Tomes are magical boons chosen in Age of Wonders V. From spawning ghouls to driving people mad. We’re going to show you which ones are worth picking. Age of Wonders V is a 4X game released by Paradox on May 2, 2023. It’s really a great addition to the strategy genre. It has a ton of choices, so let’s figure out which choices are for you.
Building in the snow is not recommended for fire elementals.
Tier 1
Tier 1 tomes are commonly looked over for being weak. But a good Tier 1 tome can set you on the path to success.
Remember to pick tomes with affinities you’re looking to use later down the line. Tier III tomes and above require affinity points in their categories. Ex. 3 points in the Nature affinity for a Tier III tome in the nature category.
Tome of Roots
- This is an obvious pick for any aspiring tree hugger. With buffed weapons and low cost spawns its a no brainer. Oh and if that wasn’t enough, you can use vine prison on your friends.
Tome of Cryomancy
- You’re probably thinking this is a strange pick but frozen is no joke. All your weapons can freeze your enemies. And you get a dedicated freeze spell to disrupt any adversary’s.
- Great early game start with cannon fodder and the necromancer unit. You can spawn zombies that explode. Also you can take your friends' dead units and fight them with it.
Tier 2
This is how it feels when your friend uses vine prison on you 3 times in a row.
Tier 2 is where spells start getting spicy. The abilities you’re wielding are going to either optimize your playstyle. Or set you back.
Tier 2 is the time to make decisions on whether you want to specialize in 2 Affinities. Or go all in on one. Up to you.
Tome of Mayhem
- This one is a ton of fun. You can mark enemies with misfortune which makes them miss alot! Top tier pick for annoying your friends.
Tome of Revelry
- Sticking with the chaos affinity, tome of Revelry is for that sweet damage. Also a wonderful Morale booster for your team. Routing is worse than retreat in this game, this is a good way to avoid it.
Tome of Summoning
- Like to spawn little guys to destroy the enemy? This ones a great pick if you’re already specced for summoning. Gives a Boost to your summons defense and offense.
Tier 3
I don’t think she’s here for peace.
This Tier is more for optimizing your winning strategy. Whether a chaos gremlin or studious wizard. These tomes are going to lock in your way to the top.
Think heavily on what kind of enchantments your units already have. Think about possible areas they’re weak in and buff them. Or just go all in on one skill, that’s cool too.
Tome of Teleportation
- If you're already invested in the astral affinity this is a great pick. Allows your casters and units more escape options. Also rewards you with gold for building astral trade relays.
Tome of Pandemonium
- Chaotic options of destroying other empires from afar? Yes please, incite revolts, spawn enemy camps on their borders. Also summon a chaos eater that thrives on negative status effects.
Tome of Terramancy
- This one is a bit of a selfish pick, but crushing earth is insane. Having a 60% chance of killing a unit instantly is great. Also removing mountains is both sick and strategic.
Tier IV
Only Age of Wonders players understand how much dopamine this scene creates.
If you’ve made it all the way to Tier VI buckle up. The game has probably been ramping up in intensity and you’re nearing the finish line. Let’s make sure to round out your playstyle.
This is not the time to spec into other affinity’s. Lock in your favorite and go. Because the next Tier is going to require harmony for success.
Tome of the Astral Mirror
- A full magic builds, dream. Able to reflect other magic attacks at enemy armies. Also allows your ruler to defend the city even when they’re away.
Tome of Paradise
- Enemies sapping your resources? Struggling economy? Well not anymore with this blessed tome built purely for making your empire thrive.
Tome of Oblivion
- This tome is for insanity builds more than anything. Drive the enemy armies mad for even pressing your city. Or just spawn a devouring void, whatever works.
Tier V
Unlocking the Tier V tome will have you feeling like this guy.
We’ve made it to the holy grail of magic casting. Tier V is your final book. This tome decides the fate of your empire.
Keep in mind that most other people will have tier V as well. Make sure to consider who you’re nuking with spells. Because certain tomes negate others.
Tome of the Chaos Lord
- Simply put this is how you finish out a conquest playthrough. Spawn a balor in an enemies capitol. Also keep your ruler safe by spawning a clone of him into battle instead of them.
Tome of the Creator
- I’d love to make this one 1, but I can’t. Undying basically gives your armies an extra life which is great. Also summoning an earth titan is the coolest thing ever.
Tome of the Eternal Lord
- This tome is great for survivability. Able to respawn, and spawn in zombies with enemy corpses. Oh also 30% chance of killing enemies after a certain number of turns with “marked for death.”