[Top 7] Talisman Best Characters To Play

talisman, talisman characters, top 7 talisman, best talisman
03 Feb 2022

Imagine this. You’re traversing the rocky cliffside in the blazing heat. All you have on you is a water bottle and an ax. Your companions - a priest, a monk, and an elf - are close to death. However, you are in a much better spot than them, all thanks to the character you are playing. 

This is Talisman. Whether you’re playing an in-person game or online with friends, there are a few characters that will guarantee you an advantage against your opponents. Not to mention, they each have incredibly different and unique characteristics!

7. The Warrior

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Red Warrior Talisman drawn by Feliciacano on Deviantart

As a character in the base game, the warrior is a strong, versatile, and easy-to-play choice! If you are new to Talisman, this is one of the best characters you can choose in the base game.

When it comes to making your way around the map quickly and efficiently, the warrior will ensure you have an advantage and higher confidence in your moves.

There are many reasons as to why the warrior is a great character to play:

  • As the warrior, you can wield two weapons in battle.
  • During a battle, you can roll twice and use the highest roll for your attack.
  • This only counts toward strength-based attacks, not craft.
  • The warrior starts off with five lives. The average is three!

If you like quick-and-easy attack battles, extra lives, and don’t have any expansion packs, then the warrior is a great choice!

6. The Martyr

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The Martyr is stood in the valley, her shortsword glistening under the sun

Many fans of the martyr claim her to be a favorite and valued buy. She is sold separately from the base game, but is well worth the money!

The martyr has several advantages:

  • For the price of one life, she can automatically win any battle. She has five lives! That seems fairly… well… fair!
    • She cannot sacrifice one of her lives when attacked by another character.
  • If you choose to have the martyr attack another character, she can use a psychic attack instead!
    • This is not the case when you are attacked by another character.
  • After you pray, roll the dice! You can add one to your score!
  • She is of good alignment. Sometimes you will draw a card or land on a space that will change your alignment. That action is void if you play the martyr.

    The martyr is the character for you if you love to play strong female roles, if you love a challenge and if you don’t mind paying a little extra to play her!

5. Dervish

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A Dervish character card showing off each of his unique features

Now I will say, the Dervish can tend to be a hit or miss with many players. I for one love using him! The Dervish is of good alignment and can be purchased separately from the base game. 

Packed with loads of neat qualities, here is why the Dervish is a fantastic character to play:

  • When the game begins, you are equipped with one sword and a water bottle. This immediately will prove to be a big advantage!
  • You can choose any one weapon that you’re carrying to not be included in your carrying capacity. This would count the weapon as being essentially “weightless”, while still being just as powerful.
    • Basically, with this, you can carry one extra item.
  • During the battle, you can wield two weapons!
  • After you defeat an enemy and take it as a trophy, you can make an extra move on the board that’s equal to the base strength of the enemy you defeated. Afterward, you can play on the space you landed on!

A big reason why some people may not like the Dervish is that he is considered to be too overpowered. But if you’re a new player to Talisman, and don’t mind spending a few extra bucks, I think he’s a perfect choice!

4. Alchemist

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An Alchemist character card listing off his different abilities and powers

Now if you thought the Dervish was over-powered, then wait until I tell you about the Alchemist. Included in the city expansion, the alchemist is a character with low strength and high craft. While this may make it easier to defeat craft-based enemies, his real power lies in the gold he carries. 

Here is why the Alchemist is both over-powered and incredible:

  • You begin the game already carrying five gold! That’s enough to buy a decent weapon in-game!
  • During your turn, you have an extra action you can take to alchemize any object you have into gold.
    • One gold for each object
    • Three gold for every magic object
  • During the same turn, you have an extra action to alchemize any gold you have into potions! If your craft allows, you may choose to replenish one life, one fate, or gain one spell!

Disregarding what others may say, I will stand by the Alchemist! He’s a strong character. Clearly not in strength, but in charm and wit. He’s an obvious choice to play if you own the city expansion.

3. Troll

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A Troll character card. The Troll is holding his favorite weapon, a wood bat

When you’re looking to play with the classics, the Troll is a great choice! The Troll is low in craft but immensely high in strength. 

Here are some key attributes to the troll:

  • When playing as the troll, you start off with a strength AND life of six!
  • If you land in the crags (located in the outer rim), you don’t have to roll! This is a good thing being that the crags are some of the most difficult spaces on the outer rim.
  • If you manage to roll a six at the start of your turn, you may choose to either move or regenerate one life!
    • If you roll a six but are already at full health, you have to move. You can only heal up to your starting life count.

The troll is great for anyone who wants to focus on strength-based actions. The life-healing feature is easy to understand for any and all new players!

2. Prophetess

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The Prophetess character card shows off this characters unique features and beautiful artwork

Easily taking the number two spot on the list is the Prophetess. A character centered around magic and craft, she is a perfect choice for anyone who wants to make the most of the spells included in the game!

There are many reasons why the Prophetess is the perfect pick:

  • When you start the game, you start with one spell. As the game progresses, you will always have at least one spell available in your inventory.
  • When you draw an adventure card, you can choose to discard it for another one.
    • If you decide to do this, you have to play the new card.
  • At ANY time during the game, you may choose to look at another player's spell cards. You may not take any of their cards.

The Prophetess is included with the base game, and while not being very overpowered, she is an essential character for anyone who loves to play with craft and spells!

1. Dragon Priestess

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A beautiful work of art that is the Dragon Priestess. She is on a character card, her many attributes to the right.

Taking the number one spot is easily the Dragon Priestess. She is the first and only character on this list of evil alignment. Kind of like the Prophetess, the Dragon Priestess is skilled in craft more so than strength.

I love the Dragon Priestess, not only because any game she’s in she is basically guaranteed a win, but also because of her unique abilities:

  • When you begin the game, you begin with two spells as opposed to one.
  • You may take any cultists you encounter as followers rather than attacking them.
  • You have the ability to perform rituals with your followers during your turn instead of moving!
  • You may offer sacrifices to dragons to escape an attack. You can sacrifice followers, objects, or spells. 
    • If you’re enslaved, you must miss a turn.
  • You will never be affected by dragon rage.

The Dragon Priestess is one of the most powerful characters in-game. She is available through the dragon expansion pack and is well worth the money. If you have the chance to play her, do it!

Talisman is great for many reasons: it has a great end goal, interesting objectives, and powerful characters! Characters can make or break the game. Some of the characters on this list may not even be for you, but I swear by them. 

If you’re looking to add life to your game, maybe look into playing one of these characters! You won’t regret it.

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