These 10 PC Games Need To Be Released Sooner.
Every year thousands of gamers and journalists pile into the Los Angeles Convention center to catch a glimpse of what the biggest names in gaming have in store for the following year. A frenzy of new gameplay footage, teaser trailers, reveals, and live demos is enough to satisfy even the most hardcore gamer’s curiosity. This year will be no different and although there is no way to know exactly what to expect, here are the 10 new PC game releases we want to see from E3 2015.
10. Call of Duty Black Ops 3
In the future soldiers are more machine than man.
Treyarch is once again developing this entry in the series. Set in 2065 after the events of Black Ops 2 where a robotic takeover is a real threat and super soldiers are at the forefront of battle. Every aspect of this game has been completely overhauled including the return of zombies mode.
9. AC Creed: Syndicate
In Victorian London stealth is more important then ever for an Assassin.
Players will get to play as twin Assassins, Jacob and Evie, as they fight to reclaim 19th Century Victorian London from the control of the Templar. Syndicate will be the biggest game in the series yet with more than enough features to keep fans of the series satisfied. From all new weapons and stealth mechanics to getting to ride around in a horse and buggy for the first time, Syndicate will surely satisfy the assassin in all of us.
8. Homefront 2: The Revolution
The revolution has started.
The Revolution moves the resistance against the Greater Korean Republic to Philadelphia and the East Coast. The game will feature a more open world system under the new direction of THQ. Although this game won’t be out until 2016 we hope to see a good deal of new gameplay on the show floor.
7. Minecraft Story
The world is literally your playground in Minecraft Story.
Minecraft is the third highest selling video game of all time and the best-selling PC game of all time. It is no wonder we are excited to see what happens when a linear story is added to this fun LEGO building block style game.
6. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
Hopefully Snake can find a cardboard box big enough for him and his horse.
Snake is back, and for the first time ever he will have a full open world to explore. Phantom Pain places players nine years after the events of MGS: Ground zero. It is sure to be the biggest game yet in the series.
5. Doom 4
Is there anything scarier than a demon with futuristic weapons?
It’s been eleven years since Doom 3 came out and very little is known about the development of this game. However ID Software always please and we’ve been promised a full trailer this year at the Bethesda conference.
4. Deus X: Mankind Divided
The Future is bleak... unless you have been augmented.
Adam Jensen returns two years after the events of Human Revolution. While Human Revolution didn’t live up to the critical acclaim of the original game developer Eidos Montreal plans to upgrade every aspect of this entry in the franchise.
3. No Man’s Sky
No man's sky may be the most ambitious game ever made.
A procedurally generated open world adventure game that claims to allow players to explore 18 quintillion possible planets. From diverse planets to dogfights in space, players can explore the galaxy in any way they choose. For the 100% completion fanatics this game will be their undoing and we can’t wait to get some hands-on time with it this year at E3.
2. Star Wars Battlefront
Where are the Ewoks when you need them? They would know what to do.
We have big hopes for the third installment in the Battlefront series. Battlefront will allow players to pilot their favorite vehicles and play as some of their favorite characters on the most iconic planets from a galaxy far far away.
1. Fallout 4
A rifle and a dog, man's two best friends.
Of all the new PC game releases expected to come out at E3, Fallout 4 is by far the most anticipated. Although no official announcement has been made about this game showing up at E3 we do expect to see it at Bethesda’s conference. We look forward to getting another chance to roam the wasteland. This time the series will at least partly take place in Boston. Players will also be accompanied by a canine companion.