
Having been passionate about games for most of her life, Paige tends to care more about games and their respective world than almost anything else. Paige has earned a bachelor’s degree in creative writing and has discovered a preference for both high and low fantasy.
Not surprisingly, this love for fantasy in writing also translates for a love of fantasy in her games. RPGs and single person experiences are her bread and butter. This includes games like: Skyrim, Dragon Age: Inquisition, The Talos Principle, etc.
And while she does try to pay attention to things such as combat, she is more prone to focus on exploration and player choice than anything else in a game. There is just something so thrilling about discovering a new place or uncovering a new part to the story.
Not surprisingly, this love for fantasy in writing also translates for a love of fantasy in her games. RPGs and single person experiences are her bread and butter. This includes games like: Skyrim, Dragon Age: Inquisition, The Talos Principle, etc.
And while she does try to pay attention to things such as combat, she is more prone to focus on exploration and player choice than anything else in a game. There is just something so thrilling about discovering a new place or uncovering a new part to the story.
PaigeM's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Hollow Knight