Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a captivating and enigmatic adventure set in feudal Japan. As a nameless shinobi known as Wolf, you're tasked with protecting the young lord Kuro, the last heir to a bloodline granting immortality. However, your journey is fraught with danger, as the Ashina clan and its enemies vie for Kuro's power.
Your quest will take you through perilous landscapes, from the serene Ashina Castle to the treacherous Hirata Estate. You'll face formidable foes, including skilled shinobi, monstrous creatures, and even the corrupted spirits of the dead. Your prosthetic arm, enhanced with various tools and weapons, is your key to survival.
As you delve deeper into the story, you'll uncover a complex web of intrigue and betrayal. The choices you make will shape the outcome of your journey, leading to multiple endings. Will you embrace the path of the immortal, or will you sacrifice yourself for the greater good? The fate of Ashina and the Dragon's Heritage rests in your hands.