair flutters in the wind.
This stat determines the chances of the Nahobino dodging enemy attacks, landing hits on enemies, and fleeing from battle if needed.
Agility is probably the most important stat because it won’t matter if you’re as strong as you possibly can be. If you’re slow then you’ll have a hard time hitting enemies who are faster than you.
Upgrade Agility if…
- You want better chances to escape battles. If you feel like you can’t win and don’t want to keep reliving the game over cutscene, boosting this stat will give you a better chance at succeeding.
- You want to steal your enemy's turns. If they miss when trying to attack you, they lose two turns. The faster you are, the higher chance there is of that happening.
- You don’t want enemies to steal your turns. If you miss hitting them, they steal your turns. That would be especially bad for your party. Raising agility would give you better odds to prevent that from happening.
2. Magic
Murakumo turns this magical energy into a drill-like mass that we slam onto our enemies.
Your max MP and the damage dealt with magic attacks are based on this stat.
As the person who is meant to decide the fate of the universe, you need to be able to do more than just smack things. You need magic and magical abilities to fight your way through the game. Not investing points into this stat could cost you big time as you progress through the game.
Upgrade Magic if…
- You want more MP. If you don’t invest points into this stat but you get some MP-heavy moves, you’ll constantly run out of steam. You shouldn’t need to rely on MP restoring items that much. Even if you did, few of those items ever fully replenish it.
- You want your magic based attacks to do a lot of damage. Even if you strike an enemy’s weakness with an attack and gain an extra turn, it’s not worth it if these attacks still do little damage.
- You want to save money. You won’t have to rely on MP restoring items as mentioned earlier. You can save your money for more useful items, like the Whittled Goat which is incredibly expensive.
3. Strength
When we use Aramasa, we slice up our enemies like it's nothing.
Strength is what determines how much damage the Nahobino can deal when using a normal attack or physical based attacks.
While having high magic and MP is necessary, so is having strength. Your MP can still run out, no matter how much of it you have. You shouldn’t rely on magic alone to get you through fights, especially when you have other party members who can help out with that part.
Also, let’s be real, Aramasa looks really cool. Make it cooler by boosting your strength so that skill can do more damage.
Upgrade Strength if…
- You want to conserve MP. If your normal attacks do considerable damage, you can afford to be more strategic when you use magic attacks.
- You want your physical skills to do a lot of damage. Even though physical attacks technically use MP, they are strength based and not magic based.
- Some skills are magic abilities that are strength based, like Flame Dracostrike. So if your strength is currently higher than your magic, those moves would be more beneficial to you. You could still strike an enemy's weakness and do a lot more damage while gaining another turn.