Sets of armor in the Witcher 3 are an important part of the player’s journey and overall experience. The “best” set of armor is determined by everyone’s playstyle and general preference. Wherever your adventures (or misadventures) take you, be it through swamp or sewer, rain or shine, villages, towns and cities, or the wilderness, it is always important to be adequately prepared and look good while you solve mysteries and slay monsters. That being said, it may be quite challenging to find and obtain the necessary gear, so here are the Top 10 best sets of armor and how to get them.
10.) Kaer Morhen Set
This is the starting gear for Geralt in the Witcher 3. It is a medium set of armor providing the bare essentials, but the upper body piece can be upgraded to the Warrior’s Leather Jacket, giving it a small stat increase. Upgrading it is advised from very early in the game because you will find much better armor later on. But you can also always run through the entire game without moving on from this set at all.
Why is the Kaer Morhen Set Great?
- Being the starting armor it will suit (pun intended) all your needs in the early game.
- It is one of the better-looking sets of armor in the game and is Geralt’s signature look.
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9.) New Moon Set
The New Moon armor was added in the Hearts of Stone expansion DLC. It is a medium set of armor that can be unlocked in 3 different forms: Master, Magic, and Relic. Each of these 3 versions features different bonuses but all look identical in design.
- The Master variant is the easiest to obtain and offers a 15% resistance to bludgeoning damage, and a 25% resistance to slashing damage.
- The Magic variant provides the player with a 1% sign intensity increase to Igni as well as a 25% bludgeoning damage resistance and a 30% slashing damage resistance.
- The Relic variant offers a 30% resistance to bludgeoning damage, 35% slashing damage resistance, a 20% critical damage bonus, a 5% increase to critical hit chance, and a 10% bonus gold boost.
Why is the New Moon Set Great?
- The visual design of this set is simplistic yet stylish.
- The 3 variations offer different bonuses and resistances which can be enhanced with runes to match your needs.
- The Master variant is the easiest to obtain as you will get it in the main quest Open Sesame! in the Hearts of Stone DLC.
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8.) Griffin Set
This set of armor belongs to the Griffin School of Witchers. The Griffin School armor is a set of medium armor, which also provides elemental resistance as well as boosted Sign intensity. Like the other Witcher school gear, it is quite a challenge to obtain. The reason for this is because all the Witcher School gear needs to be found in Scavenger Hunt quests and then crafted, which takes a lot of time and resources.
Why is the Griffin Set Great?
- It is one of the Witcher school gear sets that you can start obtaining fairly early in the game, as the basic and enhanced pieces of the set can be found in Velen and Novigrad.
- One of the few sets of armor that can be upgraded multiple times.
- This set offers decent stats but also an increase to sign intensity, making it the best choice for builds centering around signs.
- There is a grandmaster variant of this set available in the Blood and Wine DLC.
How to get the Griffin Set:
- Pursue the respective Scavenger Hunt quests and collect all the necessary diagrams to craft it.
Where to Find All the Diagrams:
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7.) Tesham Mutna Set
The Tesham Mutna set is a heavy set of Vampire armor in the Blood and Wine DLC. This set of armor is not only one of the best looking but also features some good bonuses. This armor is better suited to late game since you will only be able to obtain it a good chunk into the Blood and Wine DLC’s main quests.
Why is the Tesham Mutna Set Great?
- The armor looks great.
- Has very good defensive stats.
- Being vampiric armor, one of the special bonuses is life-stealing, allowing you to recover health while dealing damage.
- Has increased resistance to bleeding and fire damage.
- Good for late game.
How to get the Tesham Mutna Set:
- Must go to the Tesham Mutna Ruins during the La Cage au Fou main quest in the Blood and Wine DLC.
- Search the first chest for the main piece of armor, then search the tower for another chest and a box for the remaining items (mask, gauntlets, and steel sword).
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6.) Hen Gaidth Set (Late game)
The Hen Gaidth set is essentially the upgraded version of the Tesham Mutna armor. Like the Tesham Mutna set, the Hen Gaidth armor is a set of heavy armor and features all of the same bonuses plus much better stats.
Why is the Hen Gaidth Set Great?
- A recolored and improved version of the Tesham Mutna set, offering both style and substance.
- Reminiscent of the suit of armor featured in the Bram Stoker’s Dracula film from 1992.
- Good for late game.
How to get the Hen Gaidth Set:
- During the What Lies Unseen quest, look around the Unseen Elder’s Cave for all the pieces of the set.
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5.) Manticore Set (Late game)
The armor of the Manticore Witcher school, and also Geralt’s outfit from the first Witcher game in 2007. This medium set of armor is best suited for builds that revolve around the Alchemy mechanic, while also increasing critical hit rate and damage.
Why is the Manticore Set Great?
- This set will provide Geralt with a higher critical hit rate and damage bonus which will also apply to bombs crafted in the Alchemy menu.
- Using the full set (complete armor + swords) will increase the maximum amount of charges available for alchemy items.
- Raises Geralt’s toxicity threshold, allowing him to consume more potions.
- Anyone who has played the original Witcher game will like seeing this set of gear again.
- It looks great.
How to get the Manticore Set:
- In order to get this gear, you will need to undertake the relative Scavenger Hunt quest in Toussaint. For more details and/or a walkthrough, refer to the link below.
- https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Scavenger_Hunt:_Grandmaster_Manticore_Gear
4.) Viper Set
If you want armor that looks like the Kaer Morhen armor but with better stats, the Viper School gear is the go-to. Visually similar, in fact almost identical to the Kaer Morhen armor, the Viper gear is a set of medium armor that sports a different color scheme and features a reptilian scale-like texture on the gloves and chest plate. This set of armor was introduced in the Hearts of Stone DLC.
Why is the Viper Set Great?
- It is one of the best-looking sets of armor in the game.
- Grants additional resistance against poison, blunt and slashing attacks, as well as elemental and monster damage.
How to get the Viper Set:
- During the Open Sesame! quest in the Hearts of Stone DLC, you will need to purchase all the necessary diagrams from Countess Mignole. If you miss this, you won’t be able to get them again. If you also want the swords, refer to the link below:
- https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Scavenger_Hunt:_Viper_School_Gear
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3.) Feline Set
This is one of the light armor sets available in The Witcher 3. Belonging to the Witcher School of the Cat, this armor specializes in fast movement and attacks but offers little defense. With all the pieces of armor equipped, heavy attacks will increase light attack damage by a certain amount for each piece of the set that is equipped.
Why is the Feline Set Great?
- It is the best set of light armor in the game.
- Heavy attacks will boost light attack damage by 10% for every set piece equipped
- With all pieces of gear equipped (armor + swords), landing attacks from behind will deal 50% more damage and stun the opponent while draining 1 adrenaline point.
- There is a Grandmaster variant of the set available in the Blood and Wine DLC.
How to get the Feline Set:
- In order to start the Scavenger Hunt quest for the Feline set, you will need to purchase a diagram map from a merchant in Blackbough. This map will lead you to a cave in Novigrad which you’ll need to explore and loot in order to obtain the diagrams for the set. Refer to the link below for more details and a walkthrough.
- https://witcherhour.com/how-to-get-the-cat-feline-witcher-gear/
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2.) Ursine Set
This heavy set of armor belongs to the Witcher school of the Bear. It is the best set of heavy armor available, and one of the best sets of armor in the game. This set is best for absorbing damage and grants a bonus to adrenaline point gain.
Why is the Ursine Set Great?
- This set of armor offers incredible defense and resistance bonuses.
- This set grants bonus adrenaline point gain.
- When the full set of armor is equipped and your Quen shield breaks, there is a chance that a new Quen shield will be automatically recast at no cost. Additionally, when you have all the Ursine gear equipped (armor + swords) and while Quen is active, you will receive a 200% ability damage increase.
- This set is best suited for mid to late game as you will find the first version of the set in Skellige, which is the place you are recommended to visit last in the base game’s main questline.
- A grandmaster variant of this set is available in the Blood and Wine DLC.
How to get the Ursine Set:
- The initial Ursine armor can be found in Skellige, at a place called “Yngvar’s Fang”. But you will need to obtain a map from a blacksmith in Oxenfurt first. For more details and for finding all the other diagrams, refer to the link below:
- https://witcherhour.com/how-to-get-the-bear-ursine-witcher-gear/
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1.) Wolven Set
The armor from the Witcher school of the Wolf, this medium set is the best all-rounder. The bonuses received from this set include being able to apply multiple oils to your swords and throwing bombs with no delay. Additionally, this set will boost adrenaline point gain, sign intensity, and general attack power.
Why is the Wolven Set Great?
- While this set doesn’t offer the same level of stat boosts as others across 1 type, it does however give a good boost across multiple stats, making it the best all-around set.
- The set bonuses for the Wolven gear will provide an adrenaline point gain boost, as well as additional damage resistances, while also increasing sign intensity and attack power. Making it the best option for players who like to use a little bit of everything.
- With all the armor equipped, you will be able to apply a maximum of up to 3 oils to your swords, and with the full Wolven set (armor + swords) Geralt will throw bombs without delay.
- This set is best suited for mid to late game as you will only be able to acquire the initial diagrams when you visit Kaer Morhen later on in the main story.
- There is a Grandmaster variant of this set available in the Blood and Wine DLC.
How to get the Wolven Set:
- As mentioned previously, the first diagrams for this set can be obtained by exploring Kaer Morhen. But for all the other diagrams, here is a guide:
- https://witcherhour.com/how-to-get-the-wolf-witcher-gear/
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Though these are some of the best armor sets in the game, it is important to note that they are really up to the personal preference of the player. If you want to stick with the starter armor all game, go for it. You do not need them to make your playthrough fun or great.