Tired of just sitting in front of a screen to play games?
Don’t get me wrong, the world of computer games are amazing, but sometimes you just want to play something that doesn’t involve a screen. If you’re like me and like RPGs with lots of adventure, large worlds and interesting characters most board games just can’t hold up interest for all that long. Here is where tabletop RPGs come in!
In these games one person takes the role of the gamemaster or dungeon master (GM/DM) while the others create a unique character for themselves according to the rules of the handbook. The GM then tells the story while it evolves, he or she controls all other elements apart from the player characters, who in turn react to what the GM throws their way.
Whether you’re looking for dungeon crawling and slaying monsters, complicated intrigues or just simply a new game to play, gather your friends and listen up! We have the list that will ensure that you and your friends are never bored again!
11. Dungeons and Dragons
Fight epic monsters and discover treasures with your friends
“I attack the orc with my sword!” the proud warrior exclaims.
“Roll for it.” The DM is already checking tables to find the result.
The whole table looks over at the dice the warrior has just rolled. It’s a 1.
“Sooo…” The DM grins. “What happens is this: As you rush forward towards the orc, a bat is awoken from its sleeping spot in the ceiling and it comes flying down, screeching angrily. You start swinging your sword around in an attempt to hit this dangerous beast but instead you manage to hit the mage. Mage, you take one d6 of damage.”
Dungeons and Dragons are one of the most famous tabletop RPGs there is. It’s been around since 1974 and have lured people into the wonderful world of roleplaying games ever since. There has been a lot of other games inspired by Dungeons and Dragons, in all genres, including PC games.
The game is set in a classic fantasy world with elves, orcs, trolls and dragons. The players play heroes that set out to fight monsters, discover treasures, unravel mysterious dungeons, or whatever your DM decides to throw your way!
The world of Dungeons and Dragons is vast, since its launch in the 70s there has been a lot of new versions and new material released, so there is a lot to explore here!
10. Dark Heresy
An action-filled RPG with everything you love from the Warhammer world
This tabletop RPG is set in the same universe as the popular game Warhammer 40,000 where you collect miniatures into armies and fight other people with them. In Dark Heresy you take your place into the vast universe as a single character. Will you survive in this dark place?
The universe of Dark Heresy is not a happy place, it is described as a dystopian future, where survival is your biggest challenge.
Dark Heresy is a great game if you love the Warhammer universe and want to explore it more freely. Because come on, who doesn’t want to tell their GM they want to paint their weapon red because it will make it faster, and they will actually have to agree to it?
9. Legend of the Five Rings
Feudal Japan and fantasy has always been a good match
The setting here is a mix of Asian influences, mostly feudal Japan. The world is used both for the roleplaying game and a trading card game and is very popular, with both games being very popular with players all over the world.
Being set in a fictional feudal Japan the game brings in lots of elements that the usual fantasy games lack. The makers have looked a lot into Asian mythology and completely made their own RPG game from this. This makes Legend of the Five Rings a truly unique RPG with a lot of unusual game mechanics!
I really like this game because of its different systems. The world is lethal and it is not advised to run screaming into a hoard of enemies, your character is not a hero in the same sense as in other games and the enemies will most likely just see your attack as a slight annoyance.
8. Champions
Champions is the perfect game for all those who have dreamt about being a superhero!
Superheroes have inspired and intrigued us even before the first comic books came out. How many of us didn’t pretend to have super powers when we were young, hunting villains and saving all those pesky civilians (which we made our best to forget we were part of in real life)?
In Champions we finally get our chance! Take the role as a superhero with your own powers and weaknesses while you get to control your whole world as you fight the villains who are out to destroy you! Of course, we won’t let them win, will we?
7. HeroQuest
Magic, swords, goblins, warriors! Here you have everything you love with fantasy RPGs
This is sort of a hybrid game actually. You play it as a tabletop RPG, but for help you have figures and maps of the dungeons as you explore them. If you like the classic dungeon crawling fighting games, this is right up your alley!
HeroQuest is the perfect game for the group with limited time. Most adventures can be played in just a short evening, making it perfect for one-shots and just to spend some time with your friends without having to learn a lot of complicated rules and have a game master who has to come up with a lot of complicated plots.
6. A Song of Ice and Fire
The world of Game of Thrones have taken the world with storm
The Song of Ice and Fire, and its series adaption Game of Thrones, has been the biggest fantasy experience for the last years. The books have sold in over 15 million exemplars and the series by HBO have won an astonishing amount of awards.
But now we don’t have to just read about it and watch it anymore! Thanks to the Song of Ice and Fire RPG we can now throw ourselves into the immersive world of Westeros and play our own characters as we fight our way to the power.
Here you get a chance to play out your favorite scenes of the books, or maybe you’d rather create a whole new story, doing what you think should have been done three books ago?
5. Mutant – Year Zero
The Mutant role playing games have been immensely popular with role players in Sweden since the 1980s. Since 2014 the newest installation in the series is also available in English!
The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic world destroyed by war. Everything we once knew is forgotten and a new world is rising from the ashes. This world is a strange one, with mutants and weird animal-hybrids.
In this game your main goal is to survive. The world is unforgiving and without a good mix of common sense, wit and luck that will make you wish you had some Felix Felicis, your character will soon become just a part of the dead landscape.
4. Vampire the Masquerade
Vampires have intrigued people for several hundred years, the 2000s is not different
Set in the world simply known as the World of Darkness, this game is one of many created by White Wolf. You play as a vampire in a world that is very similar to ours. The game is filled with action and intrigues and is great for letting you chose your own way through an adventure.
Some of my fondest roleplaying memories are from this game, which focuses so much on the individual characters. Here everyone matters and every choice drives the story forward.
The World of Darkness includes a vast number of different games, so if vampires are not your cup of tea, check out the other games in the series!
3. Shadowrun
How much you do you have to keep to still be you?
The world of Shadowrun takes place in a dark future with mega corporations owning the vast majority of the world. Genetic and technical modifications to people have made them into more than mere humans and technical advances have created what people used to call ‘magic’.
You play the individuals who are outside of the system, trying to take a stand against the corporations. You are the ones called Shadowrunners.
Shadowrun has sold several hundred thousand exemplars and has inspired books, games and more with their intriguing world!
2. Monsters and other childish things
What if the monster under your bed was actually your best friend?
This wonderful game is a mix between horror and humor. You play as children who are friends with monsters. Your mission is trying to get through the school day without your monster eating too many people.
Monsters and other childish things are the perfect mix between serious and silly, depending on your mood you can do whatever you want. Just remember, just because your monster doesn’t eat you doesn’t mean it won’t eat your friends!
1. Pathfinder
There is a reason fantasy is the most popular genre
Pathfinder is one of the best fantasy RPGs there is. Based on the system and mechanics of Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder takes all the good bits while replacing and upgrading the bits that are… not so good. All in all this makes for a wonderfully polished fantasy RPG!
The core book focuses on mechanics, character creation and how to play it, while leaving the creative bits to the players and GM. This makes Pathfinder a great system for whatever plot you want to play! Oh, and all you need is available on their website for free!
Freedom to do EXACTLY what you want
Tabletop RPGs might be one of the best way to spend time there is (and I’ve spent who knows how many hours with them), doing whatever you want with your best friends. While PC games, no matter how open the world, always have restrictions on what you can do, tabletop RPGs are only hindered by the GM and the players.
So why not pick up one of these games today and explore a brave new world?
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