Hello, fellow Eorzean! What role do you main in Final Fantasy XIV?
Most first-timer would prefer to roll with DPS, the one role less risky to play for a beginner, but play an important part in the party as the damage dealer. One of the easiest job to master with less complicated skill rotation in the DPS family is Samurai. Samurai was first introduced in the Stormblood expansion, you can unlock this job when you have purchased the Stormblood expansion and also reached level 50 as a Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic, then you will find the NPC that will help you get this job in Ul’dah - Step of Nald. Other than having an easy skill rotation, your Samurai will surely deal heavy damage when done right. And for this reason, Samurai is one popular job.
Now that we know that Samurai is indeed awesome, let’s talk about the Gil you can benefit from making Katana or Samurai weapon’s glamour. There will be demands when there are people, and when there are demands, there will be profit! To make weapons for Samurai, you must unlock the Blacksmith Disciple of Hand first, and reach a certain level required for the recipe! Now without further due, check this out!
5. Byakko’s Enspirited Katana (iLevel 290)
A stunning white katana resembling Byakko.
This main arm is relatively new and introduced in Patch 5.5. Visually, the white katana is stunning, the effect for this weapon is also exquisite and unique. Unlike other weapons that beam with aura, this weapon has big black brush strokes coming out from it. Despite being quite expensive, the Katana is currently in high demand. At least 1 or 2 weapons are sold every day on each server. To make Byakko’s Enspirited Katana, your Blacksmith must acquire Master Blacksmith VI book, also, specialization is required.
7 Fire Crystal
7 Earth Crystal
4 Chromite Ingot
1 True Griffin Leather
2 Molybdenum Ingot
1 Byakko’s Mane
5 Demicrystal
4. Seiryu’s Sanctified Katana (iLevel 290)
A white katana and blue sheath take after Seiryu.
Seiryu is a water dragon or should I say snake (as written for the dungeon name), the weapon represents its name in terms of look and effect. Bluewater aura wraps the white Katana and makes the perfect sense. To make this weapon, you should have obtained the Master Blacksmith VI book and of course the required materials.
7 Fire Crystal
7 Earth Crystal
3 Chromite Ingot
2 True Griffin Leather
2 Molybdenum Ingot
1 Seiryu’s Scale
5 Demicrystal
3. Suzaku’s flame-kissed Chokuto (iLevel 290)
The red burning chokuto just like Suzaku.
Just like the name, this sword emits flame. A blazing sword sounds hot and cool, right? This is the more expensive version of Inferno Katana, the sword and sheath look more elegant on this one. Now, to make this katana, a Master Blacksmith VI book is a must to have.
7 Fire Crystal
7 Earth Crystal
3 Chromite Ingot
2 Torreya Lumber
2 Molybdenum Ingot
1 Scarlet Tailfeather
5 Demicrystal
2. Tsukuyomi’s Moonlit Chokuto (iLevel 290)
The elegant black chokuto reminds one of Tsukuyomi.
First introduced in Patch 5.3, the price for this weapon hardly went down. The reasons I can think of are the simplicity, and elegance that the sword offer. A black sword with a simple purple aura, who doesn’t like a black sword? However, despite the high demand, there are not many in stock, which is why the price is very expensive. To make this weapon you will need a Master Blacksmith VI book.
7 Fire Crystal
7 Earth Crystal
3 Chromite Ingot
2 Palladium Ingot
2 Molybdenum Ingot
1 Celestial Kimono Remnant
5 Demicrystal
1. Augmented Aischune (iLevel 430)
The dark purple katana, make one think of darkness.
Another relatively new katana introduced in Patch 5.5. This is another dark-coloured Katana, it releases a dark purple aura. The feel for this weapon is cool and dark, while Tsukuyomi’s aim for a more elegant display. From Katana’s sheath, you can already tell. For this weapon, you are required to have Blacksmith specialization and the Master Blacksmith VII book in hand.
7 Fire Crystal
7 Earth Crystal
4 Tungsten Steel Ingot
1 Ethereal Silk
1 Dwarven Mythril Ingot
1 Hades’s Auracite
8 Kingcraft Demimateria
Now, you have 5 Katana worth making for the Gil, if you are here for the Gil, which one intrigued you to make the most? If you are a Samurai player, which Katana you like the most? For me, I personally like Tsukuyomi’s Moonlit Chokuto, I want to make it part of my collection!
Born to be both gamer and storyteller, Lynn have the right amount of salt when it comes to gacha games. She level all her skills, but not enough points on humor. Still a self-proclaimed funny she is.