Top 5 Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Best Tanks

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Best Tanks
17 Jul 2020

Strength, Honor, and high HP; these are the characteristics you look for in a tank champion in Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms.

They are the first line of defense and while they don't do damage, they sure can take it. 

Some of these characters you may recognize if you're a diehard DnD fan. Let's look at the top 5 bible-thumping, muscle-pumping, and protein powder chugging tank heroes in Idle Champions.

5. Nayeli

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You may remember Nayeli from the cover of Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, she's on the far right holding her trademark greatsword.

Nayeli Goldflower is a paladin without a lord, on the constant hunt for demons and anyone who would associate themselves with the infernal. She worships Tyr, the god of justice. Nayeli is a tank/support champion who works best in front of a formation and buffing the units behind. 

What’s Great

  • Core champion
  • Extremely Low Cost
  • Meta Viable


  • Basic Attack - Swing: Nayeli cleaves all targets near the closest enemy.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Role: Tank/Support
  • Age: 29

4. Evelyn

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Evelyn may be forgiving, but her battleaxe isn't.

The caring and hopelessly optimistic paladin of the waffle crew is known for being first in battle thanks to her winged shoes. Her devotion to her deity Lathander and her kindness are her greatest strengths. A tank and support champion, Evelyn buffs the party most when she is in a position adjacent to a champion that takes damage.

What’s Great

  • Synergizes well with other tanks
  • Buffs champions in the column behind
  • Buffs unit’s health as well


  • Basic Attack - Mighty Axe: Evelyn smashes the front-most enemy with her enormous battleaxe. Every third attack, she cleaves all nearby enemies as well.
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Role: Tank/ Support
  • Age: 22

3. Gromma

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Don't be fooled by her age, Gromma is one kick-butt grandma.

Gromma is a wise old turtle, who has decided to explore the world and to find out more about its strange inhabitants. A druid, Gromma carries a battle-worn spear and attacks with the elements. Gromma is a unique champion because she is a DPS, tank, and support champion defined by her specializations. 

What’s Great

  • Versatile
  • Buffs younger champions
  • Specialization based


  • Basic Attack - Gromma Nander, moving faster than you would expect for an 80-year-old Tortle, stabs the closest enemy with her spear.
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Role: DPS/Tank/Support
  • Age: 80

2. Aila

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You wouldn't expect an elf barbarian, but DnD thrives on the unexpected and peculiar.

Even as a young wild elf, Aila knew she possessed a power that others didn’t. She grew into her power as a barbarian and now travels with the Heroes of Aerois. Aila is a tank and support champion, don’t worry too much about her placement except for the front because for the most part, she doesn’t give out formation buffs.

What’s Great

  • Debuffs enemies
  • Stuns enemies
  • Synergizes with Heroes of Aerois champions


  • Basic Attack - The Howling Gale: Aila attacks the nearest enemy with her warhammer, the Howling Gale, knocking them back slightly.
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Role: Tank/Support
  • Age: 25

1.  Sentry

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Sentry also has a floating orb named Echo for a companion, Echo provides buffs depending on what specialization you choose.

Sentry is an ancient warforged, after having her kingdom destroyed, she powered down. Despite being thrust into this new world, Sentry is devoted to keeping her friends safe in honor of the kingdom she lost. Sentry is a tank and support champion and does best in the front where she can buff the group based on whether or not she’s been attacked.

What’s Great

  • Gives a buff to the formation if she’s in front
  • Speeds up formations progress if not attacked
  • Synergizes with Heroes of Aerois champions


  • Basic Attack - Divine Strike: Sentry attacks the nearest enemy with her Battleaxe, which explodes with radiant light.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Role: Tank/Support
  • Age: 13

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