Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who has the Fairest Glamour of Them All?
What do a beach model and a dragoon have in common? They have legs for days. I know, not the greatest of jokes, but it kept your attention. That is a win in my book! Now, let’s go over some fabulous glamours for the dragoon job.
1) Hero of The Golden Lance
(Picture above belongs to Finna Walker from server Chaos)
This glamour just screams divine. Just imagine this: you’re fighting the largest beast known to Eorzea, and it’s staring you down. With your lance, you jump high— so high that you disappear in the sky. The bam! You come down like a valkyrie. This glamour is a must.
Where Can I Find This?
The Hat— Augmented Classical Eques’s Headgear
- Augmented Classical Eques’s Headgear is obtained one way: a vendor.
Rashti in Radz-at-Han [ X: 10.8, Y: 9.9 ]
Ok, before you can trade with Rashti, you need a couple of things. You’re going to need three Crucible Rain and eleven Hannish Certificates of Grade 1 Important. You get the rain from the same vendor, but you gotta have 150 of Allagan Tombstones of Astronomy. Now, the certificates are going to be the hardest thing to get. Once again, you talk to the same person; you have to trade in certain things to get these. What you’re on the lookout for is anything classical. I believe all of those are only obtainable through crafting.
The Body— Panthean Corselet of Maiming
- Panthean Corselet of Maiming is obtained one way: raid grinding.
Depending on your rolls, it might not be so much of a grind. However, you should always mentally prepare yourself for a grind. This coat can be dropped in one raid: Aglaia. It’s a level 90 dungeon that’s unlockable in Endwalker through the blue side-quest maker.
The Hand— Idealized Pteroslaver Gauntlets
- Idealized Pteroslaver Gauntlets in one way: Memoria Misera (Extreme).
Idealized Chest Gear Coffer & High Legatus Idol
When you queue up for Memoria Misera, two things will drop a gear coffer and a High Legatus Idol. What you really want to roll for is the chest gear coffer. That will give you the top as long you open it in the right job; however, if you can’t or having a hard time getting it, you should roll for the idols. If you have five of the idols before you get the coffer, you can trade in them for the chest piece. The NPC you’re looking for is C’intana in Mor Dhona ( X: 22.7, Y: 6.6 ).
The Legs— Eastern Lady Errant’s Skirt
- Eastern Lady Errant’s Skirt is obtained in one way: the Mog Station.
The Mog Station
If you want this skirt, you’ll have to buy the set called Eastern Lady’s Attire.
The Feet— Augmented Classical Eques’s Caligae
- Augmented Classical Eques’s Caligae is obtained one way: a vendor.
Rashti in Radz-at-Han [ X: 10.8, Y: 9.9 ]
The same info as the headgear.
The Weapon— Areadbhar
- Areadbhar is obtained in one way: Anima Weapons.
Best Friends Forever
The quest you’re looking out for is the Best Friends Forever side-quest that spawns in Azys Lla [ X: 7.4, Y: 11.5 ]. Now, that is part of a long quest line. The quest that kicks this all off is An Unexpected Proposal.
2) T-53M: Omega
(Picture above belongs to Lib’ra Jarilo from server Crystal)
Now, this is a sharp glamour. It really gives cool side-character vibes; the only thing to mind about this set is that the pants might need to be changed for female characters. You know, due to some leg pieces transforming into booty shorts for girls… It’s a curse.
Where Can I Find This?
The Hat— YoRHa Type-53 Headband of Maiming
- YoRHa Type-53 Headband of Maiming is obtained in one way: raid grinding
The Puppets’ Bunker
Depending on your rolls, it might not be so much of a grind. However, you should always mentally prepare yourself for a grind. This hat can be dropped in one raid: The Puppets’ Bunker. This level 80 raid is unlocked in the Shadowbringer’s expansion.
The Body— Omega Gambison of Mainimg
- Omega Gambison of Mainimg is obtained one way: Alphascape V4.0
Omega Chest Gear Coffer & Alphascape Datalog V4.0
Now, depending on your luck, you might chance out on the coffer. However, roll on the datalogs too! If you get eight datalogs before the coffer, you can trade them in. Two vendors will take them—
- Gelfradus in Rhalgr’s Reach [ X: 13.8, Y: 12.0 ]
- Rowena’s Representative in Kugane [ X: 12.2, Y: 10.8 ]
The Hand— Elemental Gauntlets of Maiming +1
- Elemental Gauntlets of Maiming +1 are obtained in one way: trading.
Expedition Artisan in Eureka Hydatos [ X: 20.5, Y: 13.3 ]
Now, before you can trade with the artisan, you’re going to need a couple of things. First, you need Elemental Gauntlets of Maiming— not the + 1 version. You get it from the same vendor by trading in fortify pyros crystals. If you don’t know how to get it, GamerEscape has fate listed where they drop. Next, you’re going to get 30 Hydatos crystals. If you don’t know how to get those, GamerEscape comes in clutch again!
The Legs— True Linen Breeches of Maiming
- True Linen Breeches of Maiming are obtained in two ways: crafting and market board.
Weaver & Player’s Market Board
To weave this, you need to be a level 70. You could buy this off the market, but according to Universalis, the cheapest you get it at is 14,248.
The Feet— Late Allagan Sollerets of Maiming
- Late Allagan Sollerets of Maiming is obtained in one way: PVP.
Wolf Mark
In order to acquire Kokuko Men, you’ll need 2,000 Wolf Marks. You generate these by doing any of the PVP matches: Rival Wings, Frontline Battles, and The Wolves’ Den. When you have enough, the NPC you’re looking for is the Crystal Quartermaster at Wolves’ Den Pier [ X: 4.4, Y: 6.1]. Another thing, I suggest watching Egnogg Gogg. He makes short and straightforward videos about how to get better in Final Fantasy XIV’s PVP.
3) The Wolf
(Picture above belongs to J’roric Citlalloh Crystal)
Don’t worry adventures, this glamour will work for both genders. The only thing about it is that it’s going to look slightly different. Where Can I Find This?
The Hat— Warg Pelt of Maiming
- Warg Pelt of Maiming is obtained in one way: dungeon grinding
The Grand Cosmos
Depending on your rolls, it might not be so much of a grind. However, you should always mentally prepare yourself for a grind. This coat can be dropped in one dungeon: The Grand Cosmos. This level 80 dungeon that’s unlockable in Shadowbringer’s expansion.
The Body— Warg Jacket of Maiming
- Warg Jacket of Maiming is obtained in one way: dungeon grinding
The Grand Cosmos
Same information as the hat.
The Hands— Heirloom Gauntlets of Maiming
- Heirloom Gauntlets of Maiming are obtained in one way: dungeon grinding.
Matoya’s Relict
Depending on your rolls, it might not be so much of a grind. However, you should always mentally prepare yourself for a grind. This coat can be dropped in one dungeon: Matoya’s Relict. This level 80 dungeon that’s unlockable in Shadowbringer’s expansion.
The Legs— Heirloom Gaskins of Maiming
- Heirloom Gaskins of Maiming are obtained in one way: dungeon grinding.
Matoya’s Relict
The same information as the hands.
The Feet— Heirloom Greaves of Maiming
- Heirloom Greaves of Maiming is obtained in one way: dungeon grinding.
Matoya’s Relict
The same information as the hands.
The Weapon— Lakeland Lance
- Lakeland Lance is obtained in one way: dungeon grinding.
Holminster Switch
Depending on your rolls, it might not be so much of a grind. However, you should always mentally prepare yourself for a grind. This coat can be dropped in one dungeon: Holminster Switch. This level 71 dungeon that’s unlockable in Shadowbringer’s expansion
4) Elegant Fighter
(Picture above belongs to Acacia Maxillae from server Aether)
Again, it’s another of those glamours that looks like it’s only for one gender. But have no fear! This glamour will look excellent on both male and female Warrior of Light.
Where Can I Find This?
The Body— Suit of Astrum Mail
- The Suit of Astrum Mail is obtained in two ways: Vendors and Quest.
Vendors & MSQ
Now, before you can trade with these vendors, you need either two things: Allied Seals or Allgan Tombstone of Poetics. In my opinion, getting the tombstones will be quicker. If you go that route, you’re going to need 100 of them; when you get enough, the person you’re looking for is Drake.
- Drake in the North Shroud [ X: 30.3, Y: 20.1 ]
Now, the seals. Those you get from Relam Reborn hunts. You unlock these once you hit a certain rank in your Company— don’t worry. I believe it’s relatively quick to unlock. You just need to be on the lookout for the blue quest marker called ‘Let The Hunt Begin’ at your company. Once you unlock that, you just have to do the bounties; the weekly ones give the biggest rewards. When you have 40 seals, you have a couple of people you can go to.
- Hunt Billmaster in Ul’dah’s Steps of Nald [ X: 8.1, Y: 9.3 ]
- Hunt Billmaster in New Gridania [ X: 9.7, Y: 11.3 ]
- Hunt Billmaster in the Upper Decks of Limsa Lominsa [ X: 13.1, Y: 12.4 ]
If you have done the mission called ‘Tendrils of Intrigue’ in Shadowbringers, you can do it as a reward!
The Hands— Replica Sky Pirates’ Gloves of Scouting
- Replica Sky Pirates’ Gloves of Scouting is obtained in two ways: crafting and market board.
Leatherwork & Player’s Market
To weave this, you need to be a level 61. You could buy this off the market, but according to Universalis, the cheapest you get it at is 1,049.
The Legs— Hempen Pantalettes
- Hempen Pantalettes is obtained one way: Vendors.
They’re in the Starting Cities
You don’t need hardly any gil to buy them. They cost a whomping two gil. You just need to keep an eye out for the vendors.
- Bango Zango in the Lower Decks of Limsa Lominsa [ X: 9.9, Y: 11.4 ]
- Maisenta in New Gridania [ X: 11.5, Y: 11.2 ]
- Ul’dah’s Steps of Nald [ X: 10.5, Y: 9.5 ]
The Weapon— Tropaios Spear
- Tropaios Spear is obtained in one way: PVP content.
Trophy Crystals
The way you earn trophy crystals is through Series Malmstones. You’ll need 1,500 of them before you can trade them in for the hat. The NPC you’re looking for is the Crystal Quartermaster at Wolves’ Den Pier [ X: 4.4, Y: 6.1]. If you don’t know what a series of malmstones is or how to unlock PVP, don’t worry— I got you covered. Dvalin has a video explaining what the malmstones are and how they work. Then there’s a guide on Final Fantasy XIV Loadstone that shows you how to unlock PvP. Another thing, I suggest watching Egnogg Gogg. He makes short and straightforward videos about how to get better in Final Fantasy XIV’s PVP.
The Jewelry
If you’re curious about how the jewelry is glamoured, you should chest out the Elegant Warrior’s page!
5) Spear of the Tribe
(Picture above belongs to Ellismus Cavenaugh from server Crystal)
If you want to get something else flashy, this glamour will work wonders!
Where Can I Find This?
Hat Piece— Pagos Circlet
- Pagos Circlet is obtained in one way: Eureka.
Drop Table
Once you complete the mission called And We Call it Pagos, Eureka will be open. Then, you need to grind through the fates to get the loot boxes. When you have a good amount, start opening them; the hat piece will drop.
The Body— Republican Eques’s Chiton
- Republican Eques’s Chiton is obtained in one way: PVP.
Wolf Mark
In order to acquire Kokuko Men, you’ll need 1,500 Wolf Marks. You generate these by doing any of the PVP matches: Rival Wings, Frontline Battles, and The Wolves’ Den. When you have enough, the NPC you’re looking for is the Crystal Quartermaster at Wolves’ Den Pier [ X: 4.4, Y: 6.1]. Another thing, I suggest watching Egnogg Gogg. He makes short and straightforward videos about how to get better in Final Fantasy XIV’s PVP.
The Hands— Woad Skylancer’s Armlets
- Woad Skylancer’s Armlets is obtained in one way: dungeon grinding
Sohm Al
Depending on your rolls, it might not be so much of a grind. However, you should always mentally prepare yourself for a grind. This coat can be dropped in one dungeon: Sohm AI. This level 53 dungeon that’s unlockable in Heavenward’s expansion.
The Legs— Woad Skylancer’s Breeches
- Woad Skylancer’s Breeches is obtained in one way: dungeon grinding
Sohm Al
Same information as the Handpiece.
The Feet— Dalmascan Leather Shoes
- Dalmascan Leather Shoes are obtained in two ways: crafting and the market board.
Leatherworker & Player’s Market Board
To craft this, you need to be a level 80. You could buy this off the market, but according to Universalis, the cheapest you get it at is 69,302.
The Weapon— Ala Mhigan Glaive
- Ala Mhigan Glaive is obtained in one way: Clan Hunt.
Centurio Seal
These seals are obtainable through the Clan Hunt. Now, there is a quest line that needs to be done; however, if you keep up with your Grand Company’s missions, you’ll be fine. If you’re not sure, here is consolegameswiki’s guide on the hunts within each expansion. Now, once you have 70 of these seals, two vendors will trade with you.
- Satsuya in Kugane [ X: 10.4, Y: 10.2 ]
- Billebaut in Rhalgr’s Reach [ X: 13.0, Y: 11.7 ]
The Jewlery
If you’re curious about how the jewelry is glamoured, you should chest out the Spear of the Tribe page!