What Are The Dragon Age Origins Best Mods For a New Experience

Released in November of 2009, Dragon Age Origins has become a staple for so many fantasy RPG gamers. Even though Bioware has released other main titles in the series, Dragon Age Origins has become the game so many return to time and time again. From the game graphics and captivating story, to the games entertaining dialogue and of course, Alistar, it’s clear why Dragon Age Origins is the one that ranks so highly on gamers' all-time lists.
With the game continuing to live long in relevancy, with older fans living through nostalgia, and newer fans discovering all of its quirks, it’s no wonder why the modding community has been hard at work to keep the 10+ year game feeling fresh. From mods that improve graphics to mods that elevate the story, here are the top 15 mods that can get any player excited to journey through Ferelden
15) Morrigan Restoration Patch Mod
The Powerful Mage, Morrigan
Let’s start with the queen herself, Morrigan. The vanilla game already shows how fun a character Morrigan is. From her sassy dialogue to her very useful abilities, you as a player will spend a good amount of time speaking to and playing alongside Morrigan. It’s no wonder she is one of Dragon Age's most iconic characters.
Morrigan already is a fun character, but there could be even more to add on to her. The Morrigan Restoration Patch mod adds some more finesse to her character, mostly when it comes to her dialogue. As it turns out, the developers behind Dragon Age Origins ended up cutting a good chunk of Morrigan's dialogue from the game, and this mod ends up restoring it, giving players even more Morrigan to love.
Morrigan Restoration Pack Mod Key Features:
- Additional Morrigan/Player Dialogue
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14) Lock Bash
A large aspect of the Dragon Age Origins journey comes in the form of looting. Considering you will likely gather a variety of fighters on your side, looting from chests is essential for building up your team's arsenal. However, it can take some time to level up a rogue's skill enough to successfully open every chest you may come across.
This is where the Lock Bash Mod comes in handy. Lock Bash allows players to break locked chests and open locked doors by force. What makes this mod so cool is its intelligence. This mod doesn’t just let you open anything you please. What it does is it takes into account your class and level to determine how something is opened. For example, stats determine whether or not you can bash open a door, while with chests, your stats modify the chances of your character breaking the items within the chest.
Lock Bash Mod Key Features:
- Grants Players The Ability To Access More Loot
- Adds A More Realistic Element To The Game By Giving Players The Option To Force Open Loot Areas, As Well As Destroy Said Loot If Character Is To Rough
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13) Extra Dog Slot
A Warden's Best Friend, Dog
Arguably the best boy in the game, the Mabari named Dog is an early addition to your team. The Mabari falls under the warrior category, with a unique talent tree that can be quite useful throughout the game. However, with so many other options for companions, it’s easy to leave our sweet Mabari back at camp. That is why the Extra Dog Slot mod is such a necessity.
Instead of having to choose to use a companion slot to add a Dog to your party, the Extra Dog Slot allows for your Mabari to tag along with your team without having to place them in your main slots. Your Mabari will be considered a fifth companion, and reside in your top summon slot. And unlike other summons, your Mabari retains its abilities, giving your party an extra leg up when fighting.
Extra Dog Slot Key Features:
- Allows Your Party Access To A Fifth Companion
- Gives You A Dog Whistle Item That Can Be Used To Have Your Marabi Leave Or Come Back To You As You Please
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12) High Dragon Replacement Mod
The All-Mighty High Dragon
A simple mod, but still quite useful for those who want the game's graphics to be a bit more detailed. The High Dragon Replacement Mod gives players the option to change the DAO high dragon model to the Dragon Age Inquisition high dragon model. This is a perfect detail change for players that are wanting their game to feel more similar to Inquisition in terms of looks or graphics.
High Dragon Replacement Mod Key Features:
- Gives Players The Opportunity To Fight The Inquisition High Dragon During Their Origins Playthrough
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11) The Equal Love Mod
Alistair Speaking to a Male Warden Romance
When it comes to RPG gaming, one aspect most gamers favor definitely comes in the form of romance. Considering you spend a good majority of the game conversing with your party, romance is sure to bloom, isn't it? Dragon Age origins certainly has its fair share of romance options for all classes and genders, but these options are pretty limited.
That is where the Equal Love Mod comes in handy. With this mod, your character is no longer limited to romance interests by gender. You’re a female warden who wants to romance Morrigan, go for it. Or how about a male warden that finds Alistar irresistible? The only limitation that does come with this mod is that it doesn't remove the class or race restriction. But still, more love options are always welcomed, especially if you are someone who frequently replays the game.
Equal Love Mod Key Features:
- Same Gender Romance Options For Players Interested In Such
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10) ZDF Dialogue Fix
ZDF Dialogue Fix
Though Dragon Age Origins is an amazing game, it can be a bit buggy. This is pretty evident with some dialogue issues, such as Zeveran giving the wrong speech at the city gates. Thankfully, the ZDF Dialogue Fix can be used to repair these issues. With a large range of character dialogue to filter through, the ZDF mod has a number of fixes that can help the game move along more smoothly.
ZDF Dialogue Fix Key Features:
- Fixes Numerous Dialogue Issues, Such As Zevran or Alistar Giving The Wrong Speech At City Gates or Leliana No Longer Having Looping Conversations
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9) Grey Wardens Of Ferelden Mod
Alistair, The Ultimate Grey Warden
With the Grey Wardens being such a staple of the Dragon Age series, the Grey Wardens' armor has gone through a few changes here and there. A fan favorite change comes from Dragon Age 2, leading some fans to crave the same look in Dragon Age Origins. The Grey Wardens of Ferelden Mod is the perfect fix for that craving. With this mod installed, Grey Warden armor gets upgraded from the Origins armor into the DA2 Armor fans prefer.
Grey Wardens Of Ferelden Mod Key Features:
- Access To DA2 Legacy Armor Sets
- More Of A Variety Amongst The Grey Wardens
- Duncan Can Be Seen With A Unique Armor Set That Shows He Is A Commander
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8) Change Your Hero Hair and Face Anywhere In Game
Redefine Your Character During the Game
Considering Dragon Age Origins is a 40+ hour game, it wouldn’t be farfetched to assume the player would want to change their character's appearance. Unfortunately, though, the vanilla game doesn’t allow for this option. This is why the Change Your Hero Hair and Face Anywhere In Game mod or Sir A’s mod exists. With this mod, you are given the ability to swap the current look of your warden to a different one.
Sir A’s Mod Key Features:
- The Opportunity To Change Your Character's Appearance Throughout The Game
- Restarting The Game Is Not Necessary In Order To Update Your Character
- Compatible WIth Other Appearance Mods
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7) CC Extra Tones and Tints Mod
Example of Extra Face Tone and Paint
Staying on the topic of character customization, the CC Extra Tones and Tints mod gives players a wider range of skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors to choose from. You’re also given access to a white tattoo color. You also get Morrigan’s hair model, as well as Duncans and Oghren's hair and beard models.
CC Extra Tones and Tints Mod Key Features:
- Companion Hair Models Include Morrigan, Duncan, and Oghren
- Larger Range Of Character Customization Options
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6) White Teeth Mod
Alistair Showcasing His Pearly White Teeth
This one may seem like an oddball, but if you play the game enough, you start to realize how many characters have been cursed with some pretty nasty yellow teeth. The White Teeth Mod fixes this by simply improving characters' teeth color, giving you a less yellow view.
White Teeth Mod Key Features:
- Switches Out Rotten Yellow Teeth With Cleaner White Ones
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5) More Hairstyles Mod
More Hairstyles Mod Catalogue
If you are someone who values character creation just as much as the story itself, then the More Hairstyles mod was made for you. While the vanilla games hair options aren’t terrible, having some extra options surely doesn’t hurt. More Hairstyles gives you a larger range of hairstyles to customize your character.
More Hairstyles Mod Key Features:
- Wider Range Of Hairstyles For More Unique Character Customization
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4) No Helmet Mod
Warden With and Without A Helmet
Staying on the topic of headdresses, the No Helmet Mod allows players to show off their characters' luscious locks without sacrificing the added protection and benefits that a helmet can give you.
No Helmet Mod Key Features:
- Makes Helmets Invisible During Gameplay Without Removing The Added Protection
- Allows For Various Dwarven Quests To Accept Helmets In Cloak Slots
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3) Skip The Fade Mod
Map Of The Fade
Let’s be honest, the fade isn’t for everyone. While the fade is an interesting part of the game, the labyrinth can become pretty confusing. With the Skip The Fade mod, you are able to skip past the fades confusing navigation, and just jump into regathering your party members and fighting the sloth demon.
How it works is that after you as the warden defeat Duncan, you are able to use a pedestal to reach and resume each of your companions. Then after regaining all of them, you can use the pedestal to proceed to the sloth demon and finally speak to Neil before teleporting back to the circle tower.
Skip The Fade Mod Key Features:
- Allows for players to rush through the fade quest, great for players that find it confusing or a drag.
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2) Dain’s Fixes Mod
A Piece of the World The Mod Can Support
With Dragon Age Origins being an older game, random base game repairs, as well as mod repairs can be a bit of a hassle. Thankfully, Dain’s Fixes Mod is here to help. While the mod only started as a simple solution for smaller bug fixes, it has now developed into a one-stop shop for a large amount of DAO fixes.
A mod ideal for keeping your game, modded or not, in great condition, Dain’s Fixes is a mod many agree is a must for DAO gameplay.
Dain’s Fixes Key Features:
- Fixes Bugs That Can Appear In Both The DAO Base Game, As Well As Certain Mods
- Is Compatible With More Than A Handful Of Mods
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1) JX Dragon Age Extended
Character Creator Using JX Extended
JX Dragon Age Extended is a great mod that takes a selection of other mods and combines them all into one basemod. With this mod, you are given additional classes, specializations, spells, and abilities that are inspired by other game models.
With this mod, you are given a chance to elevate your DAO experience, making it the perfect mod for returning players looking to change up their experience.
Another great feature is the switchboard. With the mods switchboard, you are able to toggle the different features on and off, allowing you to configure the different mods within the larger mod.
JX Dragon Age Extended Key Features:
- Toggle Different Features On And Off With an Added Switchboard
- Adds Additional Content For A Wider Variety Of Gaming
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