
Sam Arnold has always preferred creative writing ever since he wrote his first poem when he was only 4 years old. Throughout his life, he continued his interest in creative writing, but later on, he would also be introduced to video games. As his attention slowly turned to video games, he realized that they had an impact on his writing as well. They made him realize that what he wanted to do was to create stories, worlds, and adventures. He has written and created quite a collection of those worlds since then, and he's created even more worlds and stories than he can count. Which makes him what you could consider more than qualified in that area. He has also had a horror story published through Upwork as well. His expertise ranges from RPGs such as Monster Hunter World, Borderlands 3, and a plethora of mobile RPGs over the years. His exposure to games in that category is what makes him more decidedly knowledgable about that genre. He has finished his second year in college as a creative writing major and has been improving at expanding and polishing his writing skills. He's been playing video games ever since he first got Civilization 4 on his family iMac. The types of games he likes the most are along the lines of but not restricted to High Fantasy or Sci-Fi MMORPGs that he can play with his friends. He doesn't mind having to grind in these games, but there has to be a meaningful reward behind the work he put in. The games should also be willing to add exciting content, but not be a game that was rushed in the making. What Sam enjoys most about games being the center of his writing is being able to use his experience and passion. Even if it is a bad game, he will be able to write passionately about how bad the game was. As evidenced by everything above, Sam has always been passionate about video games as a whole.
PandaSwami's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Borderlands 3
Top 3 Favorite Games