World of Tanks Blitz Best Nations (Ranked Worst To Best)

Best Nations in World of Tanks Blitz? Worst Nation in World of Tanks Blitz? So, many questions. As a wise man once said, “Learning Patience can be a hard experience but once conquered you will find life easier”.
So, anyway let's forget the quotes and other serious things and let’s return back to nonsense.
Today I will rank all the nations according to their overall tanks and performances etc. Good news though, I do not have any favorite's so it won't be a problem ranking the nations without favoritism (Haha! I won’t tell you that Germany is my favorite). Well anyways without further ado let’s do this
Ranking All the Nations from Best to Worst:
Number 1 Nation:
USSR/Soviet Union
The USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) or otherwise known as the Soviet Union is known and voted as the best Nation in World of Tanks Blitz. The Soviet tech tree consists of no fewer than six researchable tank lines. The top two lines are dedicated to tank destroyers, followed by a line of mostly light tanks, a line of medium tanks, and finally two lines of heavy tanks. The Soviet Union has A total of 80 Tanks, the 80 tanks are 18 light, 18 medium, 24 Heavy and 20 TDs. Prominent tank families in USSR nation are:
- KV Family
- IS Family (Itself related to the KV family)
- BT Family
- T-34 Family
- T-44 Family
- T-54/62 Family (derived from the T-44 family)
- Vickers/M2 Family (multi-national family including the T-26 family)
The USSR nation is an excellent nation as is called Mother Russia due to its great armor and terrific mobility. If you are a new player looking for tips on where to start the USSR tech tree would be the best option for you.
Number 2 Nation:
Let’s forget the fact that I prefer the Germany Tech-Tree for a moment. The German Tanks are known for their impenetrable armor. The German tanks are practically impenetrable if they are angled in a perfect position. The German Nation is famous for the notably first-ever “superheavy” tank sub-class “The Maus”. The German Nation is not known for its mobility but its heavy tanks are almost impenetrable, Examples of these tanks are VK 100.01 P, Mauschen, VK 72.01 K, E 100 and the Maus. All of these tanks have incredible Frontal armor and the VK 100.01 P, Mauschen and the Maus are excellent at side scraping. If you can position yourself such that your lower plate does not show and you are in the perfect position to side scrape nobody can pen you even APCR cannot be penned. Only the cupulas need to be hidden. There are a total of 87 tanks in the German Tech Tree in which 17 light, 25 medium, 24 heavies and 21 TDs are available. The German line is known for it's accuracy, fast reload, low alpha and flat armor (although, of course, there are exceptions).
Number 3:
The USA or American tech-tree is also an extremely strong and vast in size tech-tree. America also has very strong tanks but its place still comes in third place. Most American tanks specialize in good turret Armour. Tanks like T34 (Premium one), T1 heavy, T29, T28 Defender, etc. Some medium tanks also have like M4 Sherman (not too much though) etc. Tank destroyers is one line, up till tier 6, where it separates into Hellcat and Jackson. Hellcat has practically no Armour and can be penned by HE by even medium tanks. American tanks other specialization is the ATGMs and T49. Autoloaders are only in M2 light stock gun, T57 heavy, M41 Bulldog, T37, and in T71. (Others are there but they are either premium or collector). There are a total of 76 tanks in the American tech-tree, with a total of 18 light, 24 medium, 16 heavies and 18 tanks destroyers. The American line is very strong. It gives players a vast field of choices with every kind of tank. Most of the tanks are mediums and the least tanks are the heavies, which is quite rare even after being a large tech tree. Players who prefer mobility and strong turret armor should go on this line as it is highly recommended for these purposes. In a hold-down position, strong turrets are very important and help players.
The British tanks are not very new to the game and they are not a bad tank line to start with. The cruiser British tanks are very good tanks in their tiers. A good pick for a person that is starting a British tank line is to grind on the medium tank line as they do not really have any bad tanks. The Main line is the Heavy Line. It started with the Medium I, and ended with the FV215b. As of Update 5.5, it starts with the Cruiser II, goes to the Matilda, then goes down to the FV215b.
The Secondary line is the Tank Destroyer line. Originally, it started with the Medium I, branched off to the UC 2-pdr and went to the FV215b (183). Alternatively, you could get to the Churchill I and research the Churchill GC, and get the AT 7 from the GC. As of Update 5.5, get to the Cruiser IV, and you can get the Alecto, then go down the line to the FV215b (183), which is the tank with the highest alpha AP penetration in the entire game. Features a deadly HESH shell that has 220 mm of penetration, and deals 1,300 damage on average. the tank has the second slowest reload time, only beaten by the KV-2. Anyways, coming back to the topic the British have a total of 61 tanks. There are 10 light tanks, 18 medium tanks, 16 heavy tanks, and 17 Tank Destroyers.
European Nation
The European nation is one of the smaller nations and one that was added later on into the game. The European Nation did not exist before Update 5.5, therefore, it has no Pre-Update 5.5 Tech Tree, and no tanks were ever removed from it. The European tech tree contains only 3 Light Tanks and that too is in the starting tiers aka Tier 1,2 and 3. The Rest of the tanks are either medium or heavy tanks. The line has no TD but Its tanks excel in many aspects which thoroughly finishes off the disadvantage of not having TDs, although a TD line won’t hurt.
The French nation is a nation with great tanks. It has All the kinds of tanks available in the game. Though it has all the kinds of tanks, its tech tree leads only to TDs, Heavies, and Light Tanks. The French nation has only premium Medium Tanks except the Tier 1 and 2 which are the Renault R35 and the AMX 38 respectively. The French nation is an overall well-balanced tech-tree. It has the AMX 50 B which is known as pretty strong and sometimes even more. The Foch 155 is the Tier X TD and is a great tank with a great DPM and good Alpha. The French also have the fastest tank in the game also known as the Batchat, the real name being the Bat. -Châtillon 25 t. The French is a strong nation and contains strong tanks and some variety as well.
There is nothing much to say about the Japan Nation. The fact that it has no tech tree heavies and no tech tree light tanks except tier 1 is just infuriating. The only praiseworthy tanks here are the tier X tanks the Ho-ri Type 3 otherwise known as the Ho-Ri and the STB-1. Yup! That's it. IT HAS NO HEAVIES! IT HAS BASICALLY NO LIGHT TANKS! This should be the lowest-ranked nation but don’t worry there is still a whole lot of torture left in the Chinese Nation.
One other thing about Japan nation is that if the greatly awaited japanese Heavy Line comes to the game Japan will jump up to the 5th position spot straight away
I’m just sorry China. You might be one of the top countries in the world but seriously you are rubbish in the tanks industry in World of Tanks Blitz. The Chinese Nation has A line of Medium Tanks, Light Tanks, and Tank Destroyers, which are mostly garbage. Most of these tanks are practically hand-me-downs from Japan and that is not so great as well. It has tanks from different nations such as the IS-2 which is a soviet tank “exported” to China. Most of the tanks in the tech tree have been exported from other countries. So, that just proves that the Chinese Nation is the worst in the game.
So that is all for this article. Hope you got the information which you wanted. All the nations have specific abilities but they certainly have a position if ranked and that is what we found out today. For more interesting articles and news visit GAMERS DECIDE