Batman: Arkham Knight Release Date: Page 4 of 5

The Batman is bigger, darker and more violent than ever (the game too)


In terms of gameplay, it's more of the same, but improved. We can finally use certain gadgets while gliding, like throwing a batarang. I never could understand why this wasn't implemented before. It's so obvious! Stealth is getting improvements with new takedowns, now letting you chain a few takedowns in short succession. Combat has a few new surprises in store too.

The environment can be used to deal damage to your foes now, such as using power generators etc. You can also throw enemies into other enemies, steal their weapons for a short while, but most of all - character switching. Yes, you can actually switch from Batman to another character without breaking the flow of combat. I told you it's an all out brawl didn't I?

Combat's gotten really brutal.

The biggest question in terms of gameplay is the multiplayer, or lack thereof. Yes, there is NO multiplayer in Arkham Knight. This makes perfect sense. Why would a game like this even want to have it? There's just no point. Instead, Rocksteady are focusing on making this the best single player experience possible. It's a daring move in this day and age, but one that makes complete sense! Multiplayer never really had a place in the Arkham games. It was always Batman against the entire criminal underground.

Postponing and not backing down

I've already pointed out that Rocksteady postponed production on this game until the next gen came into play. Now let me add that they again postponed the release date from October 14, 2014 to the current date of June 23, 2015. It was one of those "we didn't want to release a game we weren't happy with" things. Normally, I'd call bull, but considering certain other smart and very sensible decisions made by the developers, I'm tempted to believe them.

Nope, this rating is not a joke.

They also encountered a surprise from the ESRB. The game received a mature rating, as opposed to the previous teen rated games. Despite this, the developers did not scramble to modify any of their content to get a more publicly accessible rating. They accept that Arkham Knight is a dark game and that's how it should be. Thank you! For those of you curious, this is because of a few violent scenes. No, we don't get to see Harley bounce around in her undergarments, sorry guys...

High standards & easily bored. Good luck
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MJuarbe 9 years 2 weeks ago

im more excited about driving the batmobile then anything else. I'm really happy they didnt try to pull some BS to get the joker back. i love the joker but batman has so many really good villians to choose from. i hope its a polished game with little bugs in them. the first two games of the series were great right off the bat, very little bugs i beat both games with out needing to update the games to fix the problems it had.