
Mia is a creative fantasy lover with a passion for writing and an obsession with dragons. Since a young age, Mia has used writing to express her every thought regarding her personal feelings and of course, her love for games. Now as an adult, she has transformed what was once an everyday hobby into a profession that has captured her heart. A proud geek, Mia loves discussing topics ranging from fantasy RPG games to the thrilling world of comics. Her years of social isolation in favor of becoming an avid, sorta decent gamer have led her to publish her thoughts on the different video games she finds herself playing. From cozy open-world games to immersive fantasy RPGs, Mia takes any chance she can to write about the games that hold such a special place in her heart, while also showing readers how far the gaming world has come. Professional writing has given Mia a world of opportunities to show others how gaming can be more than just a distraction for children, and open up a world of creativity.
MiaLynn's Rank: Total Noob
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Gamer Since
Currently Playing
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Top 3 Favorite Games