World of Tanks Best Tanks for Every Tier
Do you want to beat your opponent? Do you want to gain an advantage? On the battlefield of World of Tanks, it's not just skill that counts, but also the machine you drive. Don't give up the initiative to your opponent, choose a strong tank that will allow you to gain an advantage right from the beginning of the battle. Here are the top 3 tanks in WoT from each tier.
A platoon of tanks, rides out onto the battlefield to smash the opponents.
Tier X
1. Panhard EBR 105
Panhard EBR 105 going on a reconnaissance.
The undisputed king of the 10th-tier light tanks. When it comes to usefulness on the battlefield, you will not find a better tank. It's just on a different level from the others.
-Highest top speed in the entire game. This is the most important advantage of Panhard, because the current nature of the battles is extremely dynamic. It is very important to be able to move quickly between positions on the battlefield.
-High maneuverability, so you can easily outmaneuver your opponent.
-The gun. It deals a lot of damage for a light tank, and you don't need to explain to anyone how important the gun is when it comes to tanks.
2. Kranvagn
A Swedish heavy tank Simply a beast. These days, everyone wants one.
-Unbreakable turret. If you use the terrain and hide the hull behind a hill, you are almost immortal.
-Very high mobility for a heavy tank. Everyone already knows about the importance of mobility.
-Incredibly fast gun reloading-so you are able to deal heavy damage to the enemy in just a moment.
3. E100
It is very fun to play with because of its high resistance and powerful gun. If you don't like cautious play, this is the tank for you.
-A very high number of HP points and good armor. This will allow you to last a long time on the battlefield.
-A powerful gun, it deals high damage and has high penetration, so you can easily penetrate the enemy's armor.
Tier IX
1. E75
E75 ready to smash the opponent
The German heavy tank. It's very universal and very pleasant to play. It combines all the desirable features of a heavy tank.
-Strong and precise cannon.
-Tough armor combined with decent mobility.
2. IS-3-II
Here we have something very unusual. Double gun. Yes, exactly. This weird tank has two guns installed in the turret. Despite its weirdness, it is a very dangerous vehicle. The double gun allows you to have a double shot. This greatly irritates the adversary.To this, we have to add very good mobility, as for a heavy tank.
3. 50TP
A universal tank, suitable for any task. It has a high number of HP points, which is useful to be able to survive enemy fire on the battlefield. Then you can respond to the enemy with a powerful gun, which shoots, to be honest, very 'satisfyingly’.
1. Skoda T56
Skoda T56 traverses the Czech map 'Pilsen'.
A real beast. This heavy tank has something very unusual. A two-shot clip magazine with a very fast reload. Thanks to this, you will be able to hit the enemy twice in a very short time and then, thanks to good mobility, hide behind cover. So the two main advantages are:
2. Su-130PM
An excellent sniper With a great concealment factor, it doesn't need armor. If you like to keep the enemy at a distance and operate from cover, this is the perfect machine for you. In addition to camouflage, this tank destroyer has a very accurate cannon.
3. Bourrasque
This small tank combines three very strong advantages. A high concealment factor, very good mobility, and a powerful gun with a two-shot clip loading system. This allows you to play a hit-and-run style, which will annoy your opponent and give you a lot of satisfaction.
Tier VII
1. T29
T29 on its way to take a good position.
An American heavy tank It has a very tough turret, thanks to which, using the terrain, you can become almost impossible to destroy. It also has an accurate gun, which makes it a fun vehicle to play with.
2. Tiger I
Legend. Who hasn't heard of the tiger? The bane of Allied and Soviet tanks during WWII. In World of Tanks, it has a very high number of HP points for a tier 7, and it was a very powerful and accurate gun in real life.
3. IS
A Soviet heavy tank characterized by high mobility and a gun that deals a lot of damage. A great tank for new players, you can make a lot of mistakes with it and still get a good result at the end of the battle.
Tier VI
1. Skoda T25
Skoda T25 waiting for the enemy.
A medium tank that has a three-shot clip with rapid reloading. This is its main advantage, but it also has good mobility. Combining these two advantages, it can be played using a hit-and-run style.
2. P43 bis
Its main advantage is toughness. For a 6th-tier tank, it has strong armor, which allows for less cautious play.
3. B.U.G.I
A powerful, universal tank. The gun deals decent damage, but it is not one of the most accurate. To use the potential of this tank, you need to let the opponent get close.
Tier V
1. KV-1
KV-1 ready to annoy it's opponents
The Soviet heavy tank This is the perfect tank to start the adventure with World of Tanks. It has very strong armor, so opponents will have to surround you to destroy you. In addition, its good mobility and gun make it a beast in the 5th tier.
2. T34
In reality, it was a very good machine, and the same remains in WoT. For a medium tank, it has really good armor and good mobility at the same time. It is recommendable to all players; it gives a lot of satisfaction to play.
3. Pz. IV H
It is not a very well-armored tank, but thanks to its accurate gun, you can keep your opponent at a distance and perform very well in battle. Thanks to its decent mobility, you can also move swiftly around the battlefield.
Tier IV
1. Lago
Lago rushing into battle.
A universal Swedish tank has a little of each advantage, and gives satisfaction to play.
2. Stug III
German tank destroyer. It is not heavily armored. However, it has a good, accurate gun thanks to which you can shoot at the enemy from a long distance.
3. Luchs
The Scout with an incredible top speed for a 4th tier, you can easily outmaneuver your opponent and inflict painful damage.
Tier III
1. Pz. III E
Pz. III E aims to hit hard
For a 3rd tier tank, it has a high number of HP points, and thanks to that, it is able to sustain enemy fire on the battlefield.
2. M3 Stuart.
Very high mobility, which is really needed in these times. This tank also has a clip gun, thanks to which you can deal a lot of damage to the enemy in a short time.
3. LT vz. 38
A universal tank, able to adapt to any situation. It also has a clip gun.
Tier II
1. BT2
BT2 on the streets of himmelsdorf, ready to fight
A very fast light tank that allows you to take up a shooting position faster than the enemy.
2. M2 light
A powerful American light tank. very mobile and, at the same time, has a lot of firepower thanks to the clip gun.
3. 7TP
A tank that has a bit of each of the main advantages. It can be used in countless situations.