[Top 5] Watch Dogs: Legion - Best Tech

Watch Dogs: Legion - Best Operatives
16 Nov 2023

Technology is an important part of our modern world, but it’s even more important in the futuristic universe of Watch Dogs: Legion. It can be used to control people, like Clan Kelley and Albion intend to, or it can be used to protect our way of life as DedSec aims to.

Today, we’ll be investigating the best tech to invest in to give your operatives an edge against these forces of corruption.

Note: All tech and upgrades in Watch Dogs: Legion are purchased with tech points. Tech points are acquired by completing story missions or by finding them in enemy areas.

5. Skin Mesh

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Skin Mesh is an absolute life-saver!

Many of the tech upgrades in Watch Dogs: Legion revolve around increasing the damage your operatives deal, but skin mesh offers a different type of benefit. This tech actually maintains the health of operatives by reducing the amount of damage that they take while under fire.

Skin Mesh is a very basic but helpful upgrade, especially for newer players who are still learning about stealth or even for a more combat-focused approach.

If playing in campaign or online modes, this tech could keep your operatives from being injured or arrested, which means maximizing play time with your favorite operatives! While in resistance mode or with permadeath on, this upgrade could literally be the difference between life and death for your members of DedSec. 

Tech Cost: 

Skin Mesh can be acquired for only 15 tech points. There are no further upgrades to this tech.


4. AR Shroud

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Get the invisibility powers of your dreams...but only for your enemies.

This upgrade is yet another fundamental and incredibly useful one. AR Shroud gives the player the ability to make downed enemies invisible, hiding them from other hostiles and helping avoid detection. This tech upgrade clearly is optimal for stealthy gameplay. 

Tech Cost: 

AR Shroud is a little more costly than Skin Mesh, totaling 35 tech points. There are no additional upgrades to the AR shroud. 


3. Disrupt Hack

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No, he's not dancing. Shocking, I know!

The Disrupt Hack becomes available to use once an enemy is aware of your presence. This tech causes a shock to the enemy and temporarily immobilizes them, also preventing them from firing weapons or calling reinforcements. This gives the player a quick chance to either escape or perform a takedown. 

This hack is also helpful in mere hand-to-hand combat. Just like in other combat situations, the Disrupt Hack allows the player time to take down the enemy or flee the scene. 

As with most hacking abilities in the game, the Disrupt Hack has a cooldown interval.

Tech Cost: 

Disrupt Hack requires 15 tech points, making it one of the easiest enhancements to obtain. Just like with the tech mentioned above, it cannot be upgraded further.


2. Drone Betray Hack

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A Riot Drone in its natural habitat.

Drone Betray is definitely one of my favorite tools of the game! This upgrade is helpful for both stealthy and aggressive playstyles. 

This ability hacks a drone of your choice, making them betray their creators and attack them. This attack lasts until the drone is shot down by enemy forces. Drone Betray provides an advantage by keeping rivals of DedSec distracted while dealing damage to them. 

There is also the benefit of your operative still being playable while using Drone Betray (unlike with the Hijack upgrade for drones). This way, players can keep their operatives hidden from hostiles while the drone is dealing damage. If you have a more combative approach, you can use this ability to divert the attention of some enemies while you focus on taking out the rest

Drone Betray has a cooldown period similar to other hacking abilities in the game.

Tech Cost: 

Players can purchase this tech for the following drones: CT Drones, Riot Drones, and Chase Drones. Each type of drone is a separate category in the tech menu and the hacking abilities for each must be purchased individually.

The first ability that can be purchased for each drone is disabling, while the next upgrade is hijacking. And the final upgrade for drones is the one we have been discussing: the Betray Hack.

To put it simply, in order to gain the Betray Hack, you have to purchase the other upgrades first. Each drone requires a different amount of tech points to purchase these hacks, as listed below:

Chase Drone:

  • Disable: 10 tech points
  • Hijack: 15 tech points
  • Betray: 20 tech points

Total: 45 tech points

Riot Drone:

  • Disable: 15 tech points
  • Hijack: 30 tech points
  • Betray: 45 tech points

Total: 90 tech points

CT Drone:

  • Disable: 40 tech points
  • Hijack: 45 tech points
  • Betray: 60 tech points

Total: 145 tech points

To acquire the betray hack for all listed drones, a total of 280 tech points is needed.


1. Infiltrator Spiderbot

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I hope you don't have arachnophobia!

The Infiltrator Spiderbot is by far the most helpful piece of tech in the game. The bot itself resembles a spider (pictured above) and is small enough to travel through vents. The Spiderbot can be navigated through the vents to sneak through enemy areas undetected and keep your operatives safe from potential damage.

Spiderbots also have the ability to perform takedowns as long as they remain undetected. This can be done by distracting enemies with hacking or cloaking (if your bot is fully upgraded). 

In restricted areas, there are tech points hidden in either high places or places too small for operatives to fit. The Infiltrator Spiderbot is perfect for these situations and can easily help you get more tech points all throughout London. And don’t worry about dropping from high places, the Spiderbot doesn’t take any fall damage!

Tech Cost: 

    The Infiltrator Spiderbot only costs 10 tech points to purchase, but there are two additional upgrades available that I highly recommend. They are listed below:

  • Double Jump and Sprint: With 20 tech points, you can add double jump and sprint capabilities to your Spiderbot that do not have a cooldown period. Double jump will help your bot reach even higher places with ease and sprint will let your bot escape from hostile situations.
  • Cloak: This is similar to the AR Shroud but it is actually for your Spiderbot instead of enemies. It will make the bot invisible for a short amount of time, in which you can hide from enemies or escape. This upgrade costs an extra 25 tech points.

Thanks for reading! 

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