Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town Best Wife To Marry

09 Aug 2024
Why get married in the new Friends of Mineral Town? Taking a spouse will guarantee you a date for the romantic festivals such as the Fireworks festival and Starlight Night, as well as gifts for other holidays. Plus, if you’re looking to start a family, you’re going to need a co-parent! In this remake, you can romance both boys and girls regardless of which gender you decide to play as, but this article will focus on the potential brides.

You bond with your love interests through ‘Heart Events’, one for each affection level. This is how you build a relationship with your prospects and learn more about them. In this Story of Seasons title, there is no ‘better’ wife in terms of game mechanics, so choosing one is strictly a matter of opinion. The list below ranks the available girls in terms of personality, with the exception being:

#7: The Harvest Goddess
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You’d think marrying the literal goddess of nature would have some perks, but no. Among the standard marriage requirements, you basically need to 100% the game in order to marry the divine being, which sort of defeats the point of marriage in the first place.

With her divine duties, the Harvest Goddess can’t even live with you after your wedding, so you won’t be able to spend nearly as much time with her as you would with a mortal spouse. Still, she’s a shiny trophy for those looking to 100% the game.

Marry the Harvest Goddess if:
1. You’re a completionist and want the challenge
2. You want a big ol farmhouse all to yourself
3. You want the bragging rights of having a divine being as your wife

#6: Popuri

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Popuri works at the poultry farm and knows her way around a chicken. So, why is she so far down on this list? Many of her heart events feel more like you’re babysitting Popuri, not building a relationship with her. She’s the baby of the family, which plays into her childlike personality even more. But if you’re a young farmer at heart, Popuri could be your perfect match!

Marry Popuri if:
1. You want a fun wife
2. You love chickens
3. You really, really like the color pink

#5: Karen
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Karen is the responsible, big sister type of the game. She works at the general store and even gives you free grass seeds during her intro event. The downside of Karen is her stubbornness; more than one of her heart events involves reasoning with her. (And if you remember the Karen from Harvest Moon 64, she seems to still drink quite a bit of “grape juice”!) But she would make for a good farmer’s wife, at least business wise.

Marry Karen if:
1. You want a wife that can drink you under the table
2. You want to be the chef in the family (yeah, poor thing can’t cook to save her life)
3. You like your woman business-savvy

#4: Marie

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Marie is the shy bookworm. Every single one of Marie’s heart events is about her reading or writing, and while her love story is deep and sweet, she can become a bit boring for those who don’t care for literary types. One thing you’ll never doubt, however, is her level of devotion for you.

Marry Marie if:
1. You’re a bookworm
2. You’re a hopeless romantic
3. You prefer shy girls

#3: Elly

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Elly is the local nurse, and tends to be a worrywart. She’s the only one left to take care of her grandmother and little brother, and winds up stretching herself thin with all of her duties. Yes, she is a workaholic--romancing Elly can provide her with the love and care she offers everyone else.

Marry Elly if:
1. Family is important to you
2. You want a homemaking spouse
3. You like kids

#2: Jennifer
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Jennifer is the new bachelorette exclusive to this remake. She speaks the most eloquently of the girls, but chooses a humble life in the outdoors. Her views are…eccentric, to say the least--but if you can get past that, you’ll have a wife that’s more than happy to live on a farm with you.

Marry Jennifer if:
1. You want a nature-loving wife
2. You’re a spiritual person
3. You want a brand new character to romance

#1: Ran

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Ran (previously named Ann; weird name change, huh?) Is the innkeeper's daughter. She’s cheerful, friendly, and will give you a run for your money during the Cooking Contest. Despite her feminine hobbies, her father Doug worries about her finding a spouse. Marrying Ran will ensure that your farming days are filled with sunshine!

Marry Ran if:
1. You appreciate a cheerful attitude
2. You want a wife that can cook
3. You want Ran’s dad to stop worrying about her (seriously, he does his a lot)

There's a personality for everyone in this adorable remake, and there's no rules against dating around in-game until you find a special someone to tie the knot with. Have fun!

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1. SoS: Friends of Mineral Town Best Bachelor
2. SoS: Friends of Mineral Town Best Ways to Make Gold
3. SoS: Friends of Mineral Town Tips Guide

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