LEGO Dimensions will be fully enabled with Near Field Communication (NFC) so you can bring your characters to life
14 May 2015

Bring your characters to life

Imagine making a gaming figurine in real life and watching it come alive on your PC.  Now, imagine that character you made becoming part of your PC game, becoming totally interactive on screen, moving through the virtual environment of your PC game and turning into part of it.  Absolutely crazy, right?  Well, it’s coming your way soon!  This is the vision of Near Field Communication. Here’s an explanation I liked about how the technology works:

I loved the simple illustrations and super-clear concepts in this short YouTube vid.

NFC enabled toys

As the above video explains, NFC can bring toys to life and make gaming into a completely holistic experience.  Connect them to a gaming console, PC or phone and character-based toys come to life within your game, making gaming awesomely enjoyable.   The NFC enabled toys can do activities in-game like updating points, getting additional weapons or playing with higher capability.  Alternatively, you can keep the toy in passive mode so you don’t use up so much battery power and the toy lasts longer.  NCF also makes the gaming environment more mobile.  With NFC, you can bring your character to a friends place and connect it up to their network.  You could use it at an internet café, an arcade or even a fun park. 

So where can I get into this NFC stuff?

So far, I’ve found much more use of NFC technology in game consoles such as Nintendo, Playstation and X box, or as phone apps.  However there are PC enabled games out there, and there are many more in the making. I heard through the grapevine that TT Games LEGO Dimensions will be NFC enabled.  This would be amazing. Dimensions is due out on September 27 2015. 

Can't wait for LEGO Dimensions - due out in September

Videogamer Blog recently asked Tim Wileman from TT Games for a scoop on NFC in LEGO Dimensions, which he declined to provide, saying only that he can’t go into any specific details.  Videogamer reports that it sounds to them like he has something exciting under wraps, and I have to say that we agree!

As always, Wikipedia is an awesome place to start to find out more about Near Field Communication

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