10. Sand King's Epicenter
Be patient and hide somewhere – channeling Epicenter takes time and you certainly dont want a pesky stunner to interrupt you. Burrowstrike and Blink Dagger will help you close ridiculously huge gaps and appear in teamfights in all your terrifying glory.
0:13, once again, a nice play by Kuro!
9. Omniknight's Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel is a fantastic defensive ability that will protect you and your team from all incoming physical damage. Be mindful of Omniknight's small mana pool and long spell cooldowns, so save his ultimate for big occasions and important fights.
0:15, Guardian Angel is good for highground siege and reckless fountain diving.
8. Tidehunter's Ravage
Huge AoE stun, moderate damage and probably the most breathtaking animation in the game. Just look at all those tentacles! Ravage is a crippling initiation spell that gives your team a few valuable seconds to position themselves, so use it wisely.
0:15, a great double Ravage by bOne7 leads C9 to victory.
7. Faceless Void's Chronosphere
The best and the worst ultimate in Dota 2. A huge disable that affects not only your enemies, but your allies as well, stops everyone in their tracks and reveals invisible units, so timing and positioning are crucial. Team up with heroes like Skywrath Mage or Witch Doctor and nobody will escape your wrath.
A game-changing four-man Chronosphere on 0:12 by ALOHADANCE.
6. Enigma's Black Hole
While being extremely hard to land and channel, this ultimate also requires an immediate follow-up damage from your team. Make sure that your teammates are ready to protect you and to kill those caught by your disable.
0:37, TLK shows the remaining for members of VP that chasing him was a bad idea.
5. Warlock's Chaotic Offering
Warlock sure has a lot to offer, he just needs some space to do so. There's no need for you to directly engage in fights, stay back and watch your gargantuan summons do their job. Channeling Upheaval will help golems catch up with the fleeing enemies.
5:24, swindlemelonzz's Aghanim's/Refresher Warlock is too much to deal with.
4. Witch Doctor's Death Ward
The physical damage from Death Ward is immense, just make sure your enemies won't be able to get away and cast your Paralyzing Cask first. Try to stay behind your teammates or get some defensive items, like Glimmer Cape or Black King Bar to ensure your safety while you channel.
Do no harm. What fun is that? Kuroky makes that Tiny/Io duo pay for their reckless attempt to push on 1:40.
3. Brewmaster's Primal Split
This spell makes Brewmaster the best Dota 2 hero for crowd control and fight initiation. Escape death and disrupt your enemies' plans with your newly gained stun, disable and burn damage aura.
MSS survives the gank and earns two kills with his amazing Primal Split on 0:21.
2. Magnus' Reverse Polarity
What does a hero truly need? A good Magnus player and a well-cast Reverse Polarity to help them land all their stuns and spells in perfect synergy. One of the best Dota 2 ultimate to ensure your team's flashy comeback!
A deadly combination of a five-man RP on 0:33 and the Wall of Replica leaves the Radiant team no chances to flee.
1. Earthshaker's Echo Slam
Dread secures four kills for HR with a stunning Echo Slam on 0:05.
A great spell against teams that like to stick together at all times. It is even more dangerous when you're playing against heroes with summons, like Broodmother or Nature's Prophet. Earthshaker doesn't need expensive items to be effective, a good Blink/Slam initiation can decide the outcome of the fight.
Rubick's Spell Steal
The best ultimate in the game, Spell Steal allows you to borrow any of these beautiful spells from their casters. To put it to a good use you will need instant reaction, careful positioning and creative approach. Give your enemies a taste of their own medicine! And with Aghanim’s upgrage you will never run out of aces up your sleeve.
0;25, incredible play by Aui, who steals two huge ultimates and lands them perfectly, completely turning the tides of a fight.