
Shelby is an avid gamer. The moment she was born she was indoctrination into video games, comes with her parents being gamers. If she wasn't picking up a controller, she was watching her Ma play Final Fantasy X.
She's use to having to break things about games for her friends that don't know squat. So when it comes to newbies wanting to know some tips and tricks (or if they need advice on what they would like), Shelby got you covered.
At the moment, one of her favorite games has to be Final Fantasy XIV— probably one of the nicest MMO out there. Not to mention, it's a good treat for story-lovers.
She's use to having to break things about games for her friends that don't know squat. So when it comes to newbies wanting to know some tips and tricks (or if they need advice on what they would like), Shelby got you covered.
At the moment, one of her favorite games has to be Final Fantasy XIV— probably one of the nicest MMO out there. Not to mention, it's a good treat for story-lovers.
Shelby's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
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