[Top 15] Star Wars Best Characters (Ranked)

18 Feb 2024

Who are the best characters in the Star Wars Universe?

With almost 22,000 characters over the course of its impressive 47 year history, Star Wars has one of the most diverse and expansive fictional universes. Today we will be looking at the 15 “best” characters from Lucas’ brainchild, taking into account both their effect on the universe and fan favoritism. We shall pick characters only from the main movies but we shall consider the characters’ effects and progression from the shows as well.  As always, spoilers will follow for all Star Wars movies and shows.


15. Ben Solo/Kylo Ren (The Force Awakens 2015)

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Kylo Ren in The Force Awakens

Ben Solo is the son of Han Solo and Leia Solo and one of the first students in Luke Skywalker’s new Jedi Academy. After a bad night, Ben became Kylo Ren: the “Ren” (or leader) of the Knights of Ren, a collection of soldiers working for Supreme Leader Snoke of the First Order. Torn between his call to the Light and his familial connection to the Dark Side, Kylo spends his adult life fighting between the two. 

Kylo began his training as a Jedi under the new Grand Master Luke Skywalker but quickly became a warrior for the Dark Side, moving his goals from “become a Jedi and serve the galaxy” to “subjugate the galaxy to the First Order’s rule.” In the end, Kylo discovered his greatest motivations were to protect his new friend.

Oftentimes called the best character from the Disney Trilogy by fans, Kylo stands out amongst the newcomers to the Star Wars cast. Fans reacted positively to Adam Driver’s acting as well as the inspiration from well-known characters from the Expanded Universe (EU).

Kylo Ren showcases a new Force ability.


14. Qui-Gon Jinn

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Qui-Gon was the first Force Ghost.

Qui-Gon was a Padawan of Dooku during his time as a Jedi and is the Jedi who found the Chosen One. Qui-Gon was known for listening more to the living Force itself rather than the Jedi Council, a reason that he was not on the Council. Qui-Gon was so proficient in the Force that he was the first to learn how to become a Force Ghost after dying and paved the way for Yoda, Anakin, and Obi-Wan to join him afterwards.

Qui-Gon is driven by a desire to fulfill the Whill(s) of the Force. Once he discovered Anakin, he acquired a need to train him, even against the requests of the Council. Even his final breath was used to convince Obi-Wan to train Anakin.

Despite his relatively short existence in the canon, Qui-Gon quickly gained favor in the fandom with his occasional disregard for the rules of the Jedi and has made some limited appearances in other shows and movies. 

Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace. Escape Tatooine (Qui-Gon Vs Darth Maul). 4K ULTRA HD.


13. Grand Moff Tarkin (Star Wars 1977)

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Tarkin stands in command of the Death Star.

Wilhuff Tarkin began his career in the Grand Army of the Republic as an officer in the Navy before becoming a Governor and then a Grand Moff of the Galactic Empire. Tarkin’s greatest feat was overseeing the construction of the Death Star and then becoming its commander, as well as starting the Tarkin doctrine: an aggressive way to ensure the Empire’s control on the galaxy.

Tarkin was driven by one motivation: attaining more power. During the Clone Wars, he rose to the rank of Adjutant General over the Army and the Navy of the Republic, grew close to Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, and accused Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano of treason. During the Empire’s reign, Tarkin mostly oversaw the Death Star project, became one of the very few Grand Moffs of the Empire, and enacted the Tarkin Doctrine. Tarkin was a prideful person, which ultimately led to his demise.

Clearly Tarkin had a significant impact on the galaxy, almost entirely negative, including the deaths of nearly two billion citizens of Alderaan. Despite his misanthropic personality, Tarkin became a cold favorite for fans and has been involved in many books, shows, and games.


12. Count Dooku (Attack of the Clones 2002)

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Count Dooku started as a Jedi.

People from the planet of Serenno have only one name, including its Count: Count Dooku. After financing Palpatine’s Confederacy of Independent Systems and betraying the Jedi to join the Sith, Dooku came to be known as Darth Tyranus. Despite being a Sith, Dooku was still a reasonable foe and a chivalrous leader.

During his Jedi days, Dooku aimed to uphold the goals and values of the Jedi. Once he became a Sith, Darth Sidious told Dooku that they would simply bring balance to the galaxy and so Dooku went on a, admittedly crooked, path to take over the galaxy.

Since Dooku financed the droid armies that fought the Clone Wars and led to the Clone Army that became the Stormtrooper Corps, one could argue that Dooku is almost directly responsible for the Empire’s rise to power. Christopher Lee’s acting and Count Dooku’s mannerisms led fans to immediately enjoy the character, leading to his inclusion in numerous games and books, and being a central character in the Clone Wars shows and movies.


11. Padme Amidala (The Phantom Menace 1999)

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Padme was elected as Queen of Naboo.

Padme Amidala is the mother of Luke and Leia, as well as a prominent official in the government for the Galactic Republic, including serving as the Queen of her home planet Naboo as well as a Senator. Padme has had a significant effect on the universe as a politician and as a friend to Anakin and Obi-wan. 

Between taking down a military blockade of her home planet, rescuing a Jedi in need, and working to uncover an evil secret in the senate, Padme has been shown to have one main goal: bring peace to the Galaxy and improve the lives of the galactic citizens.

Padme quickly became a fan-favorite after her introduction in the Prequel trilogy and played a large part in the Clone Wars TV show. Despite her tragic sadness, Padme is a well-written female character.


10. R2-D2 & C-3PO (Star Wars 1977)

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This duo was inseparable over the course of decades.

As a nearly inseparable duo, R2-D2 and C-3PO have witnessed most of the major events of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Civil War, and the First Order’s rise to power. R2 started as a service astromech for the Royal palace of Naboo before the Clone Wars started and 3PO was created by the child genius Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine around the same time. R2 and 3PO switched places at the start of the Clone Wars with R2 going with Anakin and 3PO serving Padme until the end of the war. Afterwards, both droids assisted the Rebel Alliance with R2 joining their son, Luke Skywalker.

R2 and 3PO were in service for most of their lifetimes with R2 mainly trying to serve the greater good and 3PO more so looking out for direct survival. Generally one can find this duo with R2 out to complete some major mission and 3PO attempting to protect R2. 

R2 is directly responsible for saving our main protagonists and factions many times over the years. C-3PO has also actively saved our favorite heroes. The dynamic difference in this duo has made them quite the fan favorite.


9. Leia Organa (Star Wars 1977)

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Princess Leia is captured aboard the Tantive IV.

Leia is the daughter of Padme Amidala and Anakin Skywalker and the adoptive daughter of Bail and Breha Organa. Not only is she a princess of Alderaan, but she also helped to start the Rebel Alliance and defeat the Galactic Empire. After the New Republic fell to the First Order, she dropped her “princess” title and became “General” Leia instead.

Similar to her mother, Leia is always on the path to make the galaxy better. From helping save the galaxy from the Empire, to saving her family from the Sith, to helping save the galaxy from the First Order, Leia is shown to have two goals: save the galaxy and protect her family.

Leia was an instant fan favorite from her debut in 1977 as one of the earliest and arguably the most prominent female sci-fi leads. Since the Original Trilogy ended, Leia has appeared in countless shows, books, movies, and games, and is now one of the most common costumes.


8. Darth Maul (The Phantom Menace 1999)

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Darth Maul was a master of the double-bladed lightsaber.

Darth Maul was the first of Sidious’ apprentices who was responsible for the death of Qui-gon Jinn and potentially the start of Anakin’s path to the Dark Side. With his epic introduction in the Theed Palace hangar and the introduction of the double-bladed saber, fans immediately fell in love with Maul. 

Maul was led by Sidious to believe that the Sith would rise again and that he was owed part of that. Because of this, Maul was led by a desire to bring the Sith back to rule the galaxy. After his inevitable return years later and with knowledge of Sidious’ plan, Maul was driven by one thing: revenge on the one who left him for dead. Maul searched for revenge over the course of decades.

A combination of Ray Park’s athleticism, John Williams’ score, and the addition of the double-bladed saber made Maul an immediate fan favorite. Despite his incredibly limited screen time, Maul was shown to have survived and has made appearances in the Clone Wars and Rebels shows and the Solo movie.


7. Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi (Star Wars 1977)

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Obi-Wan Kenobi was a Jedi Master on the Jedi Council.

Obi-Wan was originally introduced to the audience  as “Ben” Kenobi in 1977 but we quickly learned that his real name is Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan served as a Jedi General during the Clone Wars where he trained Anakin Skywalker and joined the Jedi Council. During the Galactic Civil War, Obi-Wan acted as a hermit to watch over Luke Skywalker from afar and then train him to defeat Darth Vader.

Obi-Wan was driven by a passion to protect innocents from the harm of the Dark Side, whether this involved fighting the Separatists as a Jedi General or hiding on a desert planet to train one of the few remaining Jedi. 

It is without question that Obi-Wan had a very significant effect on the galaxy from training Anakin to training Luke. With four actors, Obi-Wan is one of the most recognizable characters from Star Wars, even earning the nickname “Space Jesus” for his likeness. Add to this the characters sass and you have a recipe for adoration.


6. Yoda (Empire Strikes Back 1980)

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Yoda hid on the planet Dagobah after the downfall of the Jedi.

Part of a mysterious species whose name and origin are unknown, Yoda is one of only three known of his kind. Increasing the mystery behind his history, Yoda is only known by the single name, similar to Count Dooku. With his extended life span, Yoda served as the Jedi Grand Master for the entire two-hundred years of the existence of the rank. In addition to this, Yoda trained Jedi as a Master for 800 years before helping train his final student: Luke Skywalker.

Yoda sought to protect the Jedi order, train more Jedi, and eliminate the Dark Side users. For almost 900 years, Yoda led the Jedi through relatively peaceful times until he failed to see Sidious’ plan and felt the need to hide out in order to train Luke.

Despite his odd introduction, the Prequel Trilogy turned Yoda into a fan favorite with his first fight scene. In addition, the Clone Wars shows gave high favorability to the character.


We now reach the top five. These are the characters that have had the most impact on the galaxy and are the most immediately recognizable to the greatest population.


5. Luke Skywalker (Star Wars 1977)

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Luke is awarded the Medal of Yavin after destroying the first Death Star.

Luke Skywalker was the son of Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala and was seen as the only one able to defeat Vader and Sidious. Luke was the one to destroy the first Death Star and save the Rebellion in the process, after which he turned Anakin back to the Light Side. Luke restarted the Jedi Academy with the New Republic and became the first new Grand Master since the creation of the rank.

Luke was raised as a farmhand on the desert planet Tatooine and was set on joining the Imperial Academy and becoming a pilot. After a campfire went wrong at his abode and a sudden reunion with a friend, Luke decided to join the Rebels and take on the Empire. After learning about his familial connection to the Empire, he was determined to save his father. 

With his steadfast commitment to the “right way” of doing things, Luke became a favorite not just because he overcame the odds in defeating the Empire, but is one of the very few Jedi to actually understand the Force and the Jedi Code.


4. Sheev Palpatine (Empire Strikes Back 1977)

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Palpatine stands in his new office aboard the Death Star II.

Palpatine was first a Senator for his home planet of Naboo and then the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic before becoming the Emperor of the first Galactic Empire. Other than this, Palpatine was also the secret Sith Lord Darth Sidious, who master-minded the entire Clone Wars simply to attain power. Sidious was the apprentice of Darth Plagueis and master to favorites such as Maul, Tyranus, and Vader.

Palpatine was driven by one motive: gaining power. He was able to puppeteer the entire Naboo blockade and subsequent Clone Wars in order to be elected as Chancellor and then introduce an Imperial government. Once he was Emperor, his only goal was the destruction of the Rebels and the further control of the galaxy.

Palpatine was a manipulative and conniving person capable of twisting the public’s perception on any matter and was even able to trick the entire Jedi order. Palpatine was able to fulfill his plan over the course of decades.


3. Anakin Skywalker (Phantom Menace 1999)

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Anakin Skywalker joins the battle on Yerbana.

Anakin Skywalker was a child prodigy in the Force, speeder piloting, and mechanical engineering. Despite being too old for Jedi training, Anakin was identified as the Chosen One and possessed more Midi-chlorians than even Grand Master Yoda. Anakin served as a Jedi General during the Clone Wars and taught a Padawan learner before being seduced by the Dark Side. At the end of the Galactic Civil War, Anakin killed Sidious and brought balance back to the Force.

Before being discovered by the Jedi, Anakin’s main goal was to escape Tatooine and free the other slaves. After learning about his mother’s demise and his inability to save her, Anakin was driven to find a way to keep his wife from dying. Throughout the Clone Wars, Anakin was led by a brotherly care for his troopers and his Jedi colleagues.

Anakin had potentially the largest impact on the galaxy behind perhaps Sidious. Even though Anakin was first seen as “whiny”, fans came around to Anakin after his showing in Revenge of the Sith and the Clone Wars. 


2. Darth Vader

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Darth Vader gets his iconic suit.

Darth Vader is the Sith moniker for Anakin Skywalker, however Vader and Anakin are completely separate people and personalities, even as admitted by Vader himself. Vader’s first act as a Sith was to wipe out (nearly) every Jedi in the Jedi Temple. Vader is the right-hand man for Sidious during the Empire’s reign and the main man in charge of hunting the Rebels. 

During the Empire’s reign, Vader had two main goals, first was his public goal of destroying the Rebel Alliance. Secondly, he had a secret mission of killing Sidious and taking over. Vader came close to wiping out the Rebels multiple times but generally fell short due to incompetence on the part of his subordinates. 

Vader’s first large impact on the galaxy was wiping out the Jedi and helping usher in the new Empire. During the Imperial era, Vader hunted down and killed many Jedi. In reality, Vader is instantly recognizable to almost any person and has become something of a cult icon. 


1. Jango Fett (Attack of the Clones 2002)

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Jango Fett and his Clones.

Jango Fett was a Mandalorian who was the template for the entire Clone army and a good chunk of the Imperial Stormtrooper corps. Even though he was simply a bounty hunter, his actions indirectly and directly led to the start of the Clone Wars, the Jedi being eliminated, the rise of the Empire, and deaths and saving of many citizens. Beyond this, he also spawned Boba Fett who was important in his own right.

Jango was initially fueled by a desire to make money hunting bounties. At some point, he decided the way to carry on his legacy was to have a son, whom he then decided to protect. Despite this, his lifestyle was unhealthy.

As a Mandalorian, Jango has generated a large following boosted by his similarity to the existing character of Boba Fett. Add to this the fact that his face is shared by millions of Clone Troopers, ARC Troopers, Commandos, and others, it was impossible to believe that Jango might not be such a popular character. 


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