Ash alone looks scary, but some of her skin does her some justice. All of her skin fits her personality and how she behaves. Some of the skin names fit how she is. When Ash was first introduced she came out with the map Storm point and her skin fits with that map.
10. Endless Labyrinth (Okay)
This skin brings out the creepiness in Ash’s face. Even though this skin doesn’t look nearly as cool as her other skin. This skin came out during season 11 and it came with a bundle pack. When a bundle pack is in the item shop you can’t use your crafting materials to get the skin. This skin was the next best thing when it was out.
How To Get Endless Labyrinth:
- Starter Pack for $4.99
See Endless Labyrinth in action:
9. Modern Primitive (Okay)
This is a season 12 skin and you could’ve acquired this skin with the battle pass at the time. The name for this skin really fits for the map. You should use this skin to blend in on the map if you wanted to. This skin didn’t change anything on her face, it changed the color of her clothes.
How To Get Modern Primitive:
- Season 12 level 1 skin.
See Modern Primitive in action:
8. Ash Launch (Cool)
This skin was released during the season 11 bundle. If you were to get this skin it comes with cosmetics for your weapons. This skin is extra shiny and can make you kind of hard to see on the brighter maps. This skin makes her look the same, but you can see more details on her with the skin.
How To Get Ash Launch:
- 3,000 Apex coins
See Ash Launch in action:
7. Venom Blade (Cool)
This skin is exclusive and it came out for people who have Prime gaming. If you didn’t have prime gaming at the time then you probably missed out on this opportunity. This skin is still cool to look at. This is in a bundle pack so you would’ve gotten a new banner and weapon skin with it.
How To Get Venom Blade:
- Prime Gaming
See Venom Blade in action:
6. Burning Chrome (Awesome)
This skin was released during the Anniversary collection event in 2022. It is an epic skin as well so you still have a semi-chance of getting it eventually. This skin looks the same to some of the others due to the shininess. They just added some more colors on top of the shiny.
How To Get Burning Chrome:
- Have 1,000 Apex coins.
- 800 Crafting materials.
See Burning Chrome in action:
5. Existential Threat (Awesome)
This is a legendary skin that came out during season 13. They did something different with this skin because it doesn’t look shiny, but it is more metallic-looking. This skin fits her so well due to her personality. She looks more like a robot and a bug mixed into one.
How To Get Existential Threat:
- Have 1,800 Apex coins
- 2,400 crafting materials
See Existential Threat in action:
4. Denzin Of The Deep (Awesome)
Shwe looks like an evil robot with this skin. This is a legendary skin and it was released during the Dark Depths event. Therefore, you still have a chance of receiving this skin if you have enough materials or coins. This skin makes her look like she belongs on the Storm point map with all of the critters on it.
How To Get Denzin Of The Deep:
- 1,800 Apex coins
- 2,400 crafting materials
See Denzin Of The Deep in action:
3. Deep Sea Dragon (Amazing)
This skin came out during season 11. It is very fitting for the map that she came out with since it has a lot of water on it. This is an epic skin and it is available in the item shop still under Ash’s skin. If you main Ash you should get this skin. This skin matches well on Storm Point.
How To Get Deep Sea Dragon:
- 1,000 Apex coins
- 800 crafting materials
See Deep Sea Dragon in action:
2. Synthetic Huntress (Amazing )
This skin is truly amazing and it fits Ash’s creepy nature. This is a legendary skin and it is still obtainable. If you main Ash this is one of the skins that you should have. Even though it is shiny like her other skins, this is one of the few that truly looks amazing. It goes with her personality and everything. It will work well on any map.
How To Get Synthetic Huntress:
- 1,800 Apex coins
- 2,400 crafting materials
See Synthetic Huntress in action:
1. Fallen Angel (Legendary)
This is the best Ash skin that they have ever released. This skin can be crafted through the legend menu. This skin was also available during Ash’s starter bundle. This skin takes the number 1 spot due to her backstory and how well this skin looks. The name fits with her so well because she did become really evil.
How To Get Fallen Angel:
- 1,800 Apex coins
See Fallen Angel in action: