ADS sensitivity is the Aim Down Sight for weapons that players will use. Adjusting the sensitivity will affect the mouse movement on the screen, which will respond accordingly to the aim-down sights. The importance of the setting is for players to ai.m accurately at their own pace and sensitivity. Adjusting the ADS should also cooperate with players' DPI mouse settings outside of the game. The option is available to every first-person shooter, where you can change your ADS sensitivity per zoom.
3. Matching Hipfire and ADS 1x Optic/Iron Sights to 1.3
ADS Sensitivity details:
- 1.3 sensitivity for ADS or Hipfire will give players the same rotation.
- The same sensitivity will let players play freely without being slowed down.
- ADS for 1x Optic and Iron Sights will be easy for players once they pick up a weapon off the drop.
- Players may change each visual sensitivity to suit their hipfire but may involve converting mouse sensitivity: mousesensitivity.com
2. Lowering ADS sensitivity for all Optics 0.8 or 0.9
Players may like to use their mouse on super-high sensitivity, but the default ADS setting may be too fast. Lowering the ADS sensitivity will improve a steadier aim for high-sensitivity players. The first three sights in the settings 1x Optic/Iron Sights, 2x Optic, and 3x Optic, including close to medium range sights, will be a 0.8 sensitivity. The last four ADS sensitivity, long-range sights such as 4x Optic, 6x Optic, 8x Optic, and 10x Optic, will be set to a 0.9 sensitivity. Long-range optics and snipers will be higher to hit flick shots and will not be too slow. Of course, players who typically use low sensitivity may bump these settings up slightly to benefit them.
ADS Sensitivity details:
- 0.8 and 0.9 ADS Optic settings will help high sensitivity players have a steady aim.
- The sensitivity has a balance between short, medium, and long-range sights.
- Players may increase or decrease the sensitivity for their comfort regarding their DPI settings.
- While trying a lower sensitivity for high sensitivity players may seem skeptical, practicing 0.8 and 0.9 will help become better and hit more shots.
1. Pure Sensitivity & Field of View for All ADS to Match the Hipfire
Players will maybe want to have the same sensitivity in their scopes. There will be a consistent sensitivity across all scopes; finding each pure sensitivity through each optic will be through data mining. Going into the Apex Legends files will help find the exact modifies for all optics. Every optic in the game has a FOV, field of view, modifier, and sensitivity modifier. To get pure sensitivity, you must reverse the values of those modifiers, each zoom level. However, adjusting the numbers may come out too high in-game due to the forced FOV change. Adjusting the sensitivity, you must remove the additional sensitivity modifiers that were previously discussed.
Pure Sensitivity (matches ADS sense to hipfire):
- 1x Optic/Iron Sights: 1.6
- 2x Optic: 2.77
- 3x Optic: 4.05
- 4x Optic: 4.79
- 6x Optic 5.80
- 8x Optic: 6.80
- 10x Optic: 7.81
High Accuracy (removes sensitivity impact for FOV Change):
- 1x Optic/Iron Sights: 1.6
- 2x Optic: 1.77
- 3x Optic: 2.05
- 4x Optic: 1.79
- 6x Optic 1.80
- 8x Optic: 1.80
- 10x Optic: 1.81
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