17 Best Beat ‘em Up Games for PC: Page 13 of 17

Best Beat ‘em Up Games
Cop vs the mobs

5. Remember Me

Nillin taking out an enemy

You play as Nillin, an errorist imprisoned in the bastile fortress. She was saved just before her memories were to be wiped away. Retaining a portion of her memories, she comes to know that she can read, manipulate and mix other people's memories. So, she uses her abilities to save everyone from getting their memory wiped.

The game is set in 2084 in a futuristic version of Paris. Which is now under the control of  the Memorize corporation which controls the memories of people. A small group of rebels known as errorists has been formed to tackle Memorize and you play as one of them.

Remember Me introduces a whole new concept in the gaming industry. The game mechanics are quite fun to play and the overall story is quite enthralling and exciting.

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