Final Fantasy is an MMORPG with a lot of end-game content for a player to explore and experience. For this reason, making sure your character has the best status ready for high-end content is necessary to earn a clear much faster.
Materia is an integral part of Final Fantasy XIV, either in combat or crafting and gathering. There are different types of Materias out there, and they all give different status boosts to a player.
In addition, Materia goes all the way from level 1 to 8, with 8 giving the most status boosts. This article will explain what the best level 8 Materias for each class in FFXIV and why .
How to get Materia?
First, there are many ways a player can get their hands on Materias, specifically Materia VIII.
The first option is getting them from extracting it from a high-end gear with 100% spiritbond. A player would gather a spiritbond level with the gear they use most often, and once they reach 100%, they can then be extracted for a Materia.
Secondly, and the easiest option, a player can just buy the Materia they need from the Market Board. Usually, a battle job’s Materia can cost 1-7k Gil per materia, depending on the type of Materia and the server the player is playing on.
Players can also get Materia VIII from Cracked Stellacluster, which a player can get through a myriad of ways, including but not limited to queueing for Duty Roulettes with a Job in Need, doing high-end content, hunts, treasure maps, Wondrous Tails, and many more.
Now that players know where they can get each materia, this article will explain which materia is best for each battle job in FFXIV. This article will not include a Blue Mage’s optimized Materia as they may vary from raid to raid.
17. Warrior
A warrior ready to swing their mighty axe.
Warriors are famous for their Fell Cleaves, and Fell Cleaves did a lot of damage. Warriors and other tanks would also need to prioritize to increase their damage to help with the bosses’ DPS checks for end-game content.
The best materias for Warriors are Critical Aim Materia VIII, which will help boost their critical hit up, and allow them to deal much more damage.
The second best materia for Warriors is Skill Speed, which allows them to attack the boss and monsters faster.
16. Paladin
The Warrior of Light is ready to take the battle to the moon.
While Paladin is known as the best off-tank for its support skills and shields, it can still deal damage to the boss and helps the team on clearing the fight faster.
For this reason alone, Paladin’s best materias are critical hit, so they would be able to deal more critical damage to the boss they’re fighting against. For this, Paladins can get some Savage Aim Materia VIII.
Another Materia is also good for Paladins Skill Speed, and players can adjust how much Skill Speed they want based on their own comfort. For this, players can get some Quickarm Materia VIII.
15. Dark Knight
A Dark Knight equipping their purple relic.
Dark Knights are, undoubtedly, the edgiest job out there in Final Fantasy XIV. As a tank introduced in Heavensward, Dark Knight has a plethora of skills and many mitigations for oneself and the party.
However, Dark Knights can also damage the boss, and using the correct Materia for the job may help run through end-game content easier for the party as a whole.
Dark Knights must prioritize melding Critical Hit into their gear, so they should get some Savage Aim Materia VIII.
In addition, if Dark Knights are capped in Critical Hits, they should invest in Skill Speed to fasten up how quickly they can attack the boss. For this, they need to meld Quickarm Materia VIII.
14. Gunbreaker
A gunbreaker swinging his mighty sword.
A Gunbreaker is one of the four tanks that deals a lot of damage. For this reason, Gunbreaker’s chosen materia must conform to their damage output and the job’s flexibility and complex rotation.
Critical Hit materias are best suited for Gunbreaker to get more damage output from your character. For this reason, a player could get some Savage Aim Materia VIII to meld into their weapons and gears.
Skill Speed materias are also good, and players can adjust it according to their needs and ping, depending on how speedy they want the Gunbreaker to be. For this, players can get some Quickarm Materia VIII.
13. White Mage
A white mage casting heals for the party.
White Mages are the pure healers of FFXIV but with a twist that allows them to deal a lot of damage to the enemies. Sometimes, a White Mage’s opener done correctly can deal even more damage than a DPS’ opener.
The first most important materia for White Mages is Piety Materia VIII, adding piety status to the players. Piety status determines a healer’s mana regeneration can go, which can be crucial in high-end content, especially when the player is still progressing to it and still needs to do a lot of healing and raising dead allies.
After melding Piety for comfort, healers can then choose to meld Savage Aim Materia VIII to deal more damage in their critical hits, which can help with a boss’s enrage.
12. Scholar
A female Scholar with her fairy.
A Scholar is a healer who helps shield damage taken by their allies so they won’t take as much damage from raidwides and tank busters. They are accompanied and helped by their cute fairies.
Similar to White Mages, Scholars should first meld Piety Materia VIII for comfort. Piety is very important so that Scholars can keep their teammates alive and deal damage, as a Scholar with 0 MP is a Scholar that could not shield, heal, or damage the bosses.
After melding Piety, Scholars should meld QuickTongue Materia VIII to add Spell Speed stat for Scholar players. This allows them to cast faster spells, which means they can cast heals much faster and deal damage faster.
11. Astrologian
An Astrologian drawing their cards.
Astrologian is a healer that can choose between giving regens and shielding their allies, as well as giving buffs that can boost their allies’ damage.
Similar to the other two healers, Astrologian players would also need to meld Piety Materia VIII to their comfort so that they would be able to heal and damage comfortably.
After that, Astrologians may then meld some Quicktongue Materia VIII into their weapons and gear to be able to cast all spells faster, both be it damage or healings.
10. Monk
A Monk ready to punch their enemies.
Monks are one of the four melee DPS classes, and they may deal a lot of damage to the enemies, which may help in high-end raids, or even other battles and dungeons in general.
Monk players should meld Savage Aim Materia VIII into their gear, as this will increase their critical hit, allowing them to deal more damage when they deal critical damage to the bosses, which helps lower the Boss’ health even further.
Another materia that is also highly important for Monks are Heavens’ Eye Materia VIII, which will add direct hit stats into their characters. These stats will help Monks deal more Direct Hit attacks, which deal more damage than normal hits.
9. Dragoon
A Dragoon ready to bring their spear into battle.
A Dragoon’s most important materia is none other than Savage Aim Materia VIII, which they should meld to add more Critical Hit stats into their character. As critical hits can deal a lot of damage, melding Savage Aim Materia can ensure that each critical hit the player did can deal even more damage.
Another important materia for dragoons is Heavens’ Eye Materia VIII, which adds direct hit status to their characters. This status will help increase how many times they can deal direct hits, which deals more damage than normal hits.
In addition, Savage Might Materia VIII is also as important for dragoons as Heavens’ Eye Materias. This specific materia will add Determination stats to your dragoons, which will increase all offensive damage that a player can deal to the bosses.
As can be seen, all materias here serve a different purpose, and players might meld as necessary to deal even more devastating damage to the enemies.
8. Ninja
A Ninja ready to assassinate their targets with their daggers.
The most important meld for a Ninja is, undoubtedly, Savage Aim Materia VIII. This will allow a Ninja to deal more damage during their critical hit, this will help a player deal much, much more damage to the enemies, allowing them to clear contents and dungeons much faster.
The next, second most important materia is Heavens’ Eye Materia VIII, that will allow a Ninja to deal more direct hit rates, that deal more damage than just regular attacks, allowing them to be able to lower the enemies’ HP even faster.
Lastly, Ninja should meld determination materias, Savage Might Materia VIII, into the remaining spots in their gear and weapon. Determination will increase all damage dealt by Ninjas, so this is also an important meld for them.
7 Samurai
A Samurai honing the sharpness of their blade.
Samurai is the last melee DPS listed on this article, and is one of the most-often used classes lately for its high DPS and amazing skill showcase.
As of now, Samurai’s most important meld would be Quickarm Materia VIII, which will add skill speed status into their characters, allowing them to deal faster attacks and skills to the enemies. This will allow a Samurai to deal more damage, and do a faster damage rotation in high-end content.
Secondly, after melding Skill Speed based on how fast you want your Samurai to attack, a player should meld some Savage Aim Materia VIII to add Critical Hit stats to their Samurai, allowing their Samurai to deal much more damage in each of their critical attacks.
6. Bard
A Bard playing songs to boost their allies’ status and deal damage.
A Bard is a ranged DPS that will deal damage with their bows and arrows, and boost their allies’ status with their plethora of songs and buffs. However, Bards can still deal moderate damage if played correctly and use the optimal melds.
The most important meld for a Bard is Savage Aim Materia VIII, which will help increase a bard’s Critical Hit status, allowing them to deal much more damage when their skills and attacks crit on the enemies.
Next, Bards should also meld Heavens’ Eye Materia VIII into their gear and weapons, which will add some Direct Hit Rate status. This will help Bard players deal more direct hits, which can help deal more damage to the boss than just normal attacks.
With these two melds, a Bard is guaranteed to do more damage and help clear fights and contents much faster with their allies.
5. Machinist
A Machinist ready to shoot their enemies with their guns.
A Machinist is a job with the power to flame their enemies with their bullets, and for this reason, Machinists will need the right melds to deal more damage to the bosses.
A Machinist’s main meld is Savage Aim Materia VIII, which will add the Critical Hit status to Machinist players. This will help them deal more damage on their Critical Hits, which more damage than normal hits.
The second Materia that is very important for Machinists are Heavens’ Eye Materia VIII, which will add Direct Hit Rate status to their machinists, which will allow their hits to have a higher chance of getting Direct Hits, which will deal more damage compared to normal attacks.
Lastly, Machinists can also choose to meld Savage Might Materia VIII, which will add Determination stats to them, helping them deal more damage to all of their offensive attacks.
4. Dancer
A Dancer dancing their way with their chakrams through the enemies.
A Dancer is a battle job that can help boost their allies’ with their dances, mainly through their steps. They can also choose a Dance partner and boost their attacks significantly throughout the fight.
The most important meld for all Dancers are Savage Aim Materia VIII, which will allow them to deal much more damage during their critical hits on the enemies.
The second most important meld is Heavens’ Eye Materia VIII, allowing a dancer to deal more direct hit rates, which deals more damage than usual, normal attacks.
After melding both, Dancer players can then fill the remaining slots in their gear with Savage Might Materia VIII, increasing their determination and allowing them to deal more damage to the enemies.
3. Black Mage
A Black Mage casting explosive spells.
A Black Mage is a caster which will throw explosive spells to the enemies to defeat them, and they can deal the most damage among all the DPS in the party.
Black Mages has two different build sets, which are Spell Speed build and Critical build. Spell Speed build will allow Black Mages to fling spells faster, which will allow them to be able to move more flexibly.
For Black Mages who would want to build a Spell Speed build, Quicktongue Materia VIII is their chosen meld, as it will allow them to have quicker Spell Speed and allow them to fling spells faster.
On the other hand, Black Mages who would want to go for Critical Build will deal more critical damage to the boss, but the time needed to finish their spells would take a while, and would force Black Mages to stay in one spot for a longer time.
For players who want to go for this build, they could meld Savage Aim Materia VIII into their gear, making them deal a higher critical damage to the boss, allowing them to deal much more damage.
2. Summoner
A Summoner uses their arsenal of summons and spells to burn their enemies.
A Summoner is a job that uses their pets and summons in order to deal damage to the enemies. In order to deal more damage to the enemies, Summoner needs to meld the right materia into their equipment and gear.
Critical Hit is the most useful and important meld for a Summoner, as it will allow them to deal more damage during their critical damage to the enemies, which deals much more damage compared to their usual hits. For this, they can meld Savage Aim Materia VIII into their weapons or gears.
In addition, Summoner can also choose to meld Heavens’ Eye Materia VIII, which will add the Direct Hit Rate status to the players, allowing them to deal more direct hits to the enemies, which deals more damage compared to their normal ones.
1. Red Mage
A Red Mage ready to fling spells and sword skills onto their enemies.
The last job and caster featured in this article is Red Mage, a versatile caster with both spells and melee combos.
For Red Mages, similar to Summoners, the most important meld for them is Savage Aim Materia VIII, which will allow them to deal higher numbers on every critical hit they land on the enemies and bosses.
In addition, Red Mages can also meld Heavens’ Eye Materia VIII for them to be able to land more direct hits on the boss, which will allow them to deal a higher overall damage and can help much more with high-end content’s enrages and clears.
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