Batman: Arkham Knight Release Date: Page 2 of 5

The Batman is bigger, darker and more violent than ever (the game too)

This time it's Scarecrow

And he's never looked scarier. Wow!

Arkham Knight takes place a year after the Joker's death in Arkham City. If you scream "spoiler!", I'm going to hit you with the game you should've already played years ago if you're reading this. Anyway, with the Joker gone, someone has to take up the evil villain mantle with a big plot to cause havoc. I'm kind of glad it's Scarecrow.

I did spend time wondering who could be a fit replacement for the Clown Prince of Crime and crossed of many big names:

 - The Riddler? Nope, he's too hung up on working from the shadows.

 - The Penguin? Not really threatening enough

 - Two-Face? Threatening, but too small time gang-related.

 - Harley-Quinn? I considered her to be a great candidate, but she wasn't really leader material.

 - Poison Ivy? Nope, all she cares about is her plants.

I'm a huge fan of the new villain deisngs. The Riddler is amazing!

Scarecrow is exactly the kind of criminal who could bring a city to its knees without anyone even noticing until it's too late. He's also the most insane individual after the Joker, completely obsessed with fear. Planting bombs with a new fear toxin, he forced a city-wide evacuation, leaving only criminals and an outnumbered police department.

Of course, all the above mentioned villains do make an appearance, along with...  

A new character?

Well, I wonder what his story is?

...someone called Arkham Knight. This is a new character designed specifically for this game. Obviously, I'm going to question the wisdom of making up a new villain, especially one so on-the-nose, just for the sake of a video game plot. You probably share my concerns that there's little chance of him living up to any other of the timeless comic books classics. Hopefully, he won't detract from the plot's quality.

The heroes are still the same though. Batman with his main-stay voice actor, Kevin Conroy, James and Barbara Gordon, Robin, Nightwing, Catwoman and even Azrael (someone we've yet to see appear in the games).

With all the villains joining forces, there's going be an all-out brawl in...

High standards & easily bored. Good luck
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MJuarbe's picture

MJuarbe 9 years 2 weeks ago

im more excited about driving the batmobile then anything else. I'm really happy they didnt try to pull some BS to get the joker back. i love the joker but batman has so many really good villians to choose from. i hope its a polished game with little bugs in them. the first two games of the series were great right off the bat, very little bugs i beat both games with out needing to update the games to fix the problems it had.