Neverwinter Nights 2

Neverwinter Nights 2
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Neverwinter Nights 2 (2006)

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Judged by: 24 gamers
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Many years ago, the King of Shadows was defeated in a great battle that decided the fate of the Sword Coast. Now, after all those years, a hero's village is attacked and he finds a mysterious shard that dates back to the fateful battle that felled the King of Shadows. With a quest at hand, the warrior must travel to Neverwinter, seeking answers to uncover the mysteries of the shard.

In the sequel to classic PC RPG Neverwinter Nights, players return to a world based on D&D rules, with hardcore role-playing and a deep story where players' choices can have far-reaching consequences across the Sword Coast.

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albertalba's picture

albertalba 3 years 10 months ago

I've had a lot of fun replaying this game over the years. Modding really brings out the best in this game and I find myself stuck spending hours in character creation alone.

bhammermuller's picture

bhammermuller 8 years 11 months ago

Despite the end have been (what I consider) poor, and, when compared to NWN, present a campaign rather "short" - the devil is on the details. What makes this game something to be played several times, is the quantity of changes that may occur on the history line depending on the player's choices - from the building of the character to the attitudes along the game. Addictive game, to say the least.

Brdjanin's picture

Brdjanin 9 years 1 week ago

As much as I have desired a sequel after playing the first NWN over and over again, I have come to be a little disappointed. The improved graphics and the fact that game is based on D&D 3.5 edition are a plus. But the perspective, physics and bland quests gave away the feeling that the game has no soul. Well, if you are a D&D player, you can always turn to tabletop version and use the best engine for a game there is - your imagination.