15. Analytical Monocle

An offense-type relic that increases critical hit chance. While not commonly used as one’s starter relic, it can be useful to pick up during the Chaos Trials, should it be dropped by an enemy or pop up on the shop.
Analytical Monocle Details: https://wizardoflegend.fandom.com/wiki/Analytical_Monocle
14. Ancestral Gauntlets

A fusion-type relic; it gives you the ability to guard an enemy attack, heal you and stun nearby enemies. A powerful ability, but it comes with the caveat of having to press forward into an enemy attack to activate it. It’s a challenging feat, considering that without this relic, the only way to avoid damage is to dodge and weave through attacks. This relic challenges you to go against how you’ve learned to play the game thus far in return for this powerful asset.
It can be bought from the shop or picked up during the Chaos Trials.
Ancestral Gauntlets Details: https://wizardoflegend.fandom.com/wiki/Ancestral_Gauntlets
13. Anchor of Burden

A cursed relic. It increases damage dealt and stun time, but movement is decreased for each cursed relic owned. If this is the only cursed relic you plan to take, then there’s little downside to taking this, but for those doing cursed relic runs, you will have to gauge the risks of carrying this with them! This relic can be your starter cursed relic or it can be picked up during the trials.
Anchor of Burden Details: https://wizardoflegend.fandom.com/wiki/Anchor_of_Burden
12. Vampire’s Eyeglasses

A defense-type relic that gives you health every time you land a critical hit; pairs well with anything that increases critical hit chance, such as the “Awe” cloak or the Analytical Monocle.
Vampire’s Eyeglasses Details: https://wizardoflegend.fandom.com/wiki/Vampire%27s_Eyeglasses
11. Double Toil

A cursed relic that reduces cooldowns by half, but in return for taking double the damage. A good cursed relic to carry if you’re confident in your skills.
Double Toil Details: https://wizardoflegend.fandom.com/wiki/Double_Toil
10. Double Trouble

In the same vein, this cursed relic makes you deal double the damage for receiving double the damage. If you’re really confident, you can pair this cursed relic with Double Toil to spice up your gameplay!
Double Trouble Details: https://wizardoflegend.fandom.com/wiki/Double_Trouble
9. Captain’s Ring

An offense-type relic that increases your damage for each arcana of a different element you hold in your roster. It requires at least two arcana of differing elements to work. This can be a useful relic for people who like using a variety of arcana during the Chaos Trials.
Captain’s Ring Details: https://wizardoflegend.fandom.com/wiki/Captain%27s_Ring
8. Claws of Tomo

This relic is an offense-type that increases the damage output of basic arcana, and increases critical hit chance. This is good for builds that revolve around basic arcana, and pairs well with relics like Combo Gloves (gives basic arcana an extra combo move), Evening Gloves (makes basic arcana quicker to activate), as well as the “Awe” cloak, further increasing critical hit chance and damage.
Claws of Tomo Details: https://wizardoflegend.fandom.com/wiki/Claws_of_Tomo
7. Combo Gloves

The Combo Gloves is an offense-type relic that gives your basic arcana an extra attack. As mentioned before, this pairs well with the Claws of Tomo and Evening Gloves to make a build revolving around basic arcana.
Combo Gloves Details: https://wizardoflegend.fandom.com/wiki/Combo_Gloves
6. Covert Ops Mask

This offense-type relic gives you guaranteed critical hits for a short duration after successfully dodging an attack. This pairs well with arcana like Evading Zephyr, which gives you guaranteed evasion chance for a time, as well as items that increase critical hit damage. Overall, it’s a fun concept and a good starter relic for a build.
Covert Ops Mask Details: https://wizardoflegend.fandom.com/wiki/Covert_Ops_Mask
5. Dark Katana

An offense-type arcana that triples the critical hit chance for all melee arcana, a good centerpiece for melee builds that pairs well with cloaks like “Awe,” and relics like Vampire’s Eyeglasses.
Dark Katana Details: https://wizardoflegend.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Katana
4. Evening Gloves

Evening Gloves is an offense-type relic that makes basic arcana activate 20% faster. A single button press will execute the whole combo (which can be canceled by dashing). This pairs well with relics like Combo Gloves and Claws of Tomo, which further enhance your basic arcana.
Evening Gloves Details: https://wizardoflegend.fandom.com/wiki/Evening_Gloves
3. Flak Gauntlet

A miscellaneous-type relic that allows you to destroy enemy projectiles with melee basic arcana. This pairs well with the other basic arcana-enhancing relics on the list, giving you an extra option to avoid damage in a tight situation.
Flak Gauntlet Details: https://wizardoflegend.fandom.com/wiki/Flak_Gauntlet
2. Giant’s Heart

A defense-type relic that increases your HP by 10% of its maximum. A useful relic for ensuring longevity during the Chaos Trials, especially when paired with relics like Spirit Robe or Crocodile Heart.
Giant’s Heart Details: https://wizardoflegend.fandom.com/wiki/Giant%27s_Heart#Description
1. Glass Cannon

A cursed relic that increases damage by 20%, but reduces health by 30%. The effects stack with other cursed relics like Double Toil and Double Trouble. A good option for risky and thrilling gameplay.
Glass Cannon Details: https://wizardoflegend.fandom.com/wiki/Glass_Cannon