Players in Final Fantasy XIV can grind for a variety of exotic relic weapons. Relic weapons are shiny and rare, and they can only be obtained by spending a lot of time and effort grinding for other weapons. One for each new expansion, players can currently obtain a separate relic weapon chain quest. Relic weapons include the Zodiac in A Realm Reborn, Anima in Heavensward, the Eureka in Stormblood, and the Resistance in Shadowbringers — the most recent addition.
Obtaining the full, complete Relic weapon requires numerous steps on the part of the player. To become a Recollection Weapon from an Augmented Resistance Weapon, a player must collect six bitter memories of the dead in the third step of the Resistance relic weapon's progression.
This article will go through the three different methods a player may use to collect their bad memories.
3. Bozjan Southern Front
How to farm bitter memories in Bozja
How farming in Bozjan Southern Front works:
- A random drop from killing any foe in Bozjan Southern Front
- Best done while leveling a player’s battle job level, so farming with a level 71-79 battle job is the best choice.
- Also good to do this while trying to increase the resistance rank, by finishing the skirmishes and critical engagements in Bozja.
- Killing off mobs in Bozja that drops Bozjan Clusters is also a good idea, as players can get Bozjan Clusters and Bitter Memories with one farm
2. Leveling Roulette
How to farm bitter memories through Leveling Roulette.
How farming in Leveling Roulette works:
- Suitable for players who are not in a rush to complete their relic weapon.
- As Leveling Roulette will only give big experience rewards once a day, this method is only best done for once a day.
- Best for players who are looking to grind their relic weapons while leveling their battle jobs, as leveling roulette gives a big experience reward upon clearing it.
1. Level 60 Dungeon Spam
How to farm bitter memories with a level 60 dungeon.
How farming in level 60 dungeon works:
The fastest way to earn bitter memories currently
- The Antitower is the most popular dungeon to spam to get bitter memories, as it’s quite easy, fast, and straightforward.
- By queuing for Antitower, there’s a chance that other players will also queue for it to farm bitter memories, allowing a faster queue compared to other level 60 dungeons.
- Antitower is also a MSQ dungeon, so there will be some new players who might join in, quickening the queue as well as giving players a first-time bonus.
- Can also be done while doing the weekly Wondrous Tails for level 60 dungeon.
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