[Top 10] Watch Dogs: Legion - Best Perks

Best Perks
16 Nov 2023

As we all know, games are inspired by reality. And just like people in this reality, the operatives of Watch Dogs: Legion have their own strengths and weaknesses. These specific traits can either help or hinder the success of your operatives.

Today, we’ll be looking at the best traits to look out for when searching for new recruits. Let’s get to it!

10. Physically Fit

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I spy a physically fit operative!

This trait is a basic but useful one. Operatives with the Physically Fit perk take less damage overall. This could be the difference between injury and health for your operatives, so recruits with this trait are always something to look for.

Operatives who are in good physical shape, such as the spy, are usually the ones to have this trait.


9. Crypto Skimmer

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Time to hack the system and get some money!

This trait isn’t about damage or protection, it’s for the shopaholics. If you play as an operative with the Crypto Skimmer ability, it will give you the chance to earn ETO every time you hack.

This includes the following hacking abilities: 

  • Disrupt
  • Jam
  • Shock

This perk, combined with other traits, has the opportunity to bring in a massive amount of ETO. For example, after liberating Camden you will receive a hacker that could potentially have Crypto Skimmer. If they also have Viral Hacking, they can hack a group of people simultaneously and earn ETO faster than ever before.

Get in loser, we’re going shopping!


8. Shock Hack

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This ability is quite shocking, isn’t it?

The Shock Hack is an ability that almost all the hackers in London have. This perk allows them to electrify enemies and knock down half of their health. 

Shock Hack can be helpful by temporarily keeping enemies distracted while also dealing some damage to them. Having operatives that can both disrupt and shock hostiles is helpful when trying to sneak through heavily guarded areas where there are eyes in every direction.

Hackers are usually gifted with the Shock Hack ability, but I’ve discovered that even some random civilians can also have this trait.

As you can see with the picture above, I have an operative that is a ghostwriter but also has the Shock Ability. So if you’re looking for someone with the trait, don’t forget that you can always check the civilians that are wandering the streets! 


7. K.O. Punch

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Let out your rage with some powerful punches!

This ability allows operatives to knock out enemies without a finishing move, meaning they are taken down faster. This perk is useful when operatives are in hand-to-hand combat with a group of enemies, whether they be Clan Kelley or Albion. 

K.O. Punch is a trait usually held by Bare Knuckle Fighters and Football Hooligans but can be found with other operatives as well.


6. Anti-Shock Suit

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Protect yourself with the Anti-Shock Suit!

The Anti-Shock Suit is designed to make operatives immune to all sources of shock damage, including attacks from drones. This could be a lifesaver on some of the later missions in the campaign where a horde of drones spawn. 

The Beekeeper is one of rarest operatives and is the only one that has an Anti-Shock Suit. After liberating the City of London borough, a Beekeeper with this perk will automatically be added to your team. Although it’s uncommon, you can occasionally find other operatives with the Anti-Shock Suit too. 


5. Police Contact

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Sometimes it’s easier to work with someone on the inside.

Having a police contact in DedSec means less jail time for your entire team! Now your operatives can get back out there faster, commit even more crimes and take down the system!

This Police Contact trait is especially helpful for players who are newer to the game and tend to get captured by Albion easily. But honestly, this perk is beneficial for everyone, as not everyone is immune to making mistakes. 

Note: There are other perks similar to this, such as Bail Out, which occasionally frees an operative from custody. But for the sake of this article, I chose traits like Police Contact and Priority Care because I’m thinking in terms of the success of your whole team - not just one lucky operative.  


4. Priority Care

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DedSec makes sure you come back better than ever!

Priority Care works the same as the Police Contact perk - but Priority Care is for injuries. Operatives with this trait ensure that your team receives the best medical care available. This means that operatives will return to your team quicker after being injured and are available to use after a short amount of time. 

And what makes it even more great - this perk also works for your whole squad! 

As expected, citizens with a medical background usually have this trait. You can find operatives with this perk outside of hospital locations, such as St. Thomas’, Cruciform, and Royal London hospitals.


3. 6G Data Plan

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Sign up for the 6G Data Plan today! With DedSec, everything is free! 

The 6G Data Plan allows players to download data extremely fast. This means you can get in and out of restricted areas quicker and hopefully undetected! If not, this perk is also helpful for players with a more aggressive playstyle.  

Less time downloading, more time for fun!

This perk, along with the next two in this article, are typically found with a Hacker. As mentioned earlier, a Hacker will be added to your team after the borough of Camden becomes defiant. 

However, you can also find this trait with random civilians. For example, I have a ghostwriter with the 6G Data Plan.


2. Key Steal

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Steal as many keys as you want - as long as they’re not for people’s homes!

Instead of being limited to a certain area while downloading, operatives with Key Steal have an unlimited range (as long as they have eyes on the download code through a hacked device).

This trait helps keep your operative safe, as they can stay outside of restricted zones during downloads. Key Steal, when combined with the 6G Data Plan, is optimal for quick and easy downloading. 

This perk is often found with Hackers but can sometimes be found with other civilians in London. To learn how you can get a hacker, read the section above.


1. Fast Hacking

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Fast hacking means more time for slacking! 

Fast hacking is exactly as it sounds. This perk gives the ability of short hack cooldowns. This means that you can use each hacking ability sooner and more frequently.

This is by far the most helpful perk of all. It gives you the opportunity to easily get out of situations where you are surrounded, hack drones more frequently, and keep more enemies distracted.  

Thanks for taking the time to read!

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