
James is a seasoned gamer and creative writer, spanning thousands and thousands of hours of gameplay especially in Role Playing Games, mainly The Elder Scrolls Online and The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim and League of Legends, He loves playing these games as these are immersive, competitive and filled with lore, tips and tricks just waiting to be uncovered. He Studied Information Technology at FEU East Asia and he has written for 5 years in his School's Official Paper about Games and Technology, He is an Elder Scrolls Online Expert and League of Legends Fan, from getting Trifectas in ESO to reaching Master Tier in League of Legends SEA. He writes about games because he has always shared a passion for being the best at the games he plays, like Faker has been in League of Legends, he hopes that his writing will help others in getting the best they can be too.
ig.rjnolte's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
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New World