Mount&Blade Warband is the ultimate sandbox RPG where you can go from lazy peasant to tyrannical conqueror! But lately, have you been bored of giving all your conquests and pots of butter to King Harlaus? Or are you tired of steamrolling over peasants with your Swadian cavalry…but still want to play Warband? Oh boy, you’re in luck, because I’m about to tell you my top fifteen mods to spice up that medieval murder spree!
15. The Reckoning
The Reckoning is an overhaul mod set in a dystopian world overcome by a zombie apocalypse. It’s a huge difference slicing zombie heads instead of human ones! What makes this mod cool is the harrowing, large – albeit janky – world teeming with zombies, entirely new rival factions, and new enemies that wield shotguns, pistols, and machine guns! There’s even a fresh start-up quest that gives the mod a unique flare and an entirely new recruitment system so you can be a maniacal imperialist like back in Calradia!
The Reckoning Mod Features
- New Weaponry (semi-auto and automatic firearms)
- New Troop Trees
- New Recruitment System
- New World Map
- New Enemy Types
14. Anno Domini 1257
Anno Domini 1257 is an incredible overhaul mod that thrusts you into the war zones of 13th-century Europe. Whether you’re a history nerd or not – let’s be honest, you play Warband - you will find this mod fun and endearing as there’s a beautiful, sprawling world map that spans from the Mountains of Scotland to the deserts of Egypt, an entirely new troop tree, many new weapons and armor, and new enemies! If you ever wanted to try to conquer the royalty you learned about in high school, check out this mod.
Anno Domini Mod Features
- Sprawling World Map
- Countless New Enemies
- New, Historically Accurate Weapons and Armor
- Money Lending System
- New Troop Tree
13. Viking Conquest
Do you love the Vikings? Well, if you answered no, what’s wrong with you? Viking Conquest is a DLC add-on for Warband, but it vastly changes the gameplay and storyline of your hero! Set in 868, explore Ireland, England, France, and Denmark as a Christian lord or a crazy Pagan Viking maniac! This adds new cities, scenes, weapons, enemy types, enhanced reputation mechanics, player abilities (including a berserker mechanic), and a new storyline that involves you in a bloody political conspiracy! Forge your destiny through a bloody iron rule and live the Viking life you always wanted! Jeez, I feel like raging out and raiding for my Viking tribe now.
Viking Conquest Mod Features
- New Player Mechanics
- New Troops
- New Enemies
- A vast array of new Weapons and Armor
- A New and Compelling Storyline!
- Enhanced Reputation System
12. Blood in the West
Just finished the Lord of the Rings Trilogy again and you feel that LOTR itch that no game quite scratches? Then you should give this mod a try! Blood in the West is a LOTR total conversion mod that captures Middle-Earth, the Fellowship, and evildoers like Sauron and his legions of Uruks. You can conquer with the portly Hobbits Sam and Frodo or face Gondorians as an evil agent of Sauron! It’s interesting to mold Middle-Earth under your banner, for good or for evil, as almost no LOTR games give you that option. This mod is simply jam-packed with content; it contains lots of cool Middle-Earth weapons, like Anduril or Sting, and legendary armor pieces, like Sauron or Aldarion’s, and there are also all types of creatures, like Ents, Olog-hai, Spider Riders, Trolls, Uruks, Elves, Dwarves, and more which you can use in battle, all while allowing you to conquer the whole of Middle-Earth, should you desire to. If you’re a huge LOTR nerd like myself, this mod really scratches that itch.
Blood in the West Mod Features
- New Troops
- New Enemies
- Iconic Middle-Earth Weapons and Armor
- New Races
- New Storylines
- Iconic LOTR characters, like Gandalf and Saruman
11. Sword of Damocles
This mod is great if you can’t decide if you want to be a Roman emperor or a bloodthirsty King! Sword of Damocles is set in an expansive, ahistorical, Roman Era / Medieval Era-inspired land named Ponavosa, three and a half times bigger than Calradia. New music, faith, battle scenes, troop types, factions, and enemies follow you into the fray as you tax peasants and lead your legions to battle! This mod creates a grand experience as things like village populations matter as well as what improvements you make to your conquests! This mod makes Warband much bigger and more expansive, as you focus on conquering more territory against vast groups of powerful foes while managing your political realm.
Sword of Damocles Mod Features
- Unique Ahistorical Setting
- Extremely Expansive World Map
- Tons of new Enemies and Troop Types
- New Weapons and Armor
- New Diplomatic and Political Mechanics
- Religion
10. Native Expansion
Love the base game but want some additions that fix up some of the janky issues it has? This is precisely that, with the addition of new and rebalanced troops, new mechanics like a morale system, wound system, political and diplomatic changes, new weapons and armor, and a fierce enemy, the Dark Knights, who are far more powerful than any base game foe, which slowly wipe other factions out as your fear grows that you’ll be next. I absolutely loved this mod when I was younger and still hold it dear to this day. This mod was always one of my favorites as slowly defeating this monstrous enemy and recruiting them to your side was immensely satisfying and served well to imbue you with a feeling of power. This mod will kick your ass the first time you face the Dark Knights as they really ratchet the challenge up tenfold. I recommend you give it a shot if you want a more challenging native with a little spice, or if you just wanna feel badass wearing that Dark Knight armor.
Native Expansion Mod Features
- Political and Diplomatic Mechanics
- Tons of Other New Mechanics
- New Enemies and Troop types
- An Existential Threat - The Dark Knights!
- New Weapons and Armor
9. Phantasy Calradia
Phantasy Calradia is a little bit unpolished, but ultimately takes part in a fantasy-themed version of Calradia, with some sparkling additions, like Orcish and Elvish factions that coincide with the original Native factions. Wield magic, like necromancy (yes, you can raise an army of zombies and skeletons), and be any number of races, from Elves, Drows, Orcs, to Gnomes and Humans. Though there aren’t a huge number of new weapons and armor, besides the addition of magic which is heavily available to you from the beginning, the mod is a fun rework of Native with tons of fantasy elements like magic and a bevy of new troops and enemies, and a sprawling map that feels like an entirely new world despite being based in Calradia.
What’s cool too is how constant bands of enemies - like Orcs, Elves or Knighthoods - form warbands and travel the world seeking to crush you, which adds some new challenge. There are also a lot of new mechanics - like stealth - which can turn you into a Hitman, like Agent 47, should you want to battle your way to victory covertly. Ultimately, this mod is definitely worth checking out if you’re a fantasy nerd who wants to wield powerful spells and conquer a vast land, defeating all manner of creatures in your path, like orcs, knight parties, mummies, demons, zombies, skeletons, and more.
Phantasy Calradia Mod Features
- New Mechanics
- Enemy Warbands
- New fantasy creatures
- Tons of magic spells
- Vast Landscape with New Factions
8. Star Wars Conquest
Star Wars Conquest – as the name might suggest - is a slightly buggy but cool Star Wars overhaul mod for Warband. Ever wanted to lead an army of Rebels or Stormtroopers against the evil Imperial Empire? Or do you fancy the Dark Side, wishing to destroy the rebels? You can do all that and more in this Star Wars mod, which changes Calradia into a Star Wars galaxy, including the Rebel Alliance, the Galactic Empire, and the Hutt cartel.
You can be and will find all types of races, from the nasty Gomorreans to Droids, Twileks, and Jawas. You can even use force powers, overpowering your foes, and cutting your foes apart with powerful lightsabers and blasters. It’s pretty awesome being able to conquer planets with your rag-tag group of galactic warriors, as you blast, slice, or burn your way through your enemies. If you love Star Wars, this is a must-play, and even if you don’t….wait…what’s wrong with you? All jokes aside, give this mod a shot! I’m definitely not using Jedi mind tricks!
Star Wars Conquest Mod Features
- New enemies
- New troop types
- New races
- New weapons, like guns, lightsabers, and force powers
- New, sprawling Star Wars galaxy
7. Perisno
Perisno is like Phantasy Calradia’s older, more seasoned brother. Perisno is a great mod because it REALLY changes the game into an entirely new, fantasy world, filled with new playable races, like Elves, Dwarves, and Giants, new questlines, a huge campaign map, new enemies, new weapons and armor, troops, troop rebalancing, and a lot more. The only slight disappointment to me is the lack of necromancy! This mod is super ambitious and satisfies that sword & sorcery need while still being the incredibly unique sandbox RPG that is Warband.
The game also includes a lot of lore and new storylines which make you really feel right there whether you’re drinking at the Tavern or bathing in the blood of your enemies - like demons, knight companies, and Roman legions - as you forge your empire. There’s too much to even include because this mod is that huge. If you want to shake things up — and love fantasy — this game will fulfill that need tenfold as it shocks you with all of the content it has.
Perisno Mod Features
- New Fantasy Landscape
- New Races, like Elves and Giants
- New Questlines
- Tons of New Troops and Foes
- New Mechanics
- Cool, Unique Weapons and Armor
6. Paradigm Worlds
Want to play a fever dream mod that will make you feel like you just took a tab of LSD? Paradigm Worlds is that mod, as it converts Calradia into a new world, including Aliens, fantasy creatures like Elves and Orcs, undead, and futuristic humans, all jumbled onto one landscape. There are so many new troops, enemies, creatures, and minor factions like the Techno Mages - humans enhanced mechanically who use plasma weapons - or the Chitin Empire - a legion of bug and humanoid creatures - and other factions and entities that seek to destroy you. This is a mishmash of sci-fi, fantasy, cyberpunk, horror, and more, all bundled into the sandbox that is Warband.
There also are many new mechanics, like the fact that your character literally can mutate into another race(Umbrella Corporation??) and there’s a doomsday clock that slowly ticks down, enhancing the strength of the enemies around you, unless you commit good deeds. Feel free to bomb, burn, shoot, slice, or laser all manner of foes with all of the various new weapons that are offered, making this mod an incredibly unique offering to the Warband world.
Paradigm World Mod Features
- New Mechanics, like Mutation
- New, Unique, Varied Entities and Factions
- New Creatures, Enemies, and Troops
- A Huge, Brand New World Map
- Tons of New Weapons and Armor, like Plasma Guns or Pirate Armor
5. Warsword Conquest
This mod, based on the Warhammer universe, captures the Warhammer universe in total, and it is probably the most fantasy-oriented mod on this list. It’s an extremely fleshed-out mod that gets the lore right - hoorah, fellow nerds - increasing immersion. Fight on a massive landscape composed of 18 factions, like the Beastmen, Badland Goblins, or Dark Elves, and play as any number of races, like Humans, Orcs, Goblins, Elves, and more.
The races aren’t exactly balanced, but the mod is ridiculously fun to play as you can battle many different creatures, like Demons, Trolls, Orcs, Goblins, Elves, Beasts, and more while using many lore-accurate weapons, armor, and spells to defeat your foes and conquer the Warhammer universe. There are also player abilities that enhance your power in combat and even the unique addition of Dungeons, wherein you can battle groups of enemies to reap rewards. All in all, this mod is awesome and has plenty of great content centered on the Warhammer universe, should you dare to step foot in such a dangerous land!
Warsword Conquest Mod Features
- New Races
- New Weapons and Armor
- Warhammer Landscape
- Plenty of New Troops and Enemies
- New Mechanics, like Player Abilities
- Dungeoneering
4. A Clash of Kings
If you think you can manage to take the Iron Throne, this mod is for you. A Clash of Kings is a polished, story-focused mod set in the expansive land of Westeros from Game of Thrones, including the Seven Kingdoms and the Free Peoples. This mod is pretty awesome as it does a great job of compiling the lore of GoT into playable quests, and you, of course, play a main role. Of course, there are tons of new weapons, armor, troops, and enemies like Wights from GoT, and a compelling cast of characters that immerse you into the deadly world of Westeros. The mod is challenging but well-made, and it is rather satisfying forging your destiny in the realm of Westeros as you slaughter your enemies like the medieval maniac I know you are.
A Clash of Kings Mod Features
- Interesting Storylines
- Beautiful Westeros Map
- New Weapons and Armor
- Tons of New Enemies and Troops
3. Age of Sword & Sorcery
This mod is the granddaddy of Perisno, Warsword Conquest, and Phantasy Calradia. Set in an entirely new fantasy and renaissance-inspired landscape with 20 factions from feudal lords to Viking warlords, this mod encompasses everything you could want in a Warband mod: guns, swords, and sorcery, of course! Explore and conquer a war-torn land, as you loot dungeons, join guilds, discover hidden lairs, and battle enemies like witches, roaming hordes of zombies, heretics, knighthood orders, slavers, bandits, and Viking lords! There are so many new features, like enhanced graphics, new weapons, armors, and questlines, as well as combat animation improvements, potions to use in battle, siege engines, and more which will keep you entertained for hours as you slice your foes and battle your way to victory in the fantastical land of Euros!
Age of Sword & Sorcery Mod Features
- Huge, Fantasy Land
- New Weapons and Armor
- Tons of Fantastical Enemies and Troops
- Dungeons
- Magic and Potions
- Working Siege Engines
2. Suvarnabhumi Mahayuth
Do you want to lead legions of gunners and conquer in a super unique, historical setting? Or do you just want to trample your enemies with an elephant? Set in a historically accurate 16th-century Southeast Asia, there’s a huge range of factions to join or conquer, from historical Indian kingdoms to Thai kingdoms of old. Explore a vast land that just began to use guns and gunpowder - that’s why this mod is so dang fun in the first place - and be a Thai warrior or an advanced conquistador.
The mod is beautiful graphically as well. Ultimately, this mod scores so highly on my list because it provides a vastly different feel from a lot of the other mods on here; it’s not fantasy or ahistorical, it’s history, and it’s a period that isn’t talked about much. With new weapons, armor, guns, mechanics, elephant mounts, and a sprawling map with tons of diversity, you should play this mod if you want to conquer a rather hidden part of history. Or if you just want to shoot your enemies in the face and trample them.
Suvarnabhumi Mahayuth Mod Features
- Unique Historical Setting
- Diverse Troops and Enemies
- New Weapons and Armor
- Amazing Gunplay
1. Prophesy of Pendor
Here it is. We’ve finally climbed all the way down to my number-one spot and the mod I’ve played the most. Be forewarned as this mod is incredibly challenging and takes hours and hours of careful warband building to successfully beat the game. Set in a fractured land named Pendor, you are greeted immediately by a booming voice when you begin the game, begging you to unite all of the broken entities into the sole Kingdom of Pendor. This is an incredibly challenging task, as just about everything is set out to kill you in this fantasy world. Knighthood orders will spawn, and legions of Heretics and Demons, zombies, barbarians, and overpowered Elves called Noldor will spawn with fearless Warlords to lead them.
To beat the game — which is interesting, as most mods do not have a victory condition — you must unite the entire land under your name, have favorable relations with the Noldor, and defeat all minor factions or heroes who lead these armies. This mod has an immense amount of content, with countless new troops, enemies to face, new and powerful weapons and armor, special quests, huge battles, secret empires, artifacts, quality of life mechanics, stat and appearance changes as you play, and more. If you want a polished, grand, fantasy-focused, lore-intensive, incredibly rewarding, and new experience, play Pendor as it will knock your socks off. Just don’t break your monitor when you inevitably lose to a 1000 demon doom stack.
Prophesy of Pendor Mod Features
- New, Powerful Weapons and Armor
- Tons of new Troops and Enemies
- Novel Storyline
- New Map
- New Mechanics
- Stat and Appearance Rewards
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