[Top 10] Super Auto Pets Best Pets

26 Feb 2024

Looking to up your Super Auto Pets game? Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, having the right pets in your lineup can make all the difference. We've rounded up the Top 10 Pets that are sure to give you a leg up in the competition. From the tried-and-true classics to some underrated gems, there's something here for everyone. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into the world of Super Auto Pets!


Number 10: Penguin

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Level 3 Dirty Rat goes CRAZY with Camel

Coming at our 10th spot on the list is Penguin! Penguin is a scaler that works great for many different Teams, as long as they are Level 2. This Pet performs especially well mid-game, and is also versatile for many different Team types.

Here are some of Penguin’s strengths:

  • Works well for various Teams, but especially shines with Scaling Builds and Sporadic Damage Teams
  • Can be found relatively early-game, and is therefore easier to level up and make more powerful
  • Synergizes well with Bison
  • Performs the best mid-game, though should be switched out for a better scaler late-game
  • No position constraints


  • Attack: 2
  • Health: 4
  • Special Ability: At the end of every turn, Penguin gives a stat buff to two random level 2 and 3 Pets. Leveling up this Pet increases the amount of buff it gives.


Number 9: Camel

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So close to a win… but look at how buff that Camel is

Next on the list is a fan-favorite: Camel! Camel’s special ability provides temporary buffs to the Pet behind it. Where Camel truly shines is when it itself is buffed, since this Pet would survive longer and trigger its ability. When this is done, Camel is nearly unstoppable.

Here are some of Camel’s strengths:

  • Will work best when it has a scaler on its team, especially when Camel is being scaled
  • Synergizes well with Elephant when it is in front of Camel.
  • Will perform best when Camel is buffed to have high-stats and is at the front of the Team
  • Can be found early-game, making it easier to buff its stats
  • Shines with Attack Builds
  • The legendary Elephant-Camel-Peacock synergy shines, especially mid-game. Later in the game, you can swap out Peacock for a more powerful attacker, such as Snake
  • The best Food to pair with this Pet is Garlic Armor, since it will increase the Camel’s lifespan


  • Attack: 3
  • Health: 4
  • Special Ability: When Camel takes damage, it gives a buff to the nearest Pet behind it. Leveling up this Pet increases the amount of buff it gives.


Number 8: Worm

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Do you think Ducks can have Garlic?

When I first started playing Super Auto Pets, I didn’t think Worm had the potential to be a strong Pet for my Team. Its base stats are low, and I found it difficult to believe that its special ability was any good. However, I realized how powerful this Pet can actually be once I tried it out in a few Teams… and won multiple times!

Here are some of Worm’s strengths:

  • It’s special ability makes it easy to utilizes your economy well, making it easy to both power up your Team and roll in favor of RNG
  • Works best with Food Teams
  • You can either buff Worm itself or focus on buffing a different Pet to make its stats strong
  • No position constraints
  • Easy to find early game, and therefore easy to level up


  • Attack: 1
  • Health: 2
  • Special Ability: At the start of the turn, Worm will stock the food shop with a 2-gold Apple. Leveling up the Worm increases the stats given by the stocked Apple.


Number 7: Skunk

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Tiny Skunk = deadly win

Skunk is easily one of the best snipers in the game. As the majority of Super Auto Pet players tend to put a lot of buffing/Food into one Pet, Skunk’s special ability can nerf a Team that would otherwise be difficult to take down.

Here are some of Skunk’s strengths:

  • Works well against Scaling Teams
  • No position constraints
  • The only type of Team that Skunk doesn’t work well against is a Summoner’s Build, which makes this Pet extremely powerful
  • The best sniper in the game, and therefore works well with Sniper Builds (IE with blowfish)
  • This Pet doesn’t need to synergize with other Pets
  • Can sit in the back of a Team and not need to be buffed in order to perform well
  • Pairs well with damage Food perks, such as Chili


  • Attack: 3
  • Health: 5
  • Special Ability: At the start of battle, Skunk will reduce the health of the highest health enemy by a percentage of its total health. Leveling up the Skunk will increase the percentage number that the enemy's health is reduced by.


Number 6: Hippo

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Better watch out for Hippo + Snake

Sitting at spot number 6 is the infamous Hippo, scary in both real life AND in this game. Hippo is one of the strongest attackers in the Turtle Pack. Against Summoner’s Builds, Hippos are catastrophic, but in general this Pet is one you don’t want to mess around with. With the right Team, Hippo can easily lead you to victory.

Here are some of Hippo’s strengths:

  • You will almost always get a victory when Hippo is put up against a Summoner’s Build
  • Synergizes well with strong scalers, such as Monkey
  • Synergizes with Camel
  • Synergizes with Dirty Rat’s special ability, as its ability will make Hippo’s special ability activate at least once.
  • Not necessarily positional, but works best when put at the front of a Team
  • Pairs best with defensive perks, such as Melon or Galic Armor


  • Attack: 4
  • Health: 5
  • Special Ability: Whenever Hippo knocks out an enemy Pet, it gains a large amount of attack and health. Leveling up the Hippo will increase the amount of attack and health it gains upon making an enemy Pet faint.


Number 5: Snake

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Halfway through our list is Snake, also an effective and powerful sniper for various Team types. With its special ability, this Pet has the capability to do continuous random damage to your enemy’s Pets. When paired with the right Pet in front of it, you can deal high amounts of damage, and even take out Pets you otherwise wouldn’t be able to take out.

Here are some of Snake’s strengths:
  • This Pet works best behind another Pet with high stats
  • This Pet also works well behind a summoner’s Pet (Deer, Fly, etc.)
  • Snake’s base stats are higher compared to lower Pets
  • Special ability alone can knock out a high-stat enemy Pet
  • Performs best against summoner’s builds
  • Works well with Attack Builds
  • Attack: 6
  • Health: 6
  • Special Ability: When the nearest Pet ahead of Snake attacks, it will damage a random enemy Pet. Leveling up the Snake will increase the amount of damage it deals.


Number 4: Monkey

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Uhh… I guess… that works?

Monkey is a scaling Pet found late-game that will make your front Pet extremely powerful. What makes this Pet good compared to other Pets is the insanely high scaling bonus this Pet provides for your front Pet, which is commonly the most powerful in your Team. Even as a Level 1 Pet, this Pet is an instant choice for nearly any Team

Here are some of Monkey’s strengths:

  • Works well with nearly every Team type, with the exception of Summoner’s.
  • It’s base special ability buff is insanely high, even as a Level 1
  • No position constraints
  • Since most players tend to put their most powerful Pet at the front of each Team, it makes this Pet an instant choice for many
  • Synergizes well with Camel, Bison, and any other Pet that tends to get put at the front
  • Try putting a scorpion at the front of your Team with Monkey: you will see how fast your scorpion will get big.
  • Pretty much any Food perk will go well with Monkey


  • Attack: 1
  • Health: 2
  • Special Ability: At the end of each turn, Monkey will provide a big stat boost to the front-most Pet of your Team. Leveling up the Monkey will increase the amount of stats it gives.


Number 3: Parrot

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Gobble gobble squawk squawk

At our “bronze” spot for the list is Parrot, a difficult yet powerful Pet to play. This one has a unique special ability: copying the special ability of the Pet in front of it. You may think this Pet is redundant: why not just put two of the same Pet in a game? However, doing so would make RNG less in your favor, making it difficult to level up those two Pets. Therefore, Parrot can be a powerful Pet to put in your Team when your Team would benefit from doubling a Pet’s special ability.

Here are some of Parrot’s strengths:

  • Parrot is a diverse Pet that can work well with so many different Pets
  • Synergizes with Summoner’s Build “back Pets,” such as Turkey or Dog
  • Synergizes with combat Pets, such as Snake or Leopard
  • Leveling up Parrot will make it extremely powerful
  • The best Food perk for Parrot varies, depending on what ability it is copying
  • Important Note about Parrot’s Special Ability: Since Parrot’s special ability is an “end turn” ability, copying another end turn Pet will not trigger Parrot again. For example, copying a Monkey won't make the Parrot buff the front Pet.


  • Attack: 4
  • Health: 2
  • Special Ability: At the end of turn, Parrot copies the ability from the nearest Pet ahead and reverts BACK to its original ability when the battle ends. The level of the ability copied is the same as the Parrot's level, regardless of the level of the friend it copied from.


Number 2: Bison

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Is this even possible?

Bison sits at our number 2 spot, being one of the most powerful Pets in the game because of its special ability. Through many of my articles, I’ve mentioned how Pets themselves can’t win on their own… This is (almost) an exception for Bison. Bison has the capability of making itself extremely powerful, and the only requirement is to have any Level 3 Pet in your party to trigger its ability.

Here are some of Bison’s strengths:

  • Works well as a front-line Pet
  • Can trigger its special ability with any Level 3 Pet
  • Can be found early-to-mid game, giving it more Turns to buff itself
  • Synergizes well with Monkey
  • Can be bought before a Level 3 is acquired, but Bison should be ditched if the Level 3 is taking too many Turns to show up
  • It can go with many different food perks
  • Attack: 4
  • Health: 4
  • Special Ability: At the end of turn, Bison gains a boost to its stats, but only if there is a Level 3 Pet on its team. Leveling up the Bison will increase the amount of stats it gains.


Number 1: Cat

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I wanna cuddle the cat!

Finally, at our number 1 spot, is Cat. Cat by itself isn’t the most powerful Pet in the game. However, it’s special ability makes other Pets so, SO much more powerful, and even has the capability of turning EVERY Pet on your turn into a 50/50. Yup, you read that right.

Here are some of Cat’s strengths:

  • Cat works well with every Team. However, it is extraordinarily powerful with Food Builds.
  • Synergizes with Seal, and will make Seal extremely buff
  • Synergizes with Squirrel
  • Synergizes with Cow, though Cow should be sold soon after it is bought
  • Can also synergize well with Swan, as the extra gold can be spent on Food
  • No position constraints
  • Will make your team’s Stats extremely powerful
  • Will double the effect of Sushi and Pizza, which are already powerful foods on their own
  • Attack: 4
  • Health: 5
  • Special Ability: When Cat is on the team, stat effects from Food will be multiplied up to two times per turn. This multiplication amount will increase when Cat is leveled up.

While this list pretty much summarizes what I think are the best pets in Super Auto Pets, it’s important to remember that Pets will never win a game on their own. The winning Teams in this game are the ones that have Pets that synergize with one another. Therefore, if you can find Pets that work well with these ones, you almost ensured to win.

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