[Top 10] Watch Dogs: Legion - Best Weapons (Early to Late Game)

Best Weapons (Early to Late Game)
16 Nov 2023

Weapons in Watch Dogs: Legion are just as interesting as the operatives that are available in the world. Almost anything can be wielded as a weapon by the right person: wrenches, paintball guns, studded bats, among many other objects. 

And in the Legion universe, weapons can either be lethal or non-lethal, which was an aspect that was added in Watch Dogs 2. This gives Legion more playability, allowing you to test the impact each play style has on the citizens of London.

In this article, we’ll be looking at the top 10 weapons in Watch Dogs: Legion, starting with those available in early gameplay and ending with more advanced firearms.

10. LTL 68P DedSec Pistol

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Attention: this is not a robbery!

This pistol is literally the most basic weapon in the game, but it packs a lot of punch despite its simplicity. The type of damage for this gun is non-lethal, as it provides a shock to enemies rather than killing them.

  • Range: Short
  • Reload Speed: Medium
  • Ammo Capacity (if upgraded): 165 in total, 15 per mag

How To Acquire:

This gun is available in the tech menu at the start of the game, but you must have 10 tech points to purchase it. And unlike the late game weapons, this pistol is available to upgrade! These upgrades are listed below along with the cost:

  • Increased Ammo Capacity: This gives the player more ammo, totaling to 165 bullets and 15 per magazine. This upgrade can be purchased for 15 tech points.
  • Silencer: A silencer can be added to this pistol for stealth attacks for an additional 30 tech points.


9. MP9 DedSec SMG

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Be careful! A rose SMG has the same effect as rose-colored glasses. 

The MP9 is a fully-automatic submachine gun that is great for those just beginning their journey in London. It is a fundamental but basic weapon just like the DedSec Pistol. This SMG has a quick fire rate and also deals non-lethal damage.

  • Range: Medium
  • Reload Speed: Fast
  • Ammo Capacity (if upgraded): 220 in total, 20 per mag

How To Acquire:

The MP9, just like the previous pistol, can be acquired through the tech menu. However, there is a catch to this one! 

To buy this weapon, you must first make one of London’s boroughs defiant. Only then it will be unlocked in the tech menu and available to purchase for 20 tech points.

There are also some helpful upgrades for this weapon. The following are highly recommended to make the MP9 the best it can be:

  • Increased Magazine Capacity: The ammo capacity for this submachine can be expanded, reaching 20 bullets per magazine and 220 in total ammo. This costs 15 tech points.
  • Silencer: With 30 extra tech points, you can add a silencer to the MP9. This makes stealth attacks more effective.


8. Wrench

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The most powerful one in the toolbox!

The wrench is a melee weapon that is slower than others in the game. But what it lacks in speed is made up with strength. The wrench takes only one swing to knock out hostiles and even breaks through enemy blocks.

The Wrench is not only a weapon in Legion, but also an alias of the beloved character in Watch Dogs 2. In Bloodline, (the Legion DLC), Wrench makes an appearance with - you guessed it - a wrench as a weapon.

How To Acquire:

Wrenches are melee weapons that are unique to the construction worker operative and to Wrench in the DLC. However, adding a construction worker to the team is actually a requirement to advance in the main story. It is one of the first few missions in the game, making it one of the best early game melee weapons.


7. Nail Gun

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Don’t worry, it’s not that type of nails!

The Nail Gun is a special weapon found in Watch Dogs: Legion that is similar to a semi-automatic silenced pistol. Although it has a low fire rate, this gun has high stability. Unlike the previously named weapons, the Nail Gun provides a medium amount of lethal damage. 

The Nail Gun has a four star rating on Watch Dogs Wiki, easily making it the most popular early game firearm.

  • Range: Medium
  • Reload Speed: Fast
  • Ammo Capacity: 95 in total (20 per mag)

How To Acquire:

The Nail Gun is a weapon that is unique to construction workers, just like the wrench. Recruiting a construction worker is required to proceed early in the campaign. If the operative recruited during this mission does not have a Nail Gun, you can find some constructions workers at the following location:

  • ETO Construction Site

Borough: Camden

Location: Southeast of Euston Station


6. LTL Dart Gun

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Turn enemies into your next patients with this dart gun.

The LTL Dart Gun is a non-lethal weapon and is usually carried by operatives with a medical background.

In terms of type, this gun is a semi-automatic tranquilizer pistol. This means that it only has one dart per magazine, but each dart incapacitates an enemy. Despite its low ammo count, the LTL Dart Gun has very high stability and range. 

  • Range: High
  • Reload Speed: Medium
  • Ammo Capacity: 7 in total (1 per mag)

How To Acquire:

As mentioned above, the LTL Dart Gun comes with operatives that are in medical professions. This can include paramedics and first responders, among many others. You can find these types of operatives near hospitals.

Here are some specific locations:

  • Cruciform Hospital

Borough: Camden

Location: South of Warren Street fast travel point (next to Blume Tower) 

  • Guy’s Hospital

Borough: Southwark

Location: North of the Old Kent Road fast travel point

  • Royal London Hospital

Borough: Tower Hamlets

Location: North of the Shadwell fast travel point


5. Silenced MP5

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A gun as cool as Celia’s mohawk!

The Silenced MP5 is a submachine gun that deals lethal damage and is made for gamers with a stealthy playstyle. This firearm has slightly less control than other weapons, but has a high rate of fire and great ammo capacity.

  • Range: Medium
  • Reload Speed: Fast
  • Ammo Capacity: 330 in total (30 per mag)

How To Acquire:

The Silenced MP5 is typically found on transients and unemployed citizens all throughout London. There is no specific spawn location for them, so it is recommended to evaluate potential operatives while traveling between mission locations.

I personally found an operative with a Silenced MP5 walking down the street in the area of Camden Market.


4. Silenced P-9

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This weapon is as stealthy as my spy operative!

The Silenced P-9 is a lethal yet silent semi-automatic pistol. This is optimal for a stealthy but lethal playthrough. It has a short reload speed and a decent amount of ammo. There are no further upgrades to this pistol.

  • Range: Medium
  • Reload Speed: Fast
  • Ammo Capacity: 187 (17 per mag)

How To Acquire:

The Silenced P-9 is unique to the spy operative. There are two ways to add one to your team: turning the borough of Westminster defiant, or simply finding one in London.

Here are a few places where they might spawn:

  • The Tower of London

Borough: City of London

Location: In Front of Staroger’s Coffee (Near a tourist entrance at bottom left of the map)

  • Westminster Bridge

Borough: Westminster

Location: At the south end of the bridge and just to the right there will be a building called the “Caromont Hotel.” A spy is usually outside this building at night, standing next to their car. 


3. Paintball Gun

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Paintballs can be used for more than just fun!

The Paintball Gun is another interesting weapon which was also featured in Watch Dogs 2. It is supposedly silenced, although some players argue that it’s not. This could be a bug, so I would suggest trying it out for yourself!

This weapon is a non-lethal assault rifle and fires automatic rounds of paintballs. Headshots with this firearm disorient enemies, which give an opportunity for takedowns.

  • Range: Medium
  • Reload Speed: Medium
  • Ammo Capacity: 180 in total (30 per mag)

You can also earn an achievement with this weapon. Here are the details: 

  • Name: Paint Me Like One of Your…
  • Type: Silver Trophy
  • How to Get Trophy: Stun 5 Clan Kelley members with a paintball gun

How To Acquire:

The Paintball Gun is usually carried by special operatives with an artistic background, such as painters or illustrators. They can be found wearing a gas mask and doing graffiti all around London. These operatives often have other special abilities like paint bombs.

If you’re not looking for an operative with unique abilities, you can find random citizens with a paintball gun roaming near the Camden Street Market.


2. Desert Eagle

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Swoop in and save the day with the Desert Eagle!

The Desert Eagle is a lethal semi-automatic pistol that is similar to the D50. This weapon is extremely powerful and can take down an enemy with a single headshot. Although it has a low rate of fire like most pistols, it has a very high ammo capacity.

  • Range: Medium
  • Reload Speed: Medium
  • Ammo Capacity: 72 in total (9 per mag)

How To Acquire:

The Desert Eagle commonly comes with the hitman operative, which can be added to the team by making the borough of Nine Elms defiant. Hitmen also have other special abilities, including Gunkata and Combat Roll.

If you would like to recruit another hitman, they can be found at the following location: 

  • Nine Elms Dock

Borough: Nine Elms

Location: North of Nine Elms fast travel point. By the stairs leading down to the dock, there will be a hitman behind an Albion barricade.

There are also random civilians that carry the Desert Eagle, but they lack the special abilities that hitmen have. You can find some of these civilians walking along the streets near the Camden Market.


1. G36 Assault Rifle

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I’ve got you in my sight!

The G36 is arguably the best assault rifle the game has to offer, rated 4.5 stars on Watch Dogs Wiki. It is fully-automatic and deals a high amount of lethal damage. Many players and even Albion characters in the game prefer it over the AK47 due to its incredible stability and fast rate of fire.

  • Range: High
  • Reload Speed: High
  • Ammo Capacity: 330 total (30 per mag)

How To Acquire:

This assault rifle, similarly to the Desert Eagle, is carried by the hitman operative. To read more about hitmen, you can visit my earlier article that is linked below: [Top 5] Watch Dogs Legion: Best Operatives.

The G36 is also a weapon frequently used by Albion. If you have the Deep Profiler tech, you can recruit members of Albion and get access to the G36 this way. 

Thank you for reading!

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