DC Universe Online Characters: Heroes and Villains
In the world of heroes and villains, heroes get all of the glory. They are praised for their power and their willingness to help the innocent. But have you ever wondered what goes on in the villain's minds? Do you ever wonder what it's like to be in their shoes to fulfill their roles? In DC Universe Online, characters that you can play as range from Batman to the Joker to Superman and even Lex Luthor.
DC Universe characters span across the whole DC Comics realm. The game itself revolves around your character helping out your mentor take back Earth from the forces of Brainiac. Sub-Game modes called Legends PVE and Legends PVP allow you to take control of your favorite heroes or villains to take on missions that pit you against AI controlled opponents or face off each other in a team deathmatch.
The Mentors
There are six main heroes and villains when it comes to DC Universe Online characters. They can be chosen as your mentors.
The heroes consist of:
- Superman
- Batman
- Wonder Woman
The Man of Steel
Superman is one of the three leaders of the Justice League, a band of super heroes sworn to protect Earth. He is the most powerful of the three and was born of the planet Krypton. His planet was destroyed when he was very young and he was shipped into space. He landed on Earth in the Kent Family's farm. From that point on, he became a protector of Earth. He has the power of flight, super strength, heat and ice vision, and super speed.
Batman is Bruce Wayne, a multimillionaire and crime fighting vigilante. He was born into a rich family, but at a very young age, his most valuable possession was taken from him, his parents. As he grew up, he was raised by his butler Alfred who then became his closest friend. Bruce is now a master martial artist and a scientific genius. Now he is second in command in the Justice League. Batman uses his gadgets and inventions to tackle criminals since he was not born with powers.
Wonder woman is also known as Princess Diana. She is seen as the commander of the Amazon forces in Themyscira. She first meets Batman and Superman when Ra’s Al Ghul convinces Bizarro and Artemis to help in his plan for global destruction. In Wonder Woman’s arsenal, she wields her lasso of truth, her indestructible bracelets, and her deadly tiara. She also has the power of flight on her side which can really turn the tides of battle.
On the villains side there is
- Lex Luthor
- The Joker
- Circe
Lex Luthor is the head of the LexCorp Company. Until Superman came to Metropolis, Lex was the most powerful man in the city. People looked to him and a source of hope and power. When Superman came into play, however, Mr. Luthor became second best. He then became jealous of the Man Of Steel and wanted to get rid of this “interfering alien.” He tries to accomplish this by creating battlesuits infused with kryptonite to battle Superman and end him for good.
The Joker wasn't always the Joker. He was at one point a minor criminal named the Red Hood. Other than that, the Joker's past is a mystery. He loves to cause havoc in Gotham City for the Batman, since he considers him his greatest and most worthy adversary. The two clash heads quite frequently, even when the Joker is locked up in Arkham Asylum. The Joker uses gadgets such as jetpacks, boxing gloves and his own goons to fight his opponents.
Circe is an enchantress that swears to destroy all of mankind and Wonder woman herself. She gained these powers by giving her soul to Hecate, the goddess of magic in Greek mythology. In game, Circe uses her powers to summon powerful beastiamorphs, create a clone of herself to help defeat her foes, and uses spells to make her enemies confused.
The heroes are the defenders of Earth and the universe. They will do whatever they can to keep the people they protect safe.
Nightwing is alias used by many heroes to cover up their identity in the DC Universe realm, but Dick Grayson is The Nightwing when it comes to DC Universe Online characters. He trained under Batman as Robin for a numerous number of years before becoming his own hero as Nightwing. As a natural born leader, he had led many teams of heroes in his time. He uses gadgets much like Batman’s, but his weapon of choice is the staff. He is a playable character in Legends PVP and PVE and also you can play alongside him in the Cape Carmine Mission in Gotham.
The Green Lantern Corp is the police of the Universe. They protect those that need to be protected with the power of will. Hal Jordan is one of the leaders of the Green Lantern Corp. He is one of the most powerful lanterns in the Corp. He proved his worth by facing off Parallex, the embodiment of fear itself. He uses his ring to create light constructs to defeat his enemies. Hal is a playable character in DC Universe Online and you can help him fight of the power of fear, the Sinestro Corps and Atrocitus’s Rage Lanterns in several missions, alerts, and raids.
The Flash, previously known as Barry Allen, has the power of super speed. He is the fastest man to ever live. He obtained his powers by getting struck by lightning in a freak accident and survived! Any other man would’ve died, but what he obtained was far from what any ordinary man would’ve experienced. He uses his super speed to confuse his enemies and to take them down fast. He can be fought as a villain in a mission leveling up or fought with against Gorilla Grodd in also a low level mission leveling up.
Power girl is a kryptonian from a Parallel Universe. Although she is from the same race as Superman, her DNA is slightly different from his because she is from a different universe. She came about Earth the same way as Superman did, but her ship took much longer to take off. She possesses the same powers as him such as flight, super-strength, super speed, and heat vision. You can play as her in Legends and you can fight her in the Fortress Of Solitude when she is controlled by Brainiac.
Zatanna is not your everyday magician. She grew up with a long history of magicians that used their power to battle evil. She can use any type of spell she desires by saying the words backwards. She is very powerful, but she only allows herself to cast defensive spells to help her allies. You can help defeat her in a low level mission as a villain, but you cannot currently play as her. You can also receive a mission from her in a Metropolis Police Station.
Catwoman can be considered both a hero and a villain, but she is more heroic since the most evil she has done was steal. She enjoys fighting alongside Batman since he was the first person to successfully stop her in her evil doings. Before she was Catwoman, she worked in a circus, where she learned gymnastics and also perfected her pickpocketing skills. In game, she uses her razor cat-like claws to deal damage while using her extreme agility to move around. As a playable character and a NPC to fight alongside with, she is a force to be reckon with.
Doctor Fate is Kent Nelson. When Kent was a child, him and his father went to the Valley of Ur to explore the pyramids. While there, Kent discovered the statue of Nabu. When Nabu is released, so are gases that kill Kent’s father, so Nabu took Kent under his wing and taught him everything that he knew. Once Kent was ready, Nabu gave him an amulet, a cloak and a helmet that would help him fight evil and thus Doctor Fate was born. Her uses magic powers to imprison and detain his enemies and to banish the souls of evil. He is a playable character and also can be fought against as a villain or teamed up with him as a hero.
Shazam is known as Billy Batson, a young boy who had a very rough childhood, but was then chosen by the wizard Shazam to be the protector of Earth. All Billy has to do to summon his power is speak the word “SHAZAM!” then he turns into a adult with amazing powers. These powers are the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury and these can be used to summon lightning from the sky or beat your foes into the ground. He is playable in Legends and also gives you the Gotham University mission as a hero. He can also be encountered in the T3 villain duo.
Villains are the doers of evil. Some may not see what they are doing is wrong, but others know the destruction they cause and love doing it.
Doomsday is a creature born on Krypton and only wants to kill and destroy. The only thing it knows is hate and anger. Doomsday body is covered in bone spikes that can even pierce Superman’s skin. After being created to become the ultimate weapon, Doomsday killed his creator. He uses the brawling style of fighting and can only be fought against in the Smallville alert.
Poison Ivy, formerly known as Pamela Isley, is a half-plant, half-human female eco-terrorist. Her body allows her to give off pheromones that can either lure people to her to serve as her plant slaves or she can kill them on the spot with her poisonous pheromones. She serves as one of Batman’s greatest and most dangerous enemies. She has spent almost as much time in Arkham Asylum as the Joker. She is not playable by the players but she does serve as a boss in both The Greenhouse mission and Arkham Asylum alert.
Mister Freeze is a hopeless villain because he isn’t entirely evil. Freeze has to live inside of his freezing cold suit to survive and he devotes his life to trying to save his wife from a disease that cannot be cured. Previously known as Dr. Victor Fries, Mister Freeze was once a cryogenic expert, which is why his weapon of choice is a freeze gun that freezes his enemies where they stand. He is not a playable character, but he can be fought in the Arkham Asylum alert by both heroes and villains.
Black Adam is Shazam’s greatest foe. Black Adam was granted the powers of the Egyptian gods and is powered by loss. He is more than willing to do anything he can to bring back his dead wife, Isis. that includes destroying cities, starting wars, and any other forms of destruction he can think of. He has the power of super strength, flight, and can summon lightning to strike himself and foes around him. He is a final boss in the Kahndaq raid but is not a playable character.
Sinestro is the ring-bearer that leads the Sinestro Corps. This group of lanterns fuel their rings with the power of fear and use yellow light constructs to battle their enemies. Sinestro was once a green lantern, but he was consumed with power and then banished to Qward where he allied with Parallax. Like all lanterns, he can fly and create constructs from his ring. He is a playable Legends Character and you can also fight against or with him in various missions throughout the game.
Bane is also one of Batman’s greatest enemy. Bane as a child was imprisoned for his father’s doings. While there, he got into many fights and learned how to fend for himself and ultimately became the strongest fighter in the prison. The scientists there observed him closely and tested a new venom on him and several others. Only he survived, but he constantly needs to take doses of venom to survive. Bane uses brute force to take down anything in his path. He is playable in Legends and is also the main boss in the Cape Carmine Lighthouse.
These DC Universe Online characters are the most relevant to the DC Universe Online Story line. DC Universe Online is available for PC and PSN. If you would like to play as these characters to see what they can do or, if you would like to see what other characters are available for use in DC Universe Online, just leave a comment saying who you'd want to play as and why.