If you are an animal lover, you are going to love this one. Assassin’s Creed Origins comes with a new feature in the franchise, and that is the new ability, Beast Master. This cool new feature allows you to tame animals. You can use wild animals as your companion in combat and hunting. Keep reading to find out which animals you can tame and how to do it.
Beast Master
To unlock this taming ability, you will have to upgrade all previous abilities on the skill tree path. This ability you will be able to upgrade around level 17 and requires 3 ability points. To be able to use this ability, you will previously have to upgrade Sleeping Darts ability.
First, you will equip Sleeping Darts and hit the animal you wish to tame. While they are asleep, approach the animal and hold the displayed button (Depending on which console you play).
You won’t be able to knock out enemies that are higher level than you. So make sure that you are higher level than an animal you want to tame.
This will wake up the unconscious animal, give them full health and they will immediately start to fight against the enemies. You don’t have to use them only against soldiers, but can be used against other animals. They are also able to knock soldiers down from their mounts.
Animals will come in quite handy while fighting bosses and bounty hunters that are higher level than you. You can use them to draw attention and hit the enemy without having to dodge their attacks.
Using only sleeping darts will also be helpful against tougher enemies. You will be able to knock them out multiple times and perform the assassination, dealing big amounts of damage
You will use the same process for taming any animal you want. You should tame different kinds of animals to find out which one works best for you. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to tame multiple enemies. It would be cool to make your animal army, but that would just make you too strong.
In ancient Egypt, you will come across various animals that you can use in fights. You can even tame cats and dogs. To tame them, you won’t need any abilities, just to pet them and they will start following you around. Animals like rats and birds you won’t be able to tame. Snakes are also unable to be tamed, and will instantly die after getting hit by a sleeping dart.
Taming animals will also be very useful while sneaking into enemy bases. You will be able to find caged wild animals in large fortresses. You can sneak up to the cage, tame an animal and break the cage open. Then the animal will attack the soldiers while you can focus on your objective.
Animals that you can tame:
- Lions
They can be found in southern Egypt. They are located in the grassy savanna areas, and it won’t be really hard to find one. You will also be able to find them north of Letopolis. Some lions are caged up in large enemy bases, but looking for a one in the wild is your best option.
- Crocodiles
You will encounter a lot of crocodiles in the game. They are very easy to find. They are mostly located in shallow and muddy waters. You can also find them on islands and oases around the map. Lake Mareotis and Crocodilopolis are two locations where you will run into a croc.
- Hippos
Hippos are mostly located in the same locations as crocodiles, shallow and muddy waters. Most of the rivers will be filled with these huge animals. But be careful, they are among the strongest animals in the game and can kill you easily.
- Oxen
Oxen you will be able to find across the villages. You can tame them like any other animal, but you won’t be able to tame one that is pulling a cart. They will just go to sleep and you will have to wait until it wakes up to be able to ride a cart.
- Hyenas
Hyenas appear all across the desert of Egypt. Regular ones are portrayed as so-called spotted hyenas, while alphas appear as striped hyenas. They almost always moving in packs, so be ready for a fight.You may also be interested in:
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