The Best Battleship Games to Play on PC Right Now: Page 10 of 21

best battleship games
Command the Heavy Firepower of the Greatest Battleships

3) Star Conflict

Star Conflict gameplay

Long ago, a mysterious and super-powered electromagnetic wave spread across the galaxy.  As humanity tried to discover its origin, it was eventually found to come from a group of humans that had been exiled from Earth centuries beforehand, a group called Jericho.  Now Jericho is returning to reclaim what once was theirs.  Now, our species is divided among three factions—the Empire, the Federation, and the Jericho—and fighting over sectors of space for the resources they hold.

Get Ship Repairs in Space Stations

There are 3 classes of ships you can pilot: interceptors are fast but not durable, fighters are medium-speed, medium-strength warships, and frigates are heavy battleships with big guns and strong armor.  All ships can be customized using a variety of modules, guns and rockets.  If you’re just not attracted to any major faction, try your hand at working with one of the mercenary groups to earn your living.  There are huge corporations constantly vying for power and influence, and they surely have some things you can blow up.

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Gamer Since: 1979
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Descent 3
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Ozonekiller84's picture

Ozonekiller84 1 year 6 months ago

World of Warships should never be #1 on any list. Horrible list.

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