Siege has three basic game modes and occasional seasonal game modes that are somewhat different from regular quick play. They have other objectives. This will not be in the order of the best game mode to the worst, it will be a list of all of the game modes that Siege has to offer.
5. Custom Multiplayer
You can grab some friends and play however many matches the host sets it to. You have a range of any of the objectives that you would want to do as well. The objectives are secure area, hostage, bomb, and team deathmatch. You can make it a 1v1, 5v5, or 1v5. You don’t need a full team to be able to do this game mode. You can have up to a total of 10 people on a server, 5 people on each side.
How Custom Multiplayer works:First, each player will choose their operator.
Next, if they are on the attacking team they will be able to use a drone to find the defenders.
Then, you will have 5 seconds to change your attacker if you want to.
4.Quick Play (PVP)
This game mode consists of three different objectives that you could get in a match. The objectives are secure area, bomb, and hostage. You can pick and choose what objectives you would want in your rotation. You will have a total of three minutes to try to win each round. Over time, quick play has become very competitive. Players have become completely try-hard. Also, every season there will be a set of maps that is in rotation and some that are not in rotation. You need to have up to a total of 10 people on a server, 5 people on each side to start a match.
How Quick Play works:First, each player will choose their operator.
Next, if they are on the attacking team they will be able to use a drone to find the defenders.
Then, you will have 5 seconds to change your attacker if you want to.
Essentially you will have to,
Either kill everyone on the other team, or win it 3 times.
Complete one objective during the match, or win 3 matches.
Defenders need to survive for three minutes for them to win.
3. Unranked
How Unranked works:
Each team will take turns banning an operator from the match.
Then they will be able to pick a map that they want to play on.
You either kill everyone on the other team, win it 4 times.
Complete one objective during the match, or win 4 matches.
Defenders need to survive for three minutes for them to win.
2. Ranked
In ranked you will be either penalized or rewarded whether you win or lose the match. Each player must be a level 10 or higher to play the game mode. This game mode is one of the more serious game modes and used to be able to vote players out of the game. Also, it is easier to get banned during this game mode. This game mode does have a ranking system with copper being the lowest and champion being the highest rank. The objectives are secure area, bomb, and hostage. You need to have up to a total of 10 people on a server, 5 people on each side to start a match.
How Ranked works:
Each team will take turns banning an operator from the match.
Then they will be able to pick a map that they want to play on.
You either kill everyone on the other team, win it 4 times.
Complete one objective during the match, or win 4 matches.
Defenders need to survive for three minutes for them to win.
1. Terrorist Hunt
Terrorist Hunt, you can play completely alone or with a team. You are going against an NPC and you can choose the level of the round. You can pick normal, hardcore, and realistic. Each level of difficulty has huge differences within each of them. If you choose realistic, the NPC will be everyone, meaning that they will be running outside or in almost every round. They are also much stronger in this difficulty. Also, there are a lot of bombs lying around no matter what difficulty you choose. The objectives are Terrorist Hunt Classic, Hostage Extraction, Protect Hostage, and Disarm Bombs.
How Terrorist Hunt works:
Pick an operator.
Complete the round by surviving it or completing the objective.